A religion for the mentally unstable...


Just a dumb hillbilly...
Registered Senior Member

  • As a muslim, you are ordered to spread Islam across the globe,
  • To accomplish this, you may lie, cheat, steal, murder as required,
  • If you die for the cause of Islam, you get some virgins for eternity if you're a man,
  • Or you'll get some handmaidens to comb the hair you hid on Earth if you're a woman,
  • You must pray 5 time a day, and you get to chew qat in between prayers,
  • You may riot over the most trivial event,
  • You must never wipe your ass with your right hand,
  • You must always remain a muslim under penalty of death,
  • You may never question what your tribal chief (imam) says, no matter how absurd.

Welcome......now commit suicide by blowing yourself up, a very insane act.
Mohammed is a prick. So are his followers.

By the way, if any muslims are reading this, I am Scottish... Just incase you want to burn my flag.
Marv must you be so hypocrite?

Christianity is no better off, A Christian:

As a christian, you must obey the laws of the bible.
You may not work on the sabbath, under penalty of death.
Jesus the man, was a the son of God and you must worship him.
You also riot on anything you deem unapropiate to your christian believes: i.e.
abortion clinics, porn shops, pornography, homosexuals, stem cell research, etc..

Don't be a judging before you look in the mirror at your own shortcomings!.

Christian atrocities

Christian terrorism

Joining in:

As an atheist you have to act arrogant and treat religious people like children
you see the current names of the months as irrational and even opressive
you kill priests or destroy any other sign of organized religion at sight, or at least want this to be public policy
you're a positivist who's completely unable to see the limitations of science

Are we done trading generalizations now, or does someone want to do judaism? Or maybe we could go eastwards, or south, that'd be fun!
marv said:

A: So are Christians,there are more organised christians trying to evangalise the world than Muslims

B) Lying and cheating is Forbidden in Islam

C) If you Die fighting a Just cause,You go to Heaven

D)Prayer is an obligation for our benefit

E) There is no "Must" in this or any such thing

F)Some muslims riot about the most trivial things,but so do christians,like loosing a football match,Paris riots about labour laws..or in the case of northern ireland where a riot can be caused if a catholic kid is found to be going to a protestant school... i realy could go on here but i won't..

G)No body can change a Persons religion even by force, i.e no one can see ones heart

H) People questioned the Prophet in his time with out any problem

I hope the above answers the points made
I don't know said:
As an atheist you have to act arrogant and treat religious people like children

you see the current names of the months as irrational and even opressive
What the fuck are you talking about? The names of the months have very little to do with religion.

you kill priests or destroy any other sign of organized religion at sight, or at least want this to be public policy
I would, but I don't want to be ass-rammed in prison.

you're a positivist who's completely unable to see the limitations of science
What's wrong with being positive?
And what limitations? Science does exactly what it is meant to do: explore and research various fields of physical reality.
johnahmed said:
B) Lying and cheating is Forbidden in Islam.

But it is done, nonetheless, as has been shown on many occassions here by Muslims.

C) If you Die fighting a Just cause,You go to Heaven

That fantasy is one of the reasons why Islam is THE most dangerous religion on the planet.

D)Prayer is an obligation for our benefit

And what benefit has prayer brought you?

E) There is no "Must" in this or any such thing

That might be one of those lies you claim is forbidden.

H) People questioned the Prophet in his time with out any problem

No problem for the Muslims of course, as they killed those who questioned Islam.

I hope the above answers the points made

More than enough, thanks.
Godless said:
Marv must you be so hypocrite?

Christianity is no better off,...
Heh, heh, heh,...I'm an atheist.

But seriously, I have no similar problem with Christianity or Judaism or Hinduism, or any other religion for that matter. For the most part, they're pretty benign. Haven't come across anybody lately that tried to kill me because I wasn't a Protestant or a Jew or a Hindu.

Atrocities? Well, as long as you compare 15th century Christianity with 21st century Islam, I suppose it's accurate. But you should update your knowledge base if you really want to try to make something out of it. I think most of those 15th century Christians are pretty dead by now - at least not in a condition to hijack an airliner...:D
marv said:
Haven't come across anybody lately that tried to kill me because I wasn't a Protestant
Go to the deep, deep south...

...or go to Jerusalem and spit on thier holy wall...

or a Hindu.
...or go to India and shoot a cow in a public square.

You will find religious people crazy enough to kill for thier faith in several parts of the world. Muslims are just one in a long number of religions that fail.
Thanks Haps! ;)

But you should update your knowledge base if you really want to try to make something out of it.

The passage of time makes no difference. The damage was already done, their idealogy is still the same, they still seek political power, they still want to rule others by force, they manipulate our government to rule by their so called "ethics" and so on, they use force by intimidation, they kill doctors who perform abortions, must I go on? ;)

Hapsburg said:
Go to the deep, deep south...

...or go to Jerusalem and spit on thier holy wall...

...or go to India and shoot a cow in a public square.

You will find religious people crazy enough to kill for thier faith in several parts of the world. Muslims are just one in a long number of religions that fail.

M*W: Or... go deep into Appalachia and refuse to hold a snake in one of those snake-handling churches.

Or... go to a Southern Baptist church and make the sign of the cross over and over again. For better effect, kneel occasionally.

Or... go to a Church of Christ and start singing aloud.

Or... go to a Pentecostal church and get in the line for hands-on healing but don't fall down. If someone tries to push you down for effect, punch the preacher in the face. He won't be expecting it.

Or... go to a Pentecostal church and really let it all hang out in the aisle. This works much better if you take a little flask of something potent and sip it during the sermon.

Or... go to a Roman Catholic church and start dancing in the aisle praying in tongues. Try this wearing a nun's habit.

Or... go to a Southern Baptist church and make arrangements to get baptised. On the day of your scheduled baptism, get as close to the water as possible, then fake a panic attack about your dreadful fear of water. You may have to run away shouting, "Help me! Help me! I saw the devil in there!"

Or... if you're musically inclined, and you're visiting Atlanta or some out-of-the-way country church near there, when they send around the collection plate start singing "The Devil Went Down to Georgia."

Or... if you happen to work in a church nursery or daycare with young children, take the greatest opportunity you will ever have to tell them there was no Jesus. They'll thank you when they're older, if their parents don't kill you first.

Or... go to a synagogue and when the Jews are in reverent prayer, start singing aloud "Jesus loves me."

Or... if you're invited to go to a mosque, make sure you eat beans for at least three days before you go.

Or... go to a Kingdom Hall and pass out invitations to your birthday party.

Or... go to an Amish service, then pull out your cell phone and start talking.

Or... go to Temple Square with a piece of cardboard that reads, "Need Wives, Work Farm."

Or... go to a Buddhist Temple wearing t-shirts with Richard Gere's picture.

Somebody stop me, please!
I don't know said:
Joining in:

As an atheist you have to act arrogant and treat religious people like children

if the shoe fits...

you see the current names of the months as irrational and even opressive


you kill priests or destroy any other sign of organized religion at sight, or at least want this to be public policy

why would you have to do any of that when all that is necessary to destroy religion is independent thought?

you're a positivist who's completely unable to see the limitations of science

as opposed to religious people who just think science is flat out wrong if it challenges their already ridiculous belief system. which would you prefer?

Are we done trading generalizations now, or does someone want to do judaism? Or maybe we could go eastwards, or south, that'd be fun!

i think you've made enough of a jackass out of yourself for now.
Medicine Woman said:
Or... go to a Southern Baptist church and make arrangements to get baptised. On the day of your scheduled baptism, get as close to the water as possible, then fake a panic attack about your dreadful fear of water. You may have to run away shouting, "Help me! Help me! I saw the devil in there!
That would be absolutely so funny

We could make a JackAss style show with these ones.


Baptist = Taliban of Xianity
yeah, I don’t get the changing the months names?

If you wanted to pay-out Atheists don’t forget
- no God word in the pledge of allegiance (I agree)
- no God word on money (doesn’t really matter)
- Happy Holidays versus Merry Xmass (Merry Xmass of course! … or Saturnia :)
I honestly don't care about the word God on money or in the pledge. You don't have to say God. You don't even have to say the pledge. Our country was founded on God, and most of our country is God oriented, telling everyone to take God out of it is like telling everyone in Japan to learn English to accomodate our tourists.

And with the Christmas thing, I say merry christmas, because I celebrate Christmas (woot to all those stupid presents), if you celebrate Hunnukah, say happy hannukah, or whatever, this identifies you as a human being not a governmental yuppie.
seekeroftheway said:
I honestly don't care about the word God on money or in the pledge.
Yeah those are not that big of deals. BUT, they are rather new additions (because of post-WWII). Also, America was founded on the separation of GOD from the state. That’s quite clear. Percentage wise there were probably less Xians living in the USA then compared with now.
marv said:

  • As a muslim, you are ordered to spread Islam across the globe,
  • To accomplish this, you may lie, cheat, steal, murder as required,
  • If you die for the cause of Islam, you get some virgins for eternity if you're a man,
  • Or you'll get some handmaidens to comb the hair you hid on Earth if you're a woman,
  • You must pray 5 time a day, and you get to chew qat in between prayers,
  • You may riot over the most trivial event,
  • You must never wipe your ass with your right hand,
  • You must always remain a muslim under penalty of death,
  • You may never question what your tribal chief (imam) says, no matter how absurd.

Welcome......now commit suicide by blowing yourself up, a very insane act.

Do you feel that making fun of other people helps you feel more secure in yourself?

How dishonorable. How sad.

I'm sure reasonable people can see right through you.

I don't need to insult you, because I'm sure you have insulted yourself enough by your post.

DiamondHearts said:
Do you feel that making fun of other people helps you feel more secure in yourself?

I don't need to insult you, because I'm sure you have insulted yourself enough by your post.

Yet, you cannot refute any of his points. Are they all true?
DiamondHearts said:
marv said:

* As a muslim, you are ordered to spread Islam across the globe,
* To accomplish this, you may lie, cheat, steal, murder as required,
* If you die for the cause of Islam, you get some virgins for eternity if you're a man,
* Or you'll get some handmaidens to comb the hair you hid on Earth if you're a woman,
* You must pray 5 time a day, and you get to chew qat in between prayers,
* You may riot over the most trivial event,
* You must never wipe your ass with your right hand,
* You must always remain a muslim under penalty of death,
* You may never question what your tribal chief (imam) says, no matter how absurd.

Welcome......now commit suicide by blowing yourself up, a very insane act.
Do you feel that making fun of other people helps you feel more secure in yourself?

How dishonorable. How sad.

I'm sure reasonable people can see right through you.

I don't need to insult you, because I'm sure you have insulted yourself enough by your post.

Making fun of muslims? I'm just stating some insanities about Islam that are already well known. If you can point to any direct contradiction in the Qur'an, hadiths or sunnahs to what I've said, please be my guest.

With respect to my opinion of Islam, I can only say, "Your actions are so loud that I can't hear a word you say." So stop the intolerance. Stop the murder. Start treating others as you yourself would want to be treated.

If you would only integrate yourselves with other societies such as the Jews, Christians, Hindus and others have done, then we can all get along. Until then, Islam is a pariah among religions.
As an afterthought, here's the letter from Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, the pleasant young college graduate who tried to run down students at UNC...
Mar 24, 2006 : 9:20 pm ET

This is a transcript of the letter Mohammed Taheri-Azar left in his apartment for police to find after he drove into nine people with an SUV in The Pit at UNC on March 3:

In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate.

To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter to inform you of my reasons for premeditating and attempting to murder citizens and residents of the United States of America on Friday, March 3, 2006 in the city of Chapel Hill, North Carolina by running them over with my automobile and stabbing them with a knife if the opportunities are presented to me by Allah.

I did intend to use a handgun to murder the citizens and residents of Chapel Hill, North Carolina but the process of receiving a permit for a handgun in this city is highly restricted and out of my reach at the present, most likely due to my foreign nationality.

I am a servant of Allah. I am 22 years of age and I was born in Tehran, Iran. My father, mother and older sister immigrated to the United States in 1985 when I was two years of age and I've lived in the United States ever since.

I attended elementary, middle and high school in North Carolina and I was accepted into the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I began my college career in August 2001 and graduated in December 2005 with a bachelor's degree in psychology and philosophy with Allah's help.

I do not wish to pursue my career as a student any further because I have no desire to amass the impermanent and temporary fame and material wealth this world has to offer. However I made the decision to continue my studies and to graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill so that the world will know that Allah's servants are very intelligent.

Due to the killing of believing men and women under the direction of the United States government, I have decided to take advantage of my presence on United States soil on Friday, March 3, 2006 to take the lives of as many Americans and American sympathizers as I can in order to punish the United States for their immoral actions around the world.

In the Qur'an, Allah states that the believing men and women have permission to murder anyone responsible for the killing of other believing men and women. I know that the Qur'an is a legitimate and authoritative holy scripture since it is completely validated by modern science and also mathematically encoded with the number 19 beyond human ability. After extensive contemplation and reflection, I have made the decision to exercise the right of violent retaliation that Allah has given me to the fullest extent to which I am capable at present.

I have chosen the particular location on the University campus as my target since I know there is a high likelihood that I will kill several people before being killed myself or jailed and sent to prison if Allah wills.Allah's commandments are never to be questioned and all of Allah's commandments must be obeyed. Those who violate Allah's commandments and purposefully follow human fabrication and falsehood as their religion will burn in fire for eternity in accordance with Allah's will.

Sincerely yours,

Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar
What more need be said?