A Question.


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Each and everyday I am on the web I must go to this site exactly five times; no more, no less.
I often wonder, "Is something is wrong with me?"

You have a compulsive disorder.... I think. Do you have to wash your hands or flip the switch a certain amount of times???
I know the feeling, the little voice in your left ear that tells you to go to certain websites for a certain amount of time, then says once you're done that 'everything is alright.'

Ahh, this is irony, isn't it?
I once had a patient on one of the wards I worked on who couldn't eat chicken without blessing it with holy water.

He kept a small bottle strictly for the purpose and would say the lords prayer before munching away.

Takes all sorts
Yes, there is something wrong with you. Your sense of humour.
Yes, there is something wrong with you. Your sense of humour.
Yes, there is something wrong with you. Your sense of humour.
Yes, there is something wrong with you. Your sense of humour.
Yes, there is something wrong with you. Your sense of humour.

I was going to do that in five separate posts, but that would sort of get me banned.

How can we force you to make you send more than 5 posts a day;
- beg you?
- ask normally?
- insult you? :D