A simple illustration of some ethical views


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
A politically minded friend of mine sent me a link to this little flash cartoon today:


It's titled "The Philosophy of Freedom" and I think that it illustrates some ideas that are common to Objectivism Libertarianism and a free market economy, such as property rights, mutual consent, and things like that. It displays them in a very visual and easy to understand way which I find to be quite charming, and believe it would be an excellent resource for those of you who tend to be visual learners.

Also it shows that FLASH is a program that is about more than just fighting stick figures, and I'm always glad for that. I highly recommend giving this a look, especially if you're one of them socialists or collectivists who can't understand the importance of property rights and preaches about social obligations.

Edit: The animation is just a little over one meg, so it should load up in just a few moments, even on a 56k connection, so don't be shy about downloading it.
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Re: Link?

Originally posted by coolsoldier
That link doesn't go to a flash cartoon for me...

Ahh thanks for pointing that out. I pasted the wrong URL for some reason, that was a page that I was viewing later. . . I'm not sure how I mixed it up I dont' remember copying that URL.

Anyway I changed the link in the main post so that it leads to the correct place, sorry for the mix up.
I think the only philosophical question that now faces us is, what manner of fine hat sould our presedent be required to wear to denote his station of leadership? ... oh yeah and why we let him do that whole war where he stole the oil and everything.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic

It was a documentry from ABC on racism. A third grade teacer tries a racism experiment on her class. It was pretty cool.
Originally posted by sargentlard
It was a documentry from ABC on racism. A third grade teacer tries a racism experiment on her class. It was pretty cool.

Yeah yeah, same video they show in every Psychology 101 or subsequent social psychology class in any university anywhere, teacher takes her 3rd grade students and teaches them to discriminate against each other based on the color of their eyes. Good for another thread probably if anyone wants to start it.
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