A Real-life Monster


Valued Senior Member
Fake!! It's amazing what can be done with Photoshop these days!
Uhh, I don't think it is fake..

Here's a story about it and some guy was filming it while another guy was in front of it, also getting pictures as it.. ermm.. walked across the golf course.

The golf course in question know of it and it is apparently their unofficial mascot and they do not consider it a danger to golfers because it is so big, that when it does wander onto the course like that, it can only walk for 100ft before it has to stop and rest..


Just.. Ugh..

In Australia, we have Brutus, the ermm 5.5m crocodile that once attacked and ate a fairly large bullshark in front of tourists. People in the Top End know of it because Brutus is a tourist attraction - people pay to sit in a smallish boat, the tour guide then dangles food from a stick over the water, right in close to where the people are sitting in the boat and Brutus is known to leap out of the water to eat said food.. Because, you know, hand feeding a giant wild crocodile is apparently great fun..


My feelings pretty much match this little girl's face:


Trying to hide the sheer terror..

So these reptiles can get.. ermm.. big..

At least the one on the golf course moves slowly and cannot run very far. I would prefer that over sitting in what is tantamount to a tin boat with fence railing on the side and hand feeding a crocodile that is big enough to tip the boat over.
My favorite part is when the camera man says, "Dave, get next to it for perspective". o_O

I'm all for sharing with nature, but there's sharing and then there's sharing with a crocodile or alligator that can probably swallow me whole..

That one in Florida though.. It's just about as big as our salt water crocodiles...

Coincidentally enough, a woman was taken by a salt water crocodile here in Queensland around 2 nights ago, when she and friends went swimming at 10:30pm at a croc infested beach, because you know, that was a bright idea.

I never realised that alligators could get as big. It is amazing footage though. Damn thing is almost as long as the sand trap.
Uhh, I don't think it is fake..
These are the days when I really wish there was a universal punctuation mark for sarcasm. :)
I tried with the ;) but it seems it's just not obvious enough as to what it means. :D

Bells, I know it's not a fake, I've seen plenty of footage of them on golf-courses... my comment was an in-joke with regard MR's threads, where we oft claim (quite legitimately) that the videos and photos he puts up are possibly faked, photoshopped etc. And I thought Yazata was playfully lampooning his threads to an extent by creating this thread in the manner he has done (thread title, image/video, no subsequent comment etc). :)
These are the days when I really wish there was a universal punctuation mark for sarcasm. :)
I tried with the ;) but it seems it's just not obvious enough as to what it means. :D

Bells, I know it's not a fake, I've seen plenty of footage of them on golf-courses... my comment was an in-joke with regard MR's threads, where we oft claim (quite legitimately) that the videos and photos he puts up are possibly faked, photoshopped etc. And I thought Yazata was playfully lampooning his threads to an extent by creating this thread in the manner he has done (thread title, image/video, no subsequent comment etc). :)

Fake!! It's amazing what can be done with Photoshop these days!

Yes. Isn't this croc standing up too far on its legs anyway? I thought they walked splayed out flat.
These are the days when I really wish there was a universal punctuation mark for sarcasm. :)
I tried with the ;) but it seems it's just not obvious enough as to what it means. :D

Bells, I know it's not a fake, I've seen plenty of footage of them on golf-courses... my comment was an in-joke with regard MR's threads, where we oft claim (quite legitimately) that the videos and photos he puts up are possibly faked, photoshopped etc. And I thought Yazata was playfully lampooning his threads to an extent by creating this thread in the manner he has done (thread title, image/video, no subsequent comment etc). :)

You never know with Yazata. It is equally likely he was lampooning most of us, for - supposedly - tending to dismiss things we find a challenge to our sense of what is normal. Anyway, now we have, after a short discussion, good evidence (in Ophiolite's phrase) that this is a real thing. Snopes is a good source for such things. So Yazata can content himself with seeing the process at work. :smile:
These are the days when I really wish there was a universal punctuation mark for sarcasm. :)
I tried with the ;) but it seems it's just not obvious enough as to what it means. :D

I'd just posted a similar photo in the 'biology' forum up above, because I thought that it was an extraordinary animal, and thought that it probably qualified as a monster, so I'd put it here too. (If I encountered that thing on the back nine, I'd say it was a monster.)

Bells, I know it's not a fake, I've seen plenty of footage of them on golf-courses... my comment was an in-joke with regard MR's threads, where we oft claim (quite legitimately) that the videos and photos he puts up are possibly faked, photoshopped etc. And I thought Yazata was playfully lampooning his threads to an extent by creating this thread in the manner he has done (thread title, image/video, no subsequent comment etc). :)

Right. I liked your response, Sarkus. It was what I was thinking of when I posted it here.
Monster ---> Monstrosity.

There are humans out there who are monsters. Denial of this may imply that you yourself are the biggest monster of them all.
Uhh, I don't think it is fake..

Here's a story about it and some guy was filming it while another guy was in front of it, also getting pictures as it.. ermm.. walked across the golf course.

The golf course in question know of it and it is apparently their unofficial mascot and they do not consider it a danger to golfers because it is so big, that when it does wander onto the course like that, it can only walk for 100ft before it has to stop and rest..

Apparently they aren't very agile on land and don't move rapidly. Their little arms and legs are small compared to the mass of their bodies.

I believe that they hunt land animals drinking along stream banks, by suddenly lunging out of the water with the power of their tails, grabbing the animal and dragging it back into the river, drowning it. Then they can dine at their leisure.

In Australia, we have Brutus, the ermm 5.5m crocodile that once attacked and ate a fairly large bullshark in front of tourists. People in the Top End know of it because Brutus is a tourist attraction

The news here is full of a woman being taken by a salt water crocodile a few days ago while swimming near Cairns in Queensland.


- people pay to sit in a smallish boat, the tour guide then dangles food from a stick over the water, right in close to where the people are sitting in the boat and Brutus is known to leap out of the water to eat said food.. Because, you know, hand feeding a giant wild crocodile is apparently great fun..

We Americans have seen Crocodile Dundee and Mad Max, and have even watched Australian (No)Rules Football (where the object of the game seems to be to kill the guy with the ball), so we know how Australians are. [Note: the irony lamp was lit with that one.]

So these reptiles can get.. ermm.. big..

Biggest reptiles on Earth. Bigger than our American ones. (Latter-day dinosaurs, at least in scale if not skeletal anatomy.)

At least the one on the golf course moves slowly and cannot run very far. I would prefer that over sitting in what is tantamount to a tin boat with fence railing on the side and hand feeding a crocodile that is big enough to tip the boat over.

Especially considering that they feed by propelling themselves out of the water and grabbing things. One of these days, one of these animals is going to grab a tourist off a tour boat. All somebody has to do is dangle an arm over...
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They have pulled fishermen from boats in the last couple of years. To be honest with you, it's probably only a matter of time before they do pull a tourist or kill a tourist during one of these feeding photo ops.
Speaking of dangerous animals, where I live (Silicon Valley in California) has experienced a big increase in 'mountain lion' (cougar, puma, all the same animal) sightings. These large cats live all over California (and most of the western US) in the more remote rural areas. They normally try to avoid human beings, but the recent drought has forced them into suburban neighborhoods as they try to forage for food. They have been seen just blocks from my house. They like garbage cans but will also attack small animals like dogs. There have even been a few attacks (occasionally fatal) on humans, though they are comparatively rare. The photo is of a small one (a juvenile perhaps) captured, tranquilized (and accidently killed when it stopped breathing) in a shopping mall near LA.

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I showed that photo to my wife. Her first response was whether it was real. Can't say I would want to be that close to it.
Brutus is real. And he's just a salt water crocodile and they can get very very big. Which is why swimming in rivers, creeks, waterways and watering holes up north is discouraged. They do kill.
I believe that they hunt land animals drinking along stream banks, by suddenly lunging out of the water with the power of their tails, grabbing the animal and dragging it back into the river, drowning it. Then they can dine at their leisure.
Donna was visiting her friend barb in Florida. The first morning, she went out on the deck with a cup of coffee. There was a patch of mowed lawn and beyond that a band of uncut grass and beyond that a canal. Donna wandered aimlessly and innocently toward the canal.

Barb came out of the hose and called, "Donna! Come here!"

Donna replied, "What's the matter?"

"Come here!"

The two walked toward each other, Donna repeating, "What's the matter?" and Barb repeating, "Come here!"

When they met on the lawn, Barb said, "We don't go in the tall grass."

"Why not?" Donna asked, innocently. "It's only grass. Walking on it won't hurt it."

"We DON'T GO in the tall grass!" Barb insisted.

"Why NOT?" Donna demanded.

Just then an alligator walked out of the tall grass onto the lawn.

"Because," Barb replied, "In the tall grass you can't see them coming."