A simple question


Registered Member
One doubt that I have : why aren't the homosexuals considered sick and which are the arguments against such a position? If one considers himself Napoleon, they won't start defending the rights of napoleons on the face of the earth. If one is a schyzophrenic, one will be treated for that. Why homosexuals are treated different (other than there seems to exist an increasing majority sharing that anomaly)? What gives them the right to even claim a different treatment? I might be a lonely voice here, but I guess we shouldn't interfere with psychiatry... when only psichiatry has the answer.

I mean.. come on... same sex marriage, rights of minorities, etc. Folks, he is not black or white... he suffers profoundly... lock and then cure him...
rbruma said:
One doubt that I have : why aren't the homosexuals considered sick and which are the arguments against such a position?

Interesting question, of a sort. As old as it is, we don't visit it except peripherally.

The general answer is that homosexuality doesn't meet the criteria of a mental illness. At least, not in the United States:

In December 1973, the American Psychiatric Association's Board of Trustees deleted homosexuality from its official nomenclature of mental disorders, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Second Edition (DSMII). The action was taken following a review of the scientific literature and consultation with experts in the field. For a mental condition to be considered a psychiatric disorder, it should either regularly cause emotional distress or regularly be associated with clinically significant impairment of social functioning. These experts found that homosexuality does not meet these criteria.

The Board recognized that a significant portion of gay and lesbian people were clearly satisfied with their sexual orientation and showed no signs of psychopathology. It was also found that homosexuals were able to function effectively in society, and those who sought treatment most often did so for reasons other than their homosexuality.

When the DSMIII was published in 1980 homosexuality was not included although "ego dystonic homosexuality" was recognized as a category for people "whose sexual interests are directed primarily toward people of the same sex and who are either disturbed by, in conflict with, or wish to change their sexual orientation."

When the DSMIII was revised in 1987, "ego dystonic homosexuality" was deleted as a separate diagnostic entity because "In the United States, almost all people who are homosexual first go through a phase in which their homosexuality is ego dystonic." (DSMIIIR)

American Psychiatric Association

In other words, the prior, unsubstantiated presumption of homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder fell apart under scrutiny.

If one considers himself Napoleon, they won't start defending the rights of napoleons on the face of the earth.

That's a rather disconnected analogy, isn't it? I mean, what rights would a Napoleon claim?

If one is a schyzophrenic, one will be treated for that. Why homosexuals are treated different (other than there seems to exist an increasing majority sharing that anomaly)?

See APA note above.

What gives them the right to even claim a different treatment?

On the one hand is the word treatment. Does it mean public regard, as in how one is treated by their peers and contemporaries? Or does it refer to medical and psychiatric treatment? In either case, the severe difference between schizophrenia and even ego dystonic homosexuality speaks clearly against classifying the two human conditions as similar beyond the most general terms: some people are schizophrenic; some people are gay; some people like jazzercise. Not everything statistically unusual is a mental disorder. Flaming buggery and jazzercise are merely annoying at worst; schizophrenia is statistically dangerous. Whether in the medical or public regard, the two human conditions are so different that I'm given to wonder on what criteria the question is founded.

I might be a lonely voice here, but I guess we shouldn't interfere with psychiatry... when only psichiatry has the answer.

Hopefully, then, the above citation from the APA suffices as either an answer or a starting point.

I mean.. come on... same sex marriage, rights of minorities, etc. Folks, he is not black or white... he suffers profoundly... lock and then cure him...

Medication or electroshock? Perhaps invasive surgery? Spanking? Oh, wait ....

What's the plan?

Of course, what are we even curing?


American Psychiatric Association. "Gay and Lesbian Issues". January, 1996. See http://www.psych.org/public_info/homose~1.cfm
Thank you for a comprehensive explanation, <b>tiassa</b>. I am not very convinced that there's a real difference between homosexuality and other mental illnesses and the fact that ego dystonic homosexuality was deleted as a separate disease following the fact that it was previously stated that homosexuality is not a mental illness makes me suspicious. APA gave a definition and then, following that definition, they concluded homosexuality is not comprised within. This is nonsense, unless real arguments are given for that definition. In the same way, a triangle can have more or less than 180 degrees, depending on the axioms and definitions you use to build your geometry. While OK in mathematics, the same approach used in medicine seems a bit forced, at least to me.

Anyway, many reasons like the one you mentioned can be coined to support the view that necrophilia is equally normal and acceptable. Come on, you will say, this is too much... The same was thought, however, about homosexuality not so many years ago.

I fail yet to find one convincing reason to differentiate psychotic or neurologic disorders and homosexuality. My ignorance could be one cause. Another could be as well that there's none.
you do know that homosexuality is caused by a chemical imbalance of an estrogen to testosterone ratio, one in which estrogen, a dominant female hormone, outnumbers and imbalances the testosterone ,a dominant male hormone.
rbruma said:

Anyway, many reasons like the one you mentioned can be coined to support the view that necrophilia is equally normal and acceptable. Come on, you will say, this is too much... The same was thought, however, about homosexuality not so many years ago.

Actually, it's not so much, "Come on, this is too much." In the fifteen years I've heard homosexuality compared to necrophilia, among others, the one question never satisfactorily answered is where a certain idea enters the equation and how it influences the outcome: consent.

Necrophilia isn't sex. It's really complex masturbation. Aside from the fact the object is a corpse, it's no different than humping up on an apple pie or the sofa cushions. A dead animal or person cannot give proper consent to sexual intercourse. (On that note, if you include as some gonzo provision in your will that willing mourners are supposed to have sex with your corpse, I won't stand in the way. However, society ought to object if you make it a prerequisite of inheritance.)

I fail yet to find one convincing reason to differentiate psychotic or neurologic disorders and homosexuality.

Well, a significant portion of the difference is noted in the APA material: "For a mental condition to be considered a psychiatric disorder, it should either regularly cause emotional distress or regularly be associated with clinically significant impairment of social functioning."

Even considering ego dystonia, the emotional distress and impairment of social function associated with homosexuality cannot be shown to originate with homosexuality itself. Additionally, the APA notes that there is no documented effective reparative therapy, and a lack of evidence suggesting such therapy is even possible. The problem is simply expressed: "Clinical experience suggests that any person who seeks conversion therapy may be doing so because of social bias that has resulted in internalized homophobia, and that gay men and lesbians who have accepted their sexual orientation positively are better adjusted than those who have not done so." In December, 1992, calling for a repeal of the criminalization of homosexuality, the APA noted, "Whereas homosexuality per se implies no impairment in judgement, stability, reliability, or general social or vocational capabilities ...."

This repeating theme makes all the difference in the world. The same phrase comes up as early as 1973, when the AP considered homosexuality and civil rights.

• • •​

Ironically, I've encountered this issue recently, peripherally, in the gay debate. It's almost, but not quite a footnote. In a long-running topic, a poster offered a study in support of the traditionalist position. This is in itself notable, since that rarely happens. I took issue with the report, and among the points of contention was the following:

Look there at that third paragraph, "This type of behavior ...."

First of all, the two exclamation points are exceptionally unscientific. Secondly, the phrase, "And women are not raping them," is phrased for political impact, not scientific communication. MOre substantially, however, Baldwin has misrepresented the APA in order to sound the alarm:

The new definition defines sex with children as a psychological disorder only if it causes "clinically significant distress" for the molester! Under that definition, most molesters are perfectly normal people! A June 17, 2003 press release from the APA reads:

The American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,

Fourth Edition Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria for Pedophilia (302.2) are:
A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger);

B. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty;

C. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.​

American Psychiatric Association

Baldwin, strangely, opts for a more restricted definition of pedophilia. As it is, the criteria includes people who never lay a sexual finger on a child. Part A establishes both behavior and period; Part B establishes the psychological stake of action or internal conflict; Part C defines the relationship between pedophile and target.

Part B is the important part, as that's what Baldwin throws an exclamation point or two for. On the one hand, we have the active predator, one who has acted on the pedophiliac urge. To the other, we have the tormented soul, one who may eventually seek to act. It is this latter part of the criterion with which Baldwin takes issue. Should we construe him as opposing pre-assault intervention in what could be a manageable psychological distress? Should we construe him as saying we ought to wait until the tormented soul decides to act and takes a victim?​

(Click for post, topic.)

It strikes me as ironic because, while you do so differently, you are, in fact, overlooking the significance of internal distress (e.g. "regularly cause emotional distress or regularly be associated with clinically significant impairment of social functioning", "impairment in judgement, stability, reliability, or general social or vocational capabilities"). This is a very important factor to keep in mind. Mr. Baldwin's mistake led him to a possibly-embarrassing position. In your case, I would merely assert that what you're overlooking is perhaps the resolution to your confusion. After all, lots of people would think Christianity a mental disorder, but it's rather hard to assert the social dysfunction of a prevailing paradigm because people socialize well enough for the most part, and those that don't stand out for their dysfunction.
Odin'Izm said:
so all boys going through bone growth are gay?
no, you. if a man is born with a large estrogen to testostorone ratio, he will act like a female, ahving a dominant female hormone well...dominant. its not a choice, even though christians seem to think it is.
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"Necrophilia isn't sex", you say. "It's really complex masturbation". That means you have a definition of sex that I don't know. When preparing that definition to go public, take care to do it so that it includes same-sex intercourse. Otherwise, you'll be on the wrong side of the barricade. In other words, do the same as APA did. Do not try to define it as "ocurring between consenting individuals of opposite sex". That would affect the rights of minorities. Try not to include that they should be living and not merely corpses, and you'll be a forefather.

Don't get me wrong, but there's no medical explanation of defining an anomaly different than all the others. You seem to think that schizophrenia problem is extremely remote. Of course it is a very different thing. But all the psychotic disorders are "very different" things. What I tried to point out (my examples are bad, I realize that, but if somebody has the right to be gay I have the right to be stupid :) is
that, from a social point of view, one who thinks he is napoleon, or one who has a distorted personality, is regarded upon with pity. However, not the same with homosexuals. They, automagically, are not handicapped in any respect. They are, in some sort, different than the rest of us. They are "the 3rd sex". There rights should be, somehow, protected. I don't see the reason.

Again, don't get me wrong. I'm not talking of things completely unrelated to sexual orientations, like the right to vote, for example. This is entirely out of question. But you are talking about marriage, having kids, etc. Maybe I'm getting increasingly older, but this is not the world I was born into.

And, what seems a real pity (and much more than my ignorance), is that no one good reason is given for that different treatment other that a political pressure. We all know (let's face it, since we stopped being children a long time ago) that marijuana is not a drug. Since it is assumed that we are a bit older than being fooled by high school stories, and more or less we know women, so we can talk about prostitution, we know drugs and alcohol, so we can talk about their abuse, in the same way we can talk about gay legitimacy... I don't find such a thing.
I have a hard time seeing how homosexuals can be considered mentally ill. Their behavior is identical to that of heterosexuals, for the most part. What you said about them being the 3rd sex makes sense; men and women don't behave in the same manner, and likewise homosexuals behave in a unique manner. But homosexuals don't deviate from from male/female behavior, they just exhibit more or less of these behaviors than their bodies were designed for. (this might be a little flawed, but you get my point) These characteristics don't prevent them from successfully existing in a society of men and women, unless there is prejudice.

The primary difference in homosexual behavior is in the act of sex itself, which deviates from human evolutional behavior. But so do many of the things people do today. Unless you see this act as some sort of manifestation of sickness, I can't grasp how they can be thought mentally ill.

I may be missing a big piece of the picture somewhere, and not really understand your argument.

Rbruma, it seems that a third of the time I don't know what the hell you're talking about. To me, you seem to constantly make analogies or references that are completely senseless, but it's probably just my lack of understanding.
For a mental condition to be considered a psychiatric disorder, it should either regularly cause emotional distress or regularly be associated with clinically significant impairment of social functioning. These experts found that homosexuality does not meet these criteria.

Which is why we can not treat a person for possessing a religous faith.
rbruma said:

"Necrophilia isn't sex", you say. "It's really complex masturbation". That means you have a definition of sex that I don't know. When preparing that definition to go public, take care to do it so that it includes same-sex intercourse. Otherwise, you'll be on the wrong side of the barricade. In other words, do the same as APA did. Do not try to define it as "ocurring between consenting individuals of opposite sex". That would affect the rights of minorities. Try not to include that they should be living and not merely corpses, and you'll be a forefather.

In the intervening week, I have given the issue considerable thought, and there's not really an elegant way of explaining it.

Have you ever heard of a "pocket-pussy"? That's all necrophilia is: the employment of a specific aid in masturbation. (I've heard jokes about rigor mortis and the penis, but I've never made a point of discovering the truth; nonetheless, dildos work as well. If a woman masturbates vaginally, has she really had sex?)

Necrophilia is a paraphilia, and while paraphilia does include sexual intercourse, nobody seriously pretends the infamous apple pie scene in American Pie was sexual intercourse. I don't see why masturbating over or engaging a corpse in sexual acts counts as sexual intercourse.

She fumbles and stumbles
And falls down the stairs,
Makes love to the leg of the dining room chair.
She's ready for animals, women or men.

She's doin' quaaludes again.​

Shel Silverstein
I don't see why masturbating over or engaging a corpse in sexual acts counts as sexual intercourse.

If you really want to consider necrophilia to not be sexual intercourse, you could probably find a way to justify it. But comparing a person's body to a didlo won't cut it. What are prostitues? They're certainly alive, and men engage in sexual intercourse with them, but solely for the purpose of using their bodies to satisfy themselves. Thus men objectify them; generally there's no emotional or even social (except arranging the business beforehand) connection there.
So it doesn't matter if it's a corpse or not. It's still intercourse (i.e., penis in the vagina or wherever intercourse).
You're comparing a prostitute to a corpse?

I do acknowledge the theoretic nature of your consideration, but I have to pass on any real response: Andrea Dworkin gets a free pass for the next little while.
well, lets look at it:
both a corpse and a Ho are usually soulless, skinny beings that have basically no life.
i think they're close enough to be compared.
Hapsburg said:
well, lets look at it: both a corpse and a Ho are usually soulless, skinny beings that have basically no life. i think they're close enough to be compared.

Don't know many whores, do you?

Some of the nicest women I've ever known have been whores ...and I've lived a long life and known a few women. (And, no, not just 'cause they put out!!)

Baron Max
Hapsburg said:

well, lets look at it:
both a corpse and a Ho are usually soulless, skinny beings that have basically no life.
i think they're close enough to be compared.

That's sort of how Gary Ridgway felt about it.