A shell of stopped time


Registered Senior Member
If you had a device that could generate a shell of stopped-time, with you inside it. What would be it's properties?

Here's my ideas. First, from the outside it would be completely frictionless (I'm thinking it's a sphere), completly mirrored as all energy would be reflected (nothing can penetrate where time doesn't flow?) and gravity would be iffy, can gravitons pierce a shell of no-time? Inside there would be little to no gravity and outside... I don't know. Would it have mass? Rather, would it's mass be able to affect the outside world?

I'm just exploring the idea so I'd like some input to see if I've missed anything. It's just a thought experiment so I know it's not possible, but if it was, what would happen?
your post made me think of this:

remember how the terminator comes into the past, he arrives in a Sphere that is created. (part III has a good effect on this)

now, compare that to the "Big Bang" theory, perhaps a relation ?

in other words, a small sphere begins to develop with its OWN time, and it grows with whatever power is powering it. this sphere is being created at some destination, perhaps in the past, future, or somewhere else (physically) in the present.

perhaps the sphere will contain NO-TIME, or more likely, ITS OWN TIME.
if the sphere develops big enough, where a critical mass is hit, it BURST, and whatever was inside of it is released into its surrounding area (destination)

perhaps the encapsulated TIME causes some effects when the sphere burst, or when the 'time bubble' is deactivated, causing some wierd anomalies.

thats why its a tricky, iffy, subject.


think of this:

the shell you speak of would be related to how a contraption for time travel (or regular teleportation) would work:
a) you encapsulate a sphere of Time (and Space) with perhaps a person.
b) once ready, the ideal procedure would be to somehow Duplicate or Transfer (Swap) this Sphere with an EQUAL amount of Time (and Space) at another location.
---perhaps the two spheres would have to switch off, meaning that comes here if this goes there. (for the time being)
c) the original sphere is now in its destination, but still frozen in stopped time, until
d) the sphere burst, or is deactivated, releasing the person (and the time+space he was in) into the destination. at this moment the destination's sphere (which is at the original location of original sphere) will probably be released as well.
---it is ideal to plot your destination in an empty, remote, location- so as to not effect anything dramatically.
---it should be further noted that a spaceship would be an ideal machine to incorporate this form of time travel (teleportation) for the single fact that a spaceship may teleport to empty space above their destination (usually a planet, right?) and then descend upon their true destination. see how it makes it fail-safe ?
(yet still there are reprocussions even when the utmost caution is taken)


take care
Actually, the concept is for a story a friend and I are developing. We've determined that the sphere must be a shell of "no-time" or "stopped-time" but encapsulates a bubble of "slow-time" inside, with the passenger. The machine works through some element being inserted into a machine, the nuclear reactions take place at that point generate the field of "slow-time" and shell of "stopped-time". The reason that there must be a bubble of "slow-time" is that otherwise the reactions that generate the field would be stopped as well and either couldn't proceed or couldn't stop.

It is very analogous to your example of "other-time", and when we got talking about gravity we were trying to think of why gravity would affect something that is beyond a "no-time" barrier. If gravity is related to time, then shielding something from time should shield it from gravity as well.
i think that the device should be a suit so as to lower the chances of the "still time" surrounding the person, affecting the normal time when the sphere or whatever bursts and both times converge on each other.
What you're referring to is known as a "Stasis Field", which has been put to astonishingly effective use by author Larry Niven in his "Known Space" stories:
(BTW, Arthur C. Clarke names Larry Niven as his favorite SF writer!)

"World of Ptaavs"

http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Stasis field

Physics in Science Fiction
(Nothing on Stasis Fields, but focuses on Niven's other BIG ideas!)
Heres a point for you, TIME is measured by the existance of energy in the universe, therefore for TIME to stop within your sphere it would mean that no energy would be allowed inside of it. The sphere wouldn't be allowed free floating energy within side (Zero-point etc) and wouldn't be allowed anything atomic since atoms can also give of frequency reverberations.

(Namely if you existed within a bubble that was disconnected from the time in the universe, your body would still age but time would then become relative to your body rather than the universe.)

So the answer is "Time is not stopped, it's just relative to the Passenger and slow to the universe."
If the shell is no-time, then during the shell's existance, nothing could enter or exit the shell. Ass soon as a moving obect (distance/time) reraches a point along the surface of this shell, it would stop moving, as time would drop to 0.

I guess you could consider it to be undefined at that point, but I'd say more accuratly, the item would no longer be measuarble - without any change (ie anything measured in terms of x/time), it would be impossible to detect that the item in the no-time shell would even still exist.

It would be utterly black, as no light could pass through it or move around it. It would even be difficult to conseptualise the very creation of it, because you would have to have a concept of before and after the creation of no-time.
I do not think, one can move matter from one time frame to another. Perhaps no more than a few grams at a time using massive energy. Perhaps you could swap exact amount of matter without violating the laws of the universe.

If I am to design a time machine that really works, this would be a start:

First design a nano technology based artifical intelligence replicator that is no more than the size of one centimeter sphere. This gadget must be able to use any local matter and be able to create any object from the digital data spec received.

Second: Design an independent space-time separate from Earth's normal space time. To do that, one has to open a dimensional portal to step out of our 3D space to create a small space where you can send some matter. Then send a replicator to the other side which creates the environment - say dimension station. Alternately you may create a sphere with all the required technology and energy that steps out of the space-time for good. You have to learn to manipulate the time line of the sphere by phase variance to Earth time.

Third: Go back several thousand years and drop one replicator somewhere on Earth. Then when you want to go back any point in time or bring anyone from any point in time, then all you have to do is scan the person say Einstein at the time by opening a portal and receiving the information, and then go forward to present day and replicate that on that day. This way, you can kill your grand parent and be still alive inside the bubble. If you decide to show up at the present day, you will be a stranger.

What happens if you make drastic changes in the past. Possibly, either those archived time frames can not be changed, that is if you go back to say 1904, you may find everything is frozen such a way that you are the ghost that walks but can not touch - or the universe opens up a new time line....

Can this be done? If Star Trek is any guide as to matter replicators and matter transporter - could be.....and as long as you are in a different space-time continum...

just some thoughts.....
Ok here is what I think ..it is weird but hey there is no right answers in sciforms J

Let say we are an advanced (non-human) civilization who has not only mastered the art of manipulating science but also the paranormal energy we all have inside our body. Now, let say we would like to time travel, we still cannot travel at more than the speed of light ( just to make this theory more realistic) what do we do ..we all know that our Galaxy is moving at a tremendous speed ..which kind of dwarfs the speed we can reach with any man made object. Now if we want to live for a very long time and move from Point A to B in time like this thread suggest we just need to create a self perpetuating device like KMGURU recommended. Now lets say the self perpetuating device this advanced civilization creates is us – humans …and the civilization waits at their “event Horizon” (if I may) to enter and exit the human body since they cannot live out for long … and while they are entering and exiting the body the time is passing by fast compared to their event horizon. So they have created a time machine to move from point A to B without worrying about energy and creation of advanced space ships or time portals…

The only problem which I will have tough time explaining is where is the staging area and how many people were there to start with …may be there was just one …maybe there were Google(1 followed by 100 zeros) …I guess we will come to know in time .. J

Hope this time portal is more quantum friendly than the one originally posted by Kami
Two ways ou can do this.

Slightly more realistic
The shell would not be a mirror... it would be clear. The speed of light would still be the same as long as you are just somehow modifying the flow of time.

The problem is that anything that hits the shell is suddenly frozen in time upon entering. For example, you throw a baseball at it. The first couple molecules of the ball enter, and get 'stuck'. The rest of the ball is just left hanging. You'd basically end up with a shell around the bubble of all the stuff that made contact. Before this shell piled up the bubble would be see-through, with the person inside looking frozen in time.

More SciFi
Coat it with something to prevents the 'buildup'. For example the bubble is really a glass bubble. When you start the no-time field, 99% of the glass is frozen in time... preventing things (besides the glass) from getting stuck in the field. This is also a little more retro.... which seems to be in style.
if there was no time inside the capsule wouldn't that break the space time continuum? im no scientist, and i dont know much on the subject but i think the space time continuum (does it have two u's?) is basically about how space and time cannot exist without each other, there has to be space for an event to happen in, and time for it to happen during. So if i am making sense, Persol would be correct in saying that anything that came in contact with it would stick. or create some sort of anomalie, maybe even a black hole, but hey what do i know......

As for time travel, i think/know it's possible. Okay don't quote ANY of what i'm about to say coz it could be horribly wrong but here goes nothing...When an object approaches the speed of light time for that object slows down, because time is relavent to speed (i think) and i also think it is something to do with the E=Mc2 formula E being Energy M being Matter (right?) and C the speed of light. So the object is moving slowly through time (relevant to Earth) but for people in said object (a space ship would be the best design for the vessel) they would be moving normally although the G force they'd be under would be immense (i think). So on earth we'd see the object at a stand still, whereas inside the world would be rushing past in one giant blur. Well that's what i believe, if anyone wnats to enlighten me about anything feel free, i'm here to learn.

Oh and another thing, i hear that Space Ships are SO fast when they come back to Earth they are almost a second or so in the future.
if there was no time inside the capsule wouldn't that break the space time continuum?
You mean like a black hole? ;) Don't think of it as no-time... but REALLY REALLY REALLY slow time... however light and stuff would still pass through because there is no associated gravity.
Kami said:
If you had a device that could generate a shell of stopped-time, with you inside it. What would be it's properties?

Here's my ideas. First, from the outside it would be completely frictionless (I'm thinking it's a sphere), completly mirrored as all energy would be reflected (nothing can penetrate where time doesn't flow?) and gravity would be iffy, can gravitons pierce a shell of no-time? Inside there would be little to no gravity and outside... I don't know. Would it have mass? Rather, would it's mass be able to affect the outside world?

I'm just exploring the idea so I'd like some input to see if I've missed anything. It's just a thought experiment so I know it's not possible, but if it was, what would happen?

You'd be in limbo and wouldn't know anything that was happening outside until you went back out.