A Series of Questions for Theists


Valued Senior Member
This post is specifically for the Theist members here on SciForums.

A few of you on here are very pious in your religious beliefs. Some have even gone so far as to claim to have been shown proof of God.

I'd like to ask you to share these life experiences with me and the rest of our SF community in an attempt to further understand your beliefs by answering the following questions:

1) What religion/belief system do you practice?

2) Is it the same religion/belief system of your parents?

3) If not, how long have you been practicing your religion and how did you get exposed to it in the beginning?

4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how pious would you say you are in your religious beliefs? (1 being "Not at all", 10 being "Extrememly".)

5) Have you studied other religions aside from your own? If so, which ones and what method did you use for this study (college courses, books, internet, etc)?

6) Have you ever taken part in a ritual or ceremony from another religion (other than a funeral)?

7) Do you believe in an afterlife?

8) Do you believe in an eternal soul?

9) Do you believe non-human animals have souls?

10) What are your beliefs on the origin of the Earth, Universe, and Human Beings?

11) What is your stance on homosexuality?

12) What is your stance on homosexual marraige?

13) What is your stance on abortion?

14) What is your stance on stem-cell research?

15) What is your stance on the death penalty?

16) Politically, what party do you claim?

17) Do you believe you have been shown or have seen proof of God? If so, please provide specific examples of your experiences.

18) Do you believe that members of other religions are to be punished, in this life or the next, for their beliefs?

19) Would you ever consider converting to another religion under any circumstance?

20) Do you believe that other human beings from other religions are inferior to you?
This post is specifically for the Theist members here on SciForums.

A few of you on here are very pious in your religious beliefs. Some have even gone so far as to claim to have been shown proof of God.

I'd like to ask you to share these life experiences with me and the rest of our SF community in an attempt to further understand your beliefs by answering the following questions:

1) What religion/belief system do you practice?
devotional service to god (bhakti)

2) Is it the same religion/belief system of your parents?

3) If not, how long have you been practicing your religion and how did you get exposed to it in the beginning?
about 14 years

basically I was just a run of the mill atheist until I started getting interested in philosophy which eventually led me to books on the subject
4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how pious would you say you are in your religious beliefs? (1 being "Not at all", 10 being "Extrememly".)
what do you mean by pious?

(I ask because piety can be interpreted as something that binds one to material existence (ie sattva guna). IOW simply looking out for one's own (pious) benefit, while noble, is inferior to unmotivated devotional service to god)
5) Have you studied other religions aside from your own? If so, which ones and what method did you use for this study (college courses, books, internet, etc)?
I read mostly around the eastern religions before I made my move here. Actually I read a lot more once I started since I found that what little advancement I made actually rendered texts comprehensible from other paths.
6) Have you ever taken part in a ritual or ceremony from another religion (other than a funeral)?
sure, but nothing too elaborate

7) Do you believe in an afterlife?

8) Do you believe in an eternal soul?

9) Do you believe non-human animals have souls?
of course

10) What are your beliefs on the origin of the Earth, Universe, and Human Beings?

11) What is your stance on homosexuality?
binds the
12) What is your stance on homosexual marraige?
kind of complicated

read for yourself





13) What is your stance on abortion?
carries the same karmic implications as murder in most cases
14) What is your stance on stem-cell research?

Depends whether or not it is creating an industry for abortion

15) What is your stance on the death penalty?
traditionally there is an argument for it, but since we are so far distanced from that model, with justice being embroiled in issues of finance, etc, once again, its a complicated issue.

16) Politically, what party do you claim?
I don't pay so much attention to politics. I think I have only ever voted about 3 times in my life.
17) Do you believe you have been shown or have seen proof of God? If so, please provide specific examples of your experiences.
again a big question. Probably about 90% of scripture deals with this point. In short, self realization is attainable to the degree that one realized god, so problems ensue in the explanations
18) Do you believe that members of other religions are to be punished, in this life or the next, for their beliefs?

Punishment is a consequence of action , regardless of what ever the hell one may believe
19) Would you ever consider converting to another religion under any circumstance?
If I was in dire danger I might give lip service ... but then the broader picture of theism can be practiced in any social context so its not clear what changes such a conversion would involve (I wouldn't eat meat for example, but then there is no essential need to eat meat in any other religion).

20) Do you believe that other human beings from other religions are inferior to you?
They may have an inferior philosophy, but then that's what henological discussion is all about.
This post is specifically for the Theist members here on SciForums.

Ok i am a theist.

A few of you on here are very pious in your religious beliefs. Some have even gone so far as to claim to have been shown proof of God.

I'd like to ask you to share these life experiences with me and the rest of our SF community in an attempt to further understand your beliefs by answering the following questions:

1) What religion/belief system do you practice?

I believe Jesus. I believe the God of Abraham.

2) Is it the same religion/belief system of your parents?


3) If not, how long have you been practicing your religion and how did you get exposed to it in the beginning?

I have believed for about 20 years.

A friend gave me a bible and i read it and believed.

4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how pious would you say you are in your religious beliefs? (1 being "Not at all", 10 being "Extrememly".)

Well for me to answer that question i need to first understand what the word "Pious" means to you? Also you may note that i don't like the term "practicing your religion" i wince when i hear these terms they are so... religious.

5) Have you studied other religions aside from your own? If so, which ones and what method did you use for this study (college courses, books, internet, etc)?

Yes mostly on the net. In some books and talking to believers of these religions.

6) Have you ever taken part in a ritual or ceremony from another religion (other than a funeral)?

Well i have attended marriages and baptisms.

7) Do you believe in an afterlife?


8) Do you believe in an eternal soul?

Wondering why your asking question 8 when you have already asked question 7. If one has life one has a soul.

9) Do you believe non-human animals have souls?

i don't know.

10) What are your beliefs on the origin of the Earth, Universe, and Human Beings?

Everything that exists apart from God is an outcome of Gods creation.

11) What is your stance on homosexuality?

Anal sexual intercourse is an abomination to God and therefore a Sin.

12) What is your stance on homosexual marraige?

Not interested in the issue. Whatever laws the authorities mandate in this area is up to them.

13) What is your stance on abortion?

i see abortion as murder and worse than murder because it is murder of the innocents.

14) What is your stance on stem-cell research?

The same as my stance on the evil medical research that was carried out in the nazi concentration camps of WW2

15) What is your stance on the death penalty?

I would never take part in the carrying out of the death penalty, or take part in any legal or police action that leads to a death penalty being carried out. But i leave it up to the authorities to decide what laws and penalties they deem are required in this area.

16) Politically, what party do you claim?

None, i do not take part in the political process. I do not vote.

17) Do you believe you have been shown or have seen proof of God? If so, please provide specific examples of your experiences.

Foundational Proof for me is in the Message of God. It resonates within me with astounding wisdom that i cannot deny.

Other experiences are more reassurances i have received.

I have seen the future.

18) Do you believe that members of other religions are to be punished, in this life or the next, for their beliefs?

No. I believe that anyone who rejects the Messiah Jesus for the atonement of their sins will be punished for eternity. It’s not the bad you do that counts, what is important is if one will be forgiven the bad they do.

As for punishment in this world. The fruit of false beliefs are always troubles. The fruit of the knowledge of Good and evil in this world is also troubles irrespective of what one believes or does not believe.

19) Would you ever consider converting to another religion under any circumstance?

At this moment in time i cannot see anything that would cause me to change.

20) Do you believe that other human beings from other religions are inferior to you?

No. All human beings are equally inferior to God, it's just that some are in denial and suffer from baseless pride.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
1) What religion/belief system do you practice?
Solitary Wicca.

2) Is it the same religion/belief system of your parents?

3) If not, how long have you been practicing your religion and how did you get exposed to it in the beginning?
About two years; I've been strongly interested in classical mythology, polytheism, and paganism for a while longer, though.

4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how pious would you say you are in your religious beliefs? (1 being "Not at all", 10 being "Extrememly".)
Somewhere around 6 and 8.

5) Have you studied other religions aside from your own? If so, which ones and what method did you use for this study (college courses, books, internet, etc)?
Yes; internet mostly. Books also, especially when looking into other polytheistic religions.

6) Have you ever taken part in a ritual or ceremony from another religion (other than a funeral)?

7) Do you believe in an afterlife?
If you can call reincarnation an afterlife; it's more like a revolving door.

8) Do you believe in an eternal soul?

9) Do you believe non-human animals have souls?

10) What are your beliefs on the origin of the Earth, Universe, and Human Beings?
I don't think the gods had an active hand in guiding the development of the universe and life. I think things went along largely as the scientific information indicates.

11) What is your stance on homosexuality?
No problem with it.

12) What is your stance on homosexual marraige?
No problem with it.

13) What is your stance on abortion?
I don't consider the foetus to be fully human until birth. So, it's whatever.

14) What is your stance on stem-cell research?
Good thing.

15) What is your stance on the death penalty?
Only when necessary and when guilt is conclusive and irrefutable.

16) Politically, what party do you claim?
None, really. There aren't any monarchist parties in the US.
Though I like the British Conservative Party's moderate and monarchistic stances.

17) Do you believe you have been shown or have seen proof of god(s)? If so, please provide specific examples of your experiences.
Yes. The experiences of others who I have talked to seem to indicate a polytheistic reality; and the logic of Aristotle functions as the rational backing to their existence.

18) Do you believe that members of other religions are to be punished, in this life or the next, for their beliefs?
No. We are judged by the gods for our deeds and their intentions.

19) Would you ever consider converting to another religion under any circumstance?
If there was one that suited me better, maybe. But the one I have suits me.

20) Do you believe that other human beings from other religions are inferior to you?
1) What religion/belief system do you practice?
I'm a pagan, said in an Australian accent, but not meant in the same way as in the movie where it meant, in fact, atheist.

2) Is it the same religion/belief system of your parents?

3) If not, how long have you been practicing your religion and how did you get exposed to it in the beginning?
20 years. Through a friend.

4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how pious would you say you are in your religious beliefs? (1 being "Not at all", 10 being "Extrememly".)
It varies.
5) Have you studied other religions aside from your own? If so, which ones and what method did you use for this study (college courses, books, internet, etc)?
Yes. Used the above mentioned methods, but also participation, either out of curiosity or with participants who were friends, or as part of seeing what they had to offer. And we are talking many.
6) Have you ever taken part in a ritual or ceremony from another religion (other than a funeral)?
Yes, many.

7) Do you believe in an afterlife?
Yes, and reincarnation.

8) Do you believe in an eternal soul?

9) Do you believe non-human animals have souls?
Yes. Though head lice don't have individual ones.;)

10) What are your beliefs on the origin of the Earth, Universe, and Human Beings?
Um, you got a few years.....?
11) What is your stance on homosexuality?
It is peachy.
12) What is your stance on homosexual marraige?
If it doesn't ruin the relationship it's OK.

13) What is your stance on abortion?
Should be legal.

14) What is your stance on stem-cell research?
Complicated. I mean, for example, have you seen that some of the cancer therapies based on foetal stem cells are killing people by giving them much more cancer. I see stem cell research sort of like letting a bunch of kids loose in a gun shop afterhours.

15) What is your stance on the death penalty?

16) Politically, what party do you claim?
I can't claim any of the bastards.

17) Do you believe you have been shown or have seen proof of God? If so, please provide specific examples of your experiences.
I would say I have experienced God. But I would rather not go into detail.

18) Do you believe that members of other religions are to be punished, in this life or the next, for their beliefs?
Not like 'nah, nah, you chose the wrong God, your ass is dead.' But I do think beliefs can lead to pain and suffering both for yourself and others.

19) Would you ever consider converting to another religion under any circumstance?
I guess if I somehow became convinced. But this is like asking someone, I don't know, would you ever consider leaving your spouse, who you have a long complicated and satisfying relgionship with in a variety of different ways - and right now you are in love. I mean, sure, it might happen, but it's not some mental thing.

20) Do you believe that other human beings from other religions are inferior to you?
Depends on the day and my mood. But that holds for everyone, religious belief low on the list of things that set off my smugness. I have my inferior moods and mixed moods too.
I just wanted to pop in and take the time to personally thank each of you for your participation in this thread. I thoroughly enjoy learning about everyone's beliefs.

1) What religion/belief system do you practice?
2) Is it the same religion/belief system of your parents?
YES!! , first obedient child here..

4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how pious would you say you are in your religious beliefs? (1 being "Not at all", 10 being "Extrememly".)
5) Have you studied other religions aside from your own? If so, which ones and what method did you use for this study (college courses, books, internet, etc)?
tiny doses of christianity, atheism. internet.
6) Have you ever taken part in a ritual or ceremony from another religion (other than a funeral)?
lol i guess so.
7) Do you believe in an afterlife?

8) Do you believe in an eternal soul?

9) Do you believe non-human animals have souls?
3x yes
10) What are your beliefs on the origin of the Earth, Universe, and Human Beings?
11) What is your stance on homosexuality?
pretty messed up.
12) What is your stance on homosexual marraige?
REAL messed up.
13) What is your stance on abortion?
not sure, guess it goes on a case by case base.
14) What is your stance on stem-cell research?
not sure what it is, but from what i collect i guess it's fine.
15) What is your stance on the death penalty?
16) Politically, what party do you claim?
i don't know..?.. real democracy i guess.
17) Do you believe you have been shown or have seen proof of God? If so, please provide specific examples of your experiences.
yup, but not exclusive personal experiences.
the quran for example.
18) Do you believe that members of other religions are to be punished, in this life or the next, for their beliefs?
this life not really.
the after life is between them and god, and he said he'll punish them.
19) Would you ever consider converting to another religion under any circumstance?
yup, new evidence.
20) Do you believe that other human beings from other religions are inferior to you?
one who is following truth isn't like one who isn't, other subcases follow.
This post is specifically for the Theist members here on SciForums.

A few of you on here are very pious in your religious beliefs. Some have even gone so far as to claim to have been shown proof of God.

I'd like to ask you to share these life experiences with me and the rest of our SF community in an attempt to further understand your beliefs by answering the following questions:

1) What religion/belief system do you practice?

i'm a christian because my experiences have been extremely christ and/or biblically centered. but i don't practice any particular religion necessarily. to me, religion is a man-made institution like any other. it's a club. and i'm not a member of any of those. like my tag says, i don't go to church. i AM the church. i think there are aspects of any religion that are truthful and beneficial. and i think the practitioners can use their religions in good ways and in bad. i think truth can be seen in all things, and that many times, religion does nothing but blind people to that. i mean, if i take a yoga class am i a hindu? ok. god has used a wide variety of resources to show me things, teach me things, and communicate with me. sometimes it's been the bible. once is was a hindu goddess. god's used art (music, movies, literature). and god's used other people...some religious, but most not religious.

2) Is it the same religion/belief system of your parents?

i guess so. my parents aren't religious either. they both have beliefs regarding god and spirituality, that have come from their personal experience in life, and it's personal to them.

3) If not, how long have you been practicing your religion and how did you get exposed to it in the beginning?

my grandma and other members of my extended family are religious. and when i was young, it didn't take long for me to become extremely turned off by religion.

4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how pious would you say you are in your religious beliefs? (1 being "Not at all", 10 being "Extrememly".)

i take what's happened to me and what i've learned extremely seriously.

5) Have you studied other religions aside from your own? If so, which ones and what method did you use for this study (college courses, books, internet, etc)?

i've read and/or studied various religions enough to know that the behavioral outcome of most religions is basically the same.

6) Have you ever taken part in a ritual or ceremony from another religion (other than a funeral)?

not that i recall. i'm not really big on ceremonies and rituals. they don't mean much to me...they're just symbolic of what is supposed to be real. that's another thing i don't like about religion. it tends to substitute these rituals and ceremonies for the real thing.

7) Do you believe in an afterlife?


8) Do you believe in an eternal soul?


9) Do you believe non-human animals have souls?

i don't know, but if i had to take a guess i would say yes.

10) What are your beliefs on the origin of the Earth, Universe, and Human Beings?

if i was there, i don't remember it.

11) What is your stance on homosexuality?

it's genderism.

12) What is your stance on homosexual marraige?

i think the concept of marriage is a great thing. it's symbolic of communion and the closest thing we experience to it on this earth right now. unfortunately, not a lot of people take it very seriously. and i don't think that has any relevance to whether one is straight or gay. i don't like the concept of sexual orientation any more than i do religion. people are individuals, and we should celebrate that.

13) What is your stance on abortion?

i've had one, and i think it's the epitomy of irresponsibility.

14) What is your stance on stem-cell research?


15) What is your stance on the death penalty?

not a big fan of the legal system.

16) Politically, what party do you claim?


17) Do you believe you have been shown or have seen proof of God? If so, please provide specific examples of your experiences.

yes. they are numerous and varied. but in general, it's what they've meant and accomplished that provides proof to me.

18) Do you believe that members of other religions are to be punished, in this life or the next, for their beliefs?

no. i don't think that god punishes people. i think they punish themselves. and i don't think it comes down to religion at all. i think it comes down to something much more personal and important than that.

19) Would you ever consider converting to another religion under any circumstance?

i think that indoctrination and conversion are ridiculous displays of codependency.

20) Do you believe that other human beings from other religions are inferior to you?

i don't believe that anyone or any thing is inferior to me.
This post is specifically for the Theist members here on SciForums.

A few of you on here are very pious in your religious beliefs. Some have even gone so far as to claim to have been shown proof of God.

I'd like to ask you to share these life experiences with me and the rest of our SF community in an attempt to further understand your beliefs by answering the following questions:


1) What religion/belief system do you practice?
I practice a kind of ijtihadi Islam

2) Is it the same religion/belief system of your parents?
No, neither of my parents were/are religious, or practising

3) If not, how long have you been practicing your religion and how did you get exposed to it in the beginning?
Since my mid to late 20s, which is about a decade now

4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how pious would you say you are in your religious beliefs? (1 being "Not at all", 10 being "Extrememly".)
Probably a weak 1

5) Have you studied other religions aside from your own? If so, which ones and what method did you use for this study (college courses, books, internet, etc)?
I've studied the religions that interested me because my friends followed it. Usually by going to their places of worship, through participation in ceremonies [where permitted] and by way of interaction and books

6) Have you ever taken part in a ritual or ceremony from another religion (other than a funeral)?
Yes, I've participated in Hindu/Christian/Parsi weddings, festivals, Hindu poojas, Catholic mass. I enjoy such occasions

7) Do you believe in an afterlife?
I think life is an eternal phenomenon distributed across inanimate elements

8) Do you believe in an eternal soul?
See above

9) Do you believe non-human animals have souls?
Yes, just as trees have "life"

10) What are your beliefs on the origin of the Earth, Universe, and Human Beings?
Its a process of discovery

11) What is your stance on homosexuality?
Its a modern construct pursuant to the demarcation of sexuality as an either-or phenomenon in some societies

12) What is your stance on homosexual marraige?
Why shouldn't they suffer too?

13) What is your stance on abortion?
Its killing someone who cannot defend themselves

14) What is your stance on stem-cell research?
We murder to dissect

15) What is your stance on the death penalty?
State sanctioned legal murder

16) Politically, what party do you claim?
None. They are all the same. I vote religiously, though, for the least damaging candidate regardless of party

17) Do you believe you have been shown or have seen proof of God? If so, please provide specific examples of your experiences.
I think of a godless universe as a logical impossibility

18) Do you believe that members of other religions are to be punished, in this life or the next, for their beliefs?
Isn't everyone?

19) Would you ever consider converting to another religion under any circumstance?
Probably not, I'm quite rigid in my views

20) Do you believe that other human beings from other religions are inferior to you?
No but I am discovering that atheists are very different from what I thought they were. Its quite possible they have different ways of processing information altogether.
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nice set of questions, MZ3Boy84 (how exactly do you pronounce that?).

i don't usually describe myself as a theist, but neither do i describe myself as an atheist--or even agnostic. evidence, possibility, and knowability are problematic for me. anyhow, some people seem to describe me as "religious" none-the-less, so i'll give it a shot:

1) What religion/belief system do you practice?

there's not really a name for it, but it's based upon a number of "systems": that of a particular australian aboriginal group whom i've never met, but i know a lot about them through acquaintances who've lived amongst them over 20 years cumulative; madhyamaka buddhism; aspects of a few southwestern u.s. indigenous american traditions; and a few other things. if i've got to give my "god(s)" (whatever the hell they are) a name--which wouldn't really make sense, but for census purposes--i'll go with martu or warrigal, and i be a son of gog and magog.

2) Is it the same religion/belief system of your parents?

heh. absolutely not.

3) If not, how long have you been practicing your religion and how did you get exposed to it in the beginning?

parts of it since the age of 14, other parts i was exposed to over the course of years. how? reading and direct experience.

4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how pious would you say you are in your religious beliefs? (1 being "Not at all", 10 being "Extrememly".)

constantly vacillates from 1 to 10.

5) Have you studied other religions aside from your own? If so, which ones and what method did you use for this study (college courses, books, internet, etc)?

plenty. i have a master's degree in philosophy and religious studies. which ones? too many to name, but see above for a few.

6) Have you ever taken part in a ritual or ceremony from another religion (other than a funeral)?


7) Do you believe in an afterlife?

some sort--but probably not the usual kind.

8) Do you believe in an eternal soul?

yes and no. can't really answer that.

9) Do you believe non-human animals have souls?

i do not distinguish between animals--the human kind or otherwise; except that i think the non-human kind are generally better.

10) What are your beliefs on the origin of the Earth, Universe, and Human Beings?

too complicated, though i can assure you that i am not a "creationist" in the sense which it is usually employed.

11) What is your stance on homosexuality?

no problem.

12) What is your stance on homosexual marraige?

i think marriage in general is kind of a load of shit, but people can do whatever they please.

13) What is your stance on abortion?

it's just fine--perhaps it ought to be performed more.

14) What is your stance on stem-cell research?

no opinion really.

15) What is your stance on the death penalty?

as effected by the state? absolutely against it. people sometimes kill people though, and sometimes that's ok.

16) Politically, what party do you claim?

none--they're all a load of shit.

17) Do you believe you have been shown or have seen proof of God? If so, please provide specific examples of your experiences.

no and yes--i'm not sure what god is? experiences? far too many to elaborate upon--i'm epileptic and i have some sort of "experience" all the time. it's all what i choose to make of it.

18) Do you believe that members of other religions are to be punished, in this life or the next, for their beliefs?

heh. no. well, unless you're counting state/political affiliations as religions.

19) Would you ever consider converting to another religion under any circumstance?

there's not a whole lotta "conversion" for a syncretist.

20) Do you believe that other human beings from other religions are inferior to you?

only those who believe in the "state". sometimes i cut them slack, and simply consider them deluded.

edit: i'll add--i've visited a number of countries in which people are inclined towards saying things like, "oh yes, anything is possible." so it kind of stuck.
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1) What religion/belief system do you practice? Shamanic

2) Is it the same religion/belief system of your parents? No

3) If not, how long have you been practicing your religion and how did you get exposed to it in the beginning? Few years

4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how pious would you say you are in your religious beliefs? (1 being "Not at all", 10 being "Extrememly".)
Bout a 7
5) Have you studied other religions aside from your own? If so, which ones and what method did you use for this study (college courses, books, internet, etc)?
Just read about them.
6) Have you ever taken part in a ritual or ceremony from another religion (other than a funeral)?
7) Do you believe in an afterlife?
8) Do you believe in an eternal soul?
9) Do you believe non-human animals have souls?
10) What are your beliefs on the origin of the Earth, Universe, and Human Beings?
I believe that all "one God" religions are worshiping the same "thing" people just cant wrap their minds around the fact that they all worship one Deity.
11) What is your stance on homosexuality?
Why should homosexuality matter. doesn't effect they way you worship you God does it?
12) What is your stance on homosexual marraige?
Its not hurting me. So why stop happiness?
13) What is your stance on abortion?
Choice.. unless your past first trimester.. then it should be a medical need.
14) What is your stance on stem-cell research?
If they are collecting it from stillborn babies.. go for it.
15) What is your stance on the death penalty?
"an eye for an eye only leave two people blind"
16) Politically, what party do you claim?
17) Do you believe you have been shown or have seen proof of God? If so, please provide specific examples of your experiences.
I don't believe i need to see proof.
18) Do you believe that members of other religions are to be punished, in this life or the next, for their beliefs?
19) Would you ever consider converting to another religion under any circumstance?
20) Do you believe that other human beings from other religions are inferior to you? Absolutely not.
This post is specifically for the Theist members here on SciForums.

A few of you on here are very pious in your religious beliefs. Some have even gone so far as to claim to have been shown proof of God.

I'd like to ask you to share these life experiences with me and the rest of our SF community in an attempt to further understand your beliefs by answering the following questions:

1) What religion/belief system do you practice?
spiritualuality based faith echoing wicca

2) Is it the same religion/belief system of your parents?

3) If not, how long have you been practicing your religion and how did you get exposed to it in the beginning?
6 or 7 years ex girlfriend

4) On a scale from 1 to 10, how pious would you say you are in your religious beliefs? (1 being "Not at all", 10 being "Extrememly".)

5) Have you studied other religions aside from your own? If so, which ones and what method did you use for this study (college courses, books, internet, etc)?
yes wicca, islam, and juadiasm. books and the internet

6) Have you ever taken part in a ritual or ceremony from another religion (other than a funeral)?

7) Do you believe in an afterlife?

8) Do you believe in an eternal soul?

9) Do you believe non-human animals have souls?
do spirits count?

10) What are your beliefs on the origin of the Earth, Universe, and Human Beings?
the current scientific explanations

11) What is your stance on homosexuality?
natural and shounldn't be discriminated against

12) What is your stance on homosexual marraige?
for it

13) What is your stance on abortion?

14) What is your stance on stem-cell research?
for it

15) What is your stance on the death penalty?
against it

16) Politically, what party do you claim?

17) Do you believe you have been shown or have seen proof of God? If so, please provide specific examples of your experiences.

18) Do you believe that members of other religions are to be punished, in this life or the next, for their beliefs?
no and i think anyone who does is an asshole

19) Would you ever consider converting to another religion under any circumstance?

20) Do you believe that other human beings from other religions are inferior to you?