A question of physics and engineering for my good friend Superluminal


Valued Senior Member
There is airplane on the order of 100 plus feet wingspan, 100 plus feet body length, 45 foot high tail section, powered by two fan jet engines with over 9 foot intake diameter and carrying apprioximately 8000 gallons of jet fuel, and thirty or so passengers and crew. The wings extend out from the lower part of the fuselage. The airplane is essentially, for the purposes of this thread, identical to a Boeing 757 airliner.

1. What kind of turbulence, if any, or disruption of flight characteristics imposed on the airplane can be expected if the airplane flies inches above the flat surface of grass covered ground at over 500 mph? Do you have any pilot sources? In this line of questions what would be the expected level and extent of flight experience, training and piloting skills to succesfully fly the airplane over an extended length of ground.?

Would a few hours of simulator training be generally sufficient, as to your opinion of course.?

If the airplane strikes a strucrure, say 40 feet high, where the walls (a series of 5 or 6 walls running perpendiclular to the aircraft impact) are made from two plus feet of reinforced concrete, what would be a reasonable description of observed crash debris and other crash conditions be expected, and to,
  • the area immediately outside the outside wall,
  • immediately inside the first wall impacted,
  • internally into the building proper,
  • damage to rooms of the building adjacent to the impact point, rooms, furniture, paper, books, clothing materials, computers etc,
  • the probability that no remains of passenger or crew on board the impacting airplane were observed,
  • the probability that remains of persons working in the target zone within the building were recovered and identified,
  • the extent of any fires anticipated anywhere in the vicinity of the impact,
  • the number of frames of a videotape security camers pointing at the impact point, (here less than 6 frames, more than 6, 20 minutes worth?),
  • the probability that only a single plastic identification card of one of the passengers was recovered, which constituted the entire observed entities on board the aircraft,
  • the probability that no main gear, nose gear or engine debris was observed anywhere,
  • the probability that a single piece of aluminum, approximately 1 foot by 3 feet of aluminum (with a partial markings possibly of "Ame[rican Airlines]" approximately 100 feet to the rear and left of the impact point,
  • and no other aluminum shreds or scraps from the airplane were observed,
  • the probability that no baggage, airplane seats, kitchem materials, clothing or black box (containing a flight recorder) were recovered from the site,
  • the probability that no damage from airplane impact to wooden cable reels located on the ground in front of the building were observed,
  • the probability that no ground airplane impact or skid marks were observed,
  • then ask yourself the same questions regarding the same type of airplane allegedly impacting the ground, nose first, at 500 plus mph in Pennsylvania.

Would a possible explanation for the conditions asserted above be as follows:

That except for the two black holes into which a Boeing 757 airplane impacted the building and ground, and then disappeared into, leaving no clue to the current whereabouts of that airplane, there was no evidence that any Boeing 757 aircraft, or of similar type of aircraft, were ever at the two points allegedly impacted by Boeing 757s?

What conditions must exist that would completely negate the observation of any significant and identifiable crash debris? Heat? Complete Vaporization? Impact velocity? Aircraft materials? Aircraft design? Angle of impact? Loose nuts and bolts? Welded seams? Magic? Voodoo? "That's just the way it was"? Other?

funkstar said:
Take your conspiracy theory nonsense to the Cesspool, please.

Otherwise, read the NIST Pentagon Building Performance Report and correct the factual mistakes in your post.
Your reference was focused on the "building". Lacking is the debris expected to be observed in virtually all photographs interior and exterior. The first photographs showed rooms immediately to the left and right of the induced hole in the building. These photos do not indicate fire as expected.

Finally, I find it odd that your report did not reference critical reports claiming that a Boeing 757 did not strike the building. I suppose it is the business of those writing the report to include anad exclude mataerials as they see fit, it is just odd.

The photograpgs of the impacting airplane prove nothing. The was a claim of found landing gear deep in the building, bur this claim was not demonstrated. Likjewise, I would like to knoiw where the crash debris was moved to.

There were only a few frames of the so called videotape that was withheld for over 5 years. Why not show the complete footage, or would this prove embarrassing?

There must necessarily have been aluminum shreds scattered all over the place, but I saw none consistent with a Boeing 757-200 aircraft.
The claim of found remains of passengers is not demonstrated in the report. There was no evidence that supports the FBI claims of bpassenger body part locations. Why were FBI investigating the deaths and not trained pathologists? This information received a scant 4 or 5 paragraphs.

The locations of the remains was presented as a compuiter simulation only. The data would not be permissible in a court of law.

The three eye witnesses all from the same office is a statistical suspicion.

Try this report on for size.
This is necessary.
As is this of course.
You made no mention of the Shankesville, Pa. crash site, why is this?
Phlog, I'm not stating this to offend you in any way, but I'm sure the people wearing tinfoil hats are more concerned with Mindcontrol and brainwashing to participate in the grand conspiracy that geistkiesel suggest.

The "Tinfoil hat brigade" take alot of stick thanks to such conspirators and all they are really after is just peace of mind :)