A real story


God is irrelevant!
Registered Senior Member
A lady was about crossing the street. A truck made a quick turn at the yellow light and almost hit her if she actually step off the sidewalk. My friend grab her arm and saved her. The lady didn't look at my friend once. Instead, she looked at the sky and said "Thank you, Jesus!" My friend was so mad that he told me if there was a next time, he would push her out and let Jesus save her.
My friend was so mad that he told me if there was a next time, he would push her out and let Jesus save her.
:D :D
She might have said this as she looked up to the sky "Thank you Superman,....Jeeeezus that was close"
I'm pretty sure I've seen this posted on sciforums before, hold on...
Hmmm, can't find it. But I knew the end of the story before I read the last three sentances.
That is hillarious. I don't think I would push her, but yell at her and say "you killed Jesus and now he's just returning the favor."

No not really, but that would get some great reacrtion.:D