A Scientific Explanation of the UFO Mystery

What a mess of self absorbed conclusions on that page!
I saw absolutely NO evidence - scientific or otherwise - given to explain UFO's. I did, however, read some guys desperate dribble, half of which was regurgitated from other garbage floating out there in the net.
He jumped from one extreme comment to the far other side with rediculous statements, comments and self proclaimed answers to the "mystery" of UFO's, as you call it.
You simply have got to do far better than that to achieve credibility in providing "scientific evidence" than that baloney you pointed this board to.
Sorry, not impressed ( once again...I know! ) ;)
Just a little commentary:

Kirlian Photography: Okay, so you place an object on photosensitive film, and beneath that is a charging cell. Pass electricity through the charging cell and you get an image on the film. This is nothing more than "cute" photography. Don't get me wrong, I like the effect. But I can take a normal picture of my hand--as in the famous example of Kirlian photography--and then run it through Photoshop and create the same effect by jacking the contrast and reassigning the color scheme. The effect is scientifically predictable, though I have no personal knowledge of the equations. But you're not photographing anything more than a Van de Graaf generator, in essence.

Bioplasmic/Psychotronic energy: This might explain tales of sorcery and such, but the first suspect I check before accepting Bioplasmic/Psychotronic energy would be nature itself. I would suspect that this energy is nothing more than natural radiation. As life must necessarily combine various elements of what we recognize as science, it is possible that, through variation within the species, life might produce a human "capacitor" or even "generator". But to translate this ability to other people would require the ability to create similar conditions ... when you're dealing with things so fundamental to our being as cells or their mitochondria, how far can you turn the figurative screwdriver before it all falls down?

Psychotronic Energy to control UFO's: We can now, via a Bose-Einstein condensate, slow down the speed of light. How does this fit into various astrophysical theories if light only moves at 38 mph? Seems to me the whole nature of time is at stake. If we can slow lightspeed, we might actually be able to exceed it. It's not far ... I think it will either be a fusion generator or else a mystical element that, presently, only exists in science fiction. Consider: Even the newest elemental discoveries involve tiny half-lives. What happens if we slow time through a process we learn from slowing light? Can we then isolate an unstable element within said time-field and expand its half-life, thereby regulating its energy output? It seems more orthodox than generating bioplasmic energy (how would one generate the energy? Find a frequency and build from there? I would hate to think of a biologically dedicated drive system.

Remote viewing experiments (US Army): I knew a guy who claimed to be part of a special US Army psychic research experiment. Allegedly the military sought him out and took him from his family when he was five years old. I'd love to believe him, except the rest of his theories arrived in "revelations" that strangely took place a few days after their corresponding X-Files episode: watermarks in currency; chupacabra; that goofy computer thing from the William Gibson-penned episode, ad nauseum.

Quoting the web page: "Many of the aliens that have been observed have large black eyes." I just wanted to throw in my own favorite interpretations. Large black eyes: large eyes = low light ... is the black a UV shield from a star farther into its blue spectrum than our own sun? Short grey aliens? Higher gravity than on Earth? Agility ... the same. But it depends on whose report you read ... long fingers? Perhaps a geologically young homeworld where early foraging took place in rocky, crevassed areas. Anyway, those are just a few ideas.

As to the Jesus bit ... I will abstain.

thanx for the minute or three,

"Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)