A religião é para sempre ?


Registered Senior Member
Este mundo precisa ainda amadurecer no que concerne à religião.A religião está tão bem fundamentada à cultura humana que nem
daqui a mil anos haverá mudança nisso, é uma questão que ultrapassa a
racionalidade por fazer parte do processo evolutivo do homem. Os deuses
mudam e morrem juntamente com suas civilizações, mas outras tomam seus
lugares e sempre devotas a um novo deus mais forte e poderoso, afinal será
ele que nos levará às ruas de silício para vislumbrar os meios
supercondutores das novas tecnologias baseadas na computação quântica.

by the way, I'm posting this as an attempt of finding other portuguese speakers...
I'll translate this messago to english later for you guys ok?

but just so you know the title: Is religion eternal?

here it is

Is religion eternal?

This world needs to grow mature about it's conception of religion. Religion is so well fundamented in human culture that not even in a thousand years there will be a change in it, it is a matter that overcomes rationality because it is part of men's evolutionary process.
Gods change and die along with it's civilizations, but others take it's place, always believing in a more strong and powerful god...
fundamented or cemented? lol. i reckon there will be a time in the not far away future when man will not require god as a tool to explain things, whether god then perpetuates as an idea will be interesting to see. its almost coming to that time now in developed countries- people as a whole need to develop more first though.
Is religion eternal?

More and more people are beginning to see that the idea of God is not sufficient for any type of explanation. Granted it had its time in the sun, but with the mass accumulation of knowledge in today's society the whole juvenile idea that is God is becoming more and more obsolete.

God is such a primitive way of explaning things in my opinion, it accomplishes nothing in terms of understanding. Give comosology/physics, basically science more time to develop and we will learn new and exciting things about the universe we inhabit.
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