A reason for psychic attack?


Registered Senior Member
What do you think would justify a psychic attack? What would the person had to have done in order to deserve it? I've heard people that wont attack unless there was murder involved. Still, others think that a sarcastic joke aimed towards them is enough. I just want opinions.

I'm trying to avoid being too specific in asking the question so that I can get more varied responses :)
Psychics don't attack! Jees, they are not warriors or something like that. :) How you come to such an idea? Because of the U$ government using Psychics for their 'holy' war on terrorism? Some Psychics have the ability to look farther, into other places, countries or whatever. If this was really a succes, then it should be easy to stop all the terrorists what they are talking about. Wouldn't it?

Psychics have rules, so to say. They do not look in the minds of others without permission. All your actions come back to you. One way or another. So be careful what you wish for. You might get it... :) :)

Your question makes me think of the old Voo-Doo cult. Then again, Voo-Doo now-a-days is a White kind of 'magic...;) (most of the times)
I... didn't mean in a war... Umm... maybe you misunderstood. I meant something more along the lines of psi balls (and other such things) used for harm. Umm... Ok, nevermind. I'm WAY too sleepy to think/type right now.
May be you are refering to Vodoo or Hex or witchcrafting....that goes on a lot in Jamaica, West Indies, Africa, Certain part of India, Mexico etc....

It is like any crime commited against a fellow humanbeing. Whether they work is another story. If you think they work, then they work....
naw, not witchcraft. I'm referring to simple energy manipulation techniques. Such as psi (check out http://psipalatium.cjb.net). Though most of the stuff you can accomplish with psi is for spiritual development, there is always someone that uses it for not-so-great purposes. Psi Palatium is a good site. There's many others. Psi is also not the only type of energy/technique that can be used.
Originally posted by The-Hybrid
*there is always someone that uses it for not-so-great purposes.*

Everything you do is getting back to you. You use these abilities wrong, you get it back. Most of the times in a worse way then you can imagine.

Oh well, there'll always be humans who can't resist the temptation. And have to pay a high price in the end...