A question for a believer in the bible.


Registered Member
I've always wondered, if god can't sin, or won't do "bad" things. Why is it, that he would kill and send to hell all the "evil" human beings he created, simply because he deemed them "evil"? I'm trying to use the word evil in the loosest form of the word. Don't take me completely literal, since "evil" could technicaly mean different things coming from different faiths.

In the begining chapters of the bible, i recall a time where he told noah that he was going to flood the earth and kill everyone(of course, because they were acting bad.) But, i also recall later in the old test. something that states god would never sin or commit bad acts. Yet, this is one of the deadly sins.

Those begining chapters are where i really doubted the writters of the bible. It seemed all too "horribly written". And not very "god-like" in my opinion. Besides, the bible tries to play off that god is "perfect". Yet, in his perfection, he is un-able to create a species that would believe in him?

Of course, I have never gone into fully reading the entire bible, as alot of it seemed to contradict itself to me. So, i had to ask the question.

I would be willing to answer nearly any questions on my faith that anyone has. But, of course, that may bore the hell out of alot of people.
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I am no God but just today a Pigeon was attacked by my Cat and I should have put it out of its misery but I couldn't. If I can't kill a Pigeon how could God kill 'everyone' I say everyone because God created Death its self.

*I called the RSPCA and they put the Pigeon down.
alexb123 said:
I am no God but just today a Pigeon was attacked by my Cat and I should have put it out of its misery but I couldn't. If I can't kill a Pigeon how could God kill 'everyone' I say everyone because God created Death its self.

*I called the RSPCA and they put the Pigeon down.

Welcome Perishiko to Sciforums..

Ancient books served their purpose, they made some men overule others by self imposed "divine authorative of an invisible deity" the bible as well as the quaran are nothing more than tools to manipulate the ignorant masses..These tools have worked well, to the point that many today still believe such tripe and rhetorical BS!.

Perishiko said:
I've always wondered, if god can't sin, or won't do "bad" things. Why is it, that he would kill and send to hell all the "evil" human beings he created, simply because he deemed them "evil"? I'm trying to use the word evil in the loosest form of the word. Don't take me completely literal, since "evil" could technicaly mean different things coming from different faiths.

In the begining chapters of the bible, i recall a time where he told noah that he was going to flood the earth and kill everyone(of course, because they were acting bad.) But, i also recall later in the old test. something that states god would never sin or commit bad acts. Yet, this is one of the deadly sins.

The God of the Bible does not obey, or follow, His own “revealed” Laws of morality. That would be beneath Him! The lesson that He so clearly teaches, over and over again, for all of mankind to follow, is that whoever makes the rules is not bound by them.
I'm pretty much with you SetiAlpha6. Just as a parent has kids, they won't want the kids punishing each other since they aren't wise enough and old enough to do it responsibly. And so is man prone to many mistakes, to take the life of another can't be good. Since we metaphorically are God's children, I see it like a parent/child relationship.
Actually in reality to sin is to commit and act contrary to god's will. Since God made the flood it was obviously his will. Despite that. After words he made a promise not to do it again.

Even so it was not man that was upsetting him. Some of the Fallen and some of his angels were copulating a reproducing with humans. A union he forbode. He was unmaking this mistake in the only way possible. He had to kill everyone in that area save for one family.

On another note God does not send people to Hell. They chose to go there. They had one simple and easy way out of that fate. Repent and make an attempt at reform. It is important to note that people who have led good lives but not heard of redemption are not put in hell.
Perishiko said:
I've always wondered, if god can't sin, or won't do "bad" things. Why is it, that he would kill and send to hell all the "evil" human beings he created, simply because he deemed them "evil"? I'm trying to use the word evil in the loosest form of the word. Don't take me completely literal, since "evil" could technicaly mean different things coming from different faiths.

There is Evil. God is the one who decided what is evil and what is not. Evil has an absolute value no matter what values are derived by different faiths.

In the begining chapters of the bible, i recall a time where he told noah that he was going to flood the earth and kill everyone(of course, because they were acting bad.) But, i also recall later in the old test. something that states god would never sin or commit bad acts. Yet, this is one of the deadly sins.

God can end a life without sinning. There is no such thing as God murdering anyone. The Law against murdering in a Law designed by God for Humans, it has never been a Law that God is under. God is God so God cannot murder all deaths caused by God are punishments ie lawful killing.

Those begining chapters are where i really doubted the writters of the bible. It seemed all too "horribly written". And not very "god-like" in my opinion. Besides, the bible tries to play off that god is "perfect". Yet, in his perfection, he is un-able to create a species that would believe in him?

He created a species that had the choice to believe or not to believe. It would have been easier to create a Zombi race that only had one option to believe. But He did better than that and created a "species" that could do both, believe and dis-believe.

Of course, I have never gone into fully reading the entire bible, as alot of it seemed to contradict itself to me. So, i had to ask the question.

You should give it a go, I would suggest starting at the Gospel of Matthew and then reading on till the end.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Perishiko said:
Of course, I have never gone into fully reading the entire bible, as alot of it seemed to contradict itself to me. So, i had to ask the question.

I might suggest that you start with the last book of the Bible first, the book of Revelation. And then try and kinda reverse-engineer the whole titanic bloody nightmare you find there. Best Wishes!
As far as the bible being a revelation, Thomas Paine answered it best, more than 200 years ago. He said that it is a contradiction in terms to call anything a revelation that comes to us second-hand, either verbally or in writing, because a revelation is necessarily limited to the first communication, and that after that it is only an account of something that another person says was a revelation to him. We have only his word for it, as it was never made to us. click
Adstar said:
There is Evil. God is the one who decided what is evil and what is not. Evil has an absolute value no matter what values are derived by different faiths.

God can end a life without sinning. There is no such thing as God murdering anyone. The Law against murdering in a Law designed by God for Humans, it has never been a Law that God is under. God is God so God cannot murder all deaths caused by God are punishments ie lawful killing.

He created a species that had the choice to believe or not to believe. It would have been easier to create a Zombi race that only had one option to believe. But He did better than that and created a "species" that could do both, believe and dis-believe.

You should give it a go, I would suggest starting at the Gospel of Matthew and then reading on till the end.

M*W: Why start with Matthew when Mark was the first gospel written? Why not start with the Epistles of Paul? They were written even before Mark. Or didn't you know that?
What kind of a dickhead breaks his own rules? That's a throwback to times of tyrannical absolutism, not rational, sensible rule.
SetiAlpha6 said:
The God of the Bible does not obey, or follow, His own “revealed” Laws of morality. That would be beneath Him! The lesson that He so clearly teaches, over and over again, for all of mankind to follow, is that whoever makes the rules is not bound by them.

Do as I say, not as I do

TW Scott said:
Actually in reality to sin is to commit and act contrary to god's will. Since God made the flood it was obviously his will. Despite that. After words he made a promise not to do it again.

Even so it was not man that was upsetting him. Some of the Fallen and some of his angels were copulating a reproducing with humans. A union he forbode. He was unmaking this mistake in the only way possible. He had to kill everyone in that area save for one family.

You would have thought that an all powerful "God" would have been able to find another way without murdering everything except that one family?

Adstar said:
He created a species that had the choice to believe or not to believe. It would have been easier to create a Zombi race that only had one option to believe. But He did better than that and created a "species" that could do both, believe and dis-believe.

I thought our choice of believing or not believing is a result of Eve's sin of eating from the tree of knowledge? He created us as zombies and then punished us for falling for his 'temptation'. I thought it was only the devil that tempted people?
if we are GODS children... then we are all embued with a tiny fraction of GODS spirit, and if he dooms us to hell... hes only hurting himself... he rejects the bad apples, and collects the bountaful good harvest... and so... would he then, worry about the apples that went bad????
to let them rot,, is to fertilize the next crop.

oh and there is this.... genesis chapter one did you say? (theory form)

theory compared to bible... perfect fit.... gee gosh golly.


i think genesis chapter one... based on the evidense in the sciences.. makes perfect sense.... but we need to re-interpret it.. as i have just shown you.

any question? radicalman@surfside.net

Just_Not_There said:
I thought our choice of believing or not believing is a result of Eve's sin of eating from the tree of knowledge? He created us as zombies and then punished us for falling for his 'temptation'. I thought it was only the devil that tempted people?

If He created them as Zombies then they would never have gone against his instruction not to eat of the tree of knowledge of Good and evil. If they where Zombies then we would not be where we are today.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
A God settings rules and then not following those rules is comparable to a King settings rules and then not following them, or a dictator, or a president, or any leader for that matter. A god CAN do anything, but he shouldnt do anything.
Provita said:
A God settings rules and then not following those rules is comparable to a King settings rules and then not following them, or a dictator, or a president, or any leader for that matter. A god CAN do anything, but he shouldnt do anything.

No there is a big difference.

Kings, Dictators and Presidents are all human beings like the people they make the rules for.

God is not a human being. He is not the same as the people He gives rules too.

The rules that God gives are designed for human beings, they are not designed for Him.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Perishiko said:
I've always wondered, if god can't sin, or won't do "bad" things. Why is it, that he would kill and send to hell all the "evil" human beings he created, simply because he deemed them "evil"? I'm trying to use the word evil in the loosest form of the word. Don't take me completely literal, since "evil" could technicaly mean different things coming from different faiths.
You should actually begin by looking at your definition of evil. In fact, your whole premise that God created some or all people evil - practically destining them for hell - needs to be reconsidered. If you are discussing the God of the Bible, you simply can't get away with very loose definitions or broad generlizations - that's where the confusion sets in.

The Bible describes the fall of man in very specific language, with very carefully constructed layers amd "types".

In the begining chapters of the bible, i recall a time where he told noah that he was going to flood the earth and kill everyone(of course, because they were acting bad.) But, i also recall later in the old test. something that states god would never sin or commit bad acts. Yet, this is one of the deadly sins.
People die anyway, naturally and unnaturally, and God never stops that process. If you say God kills one person but allowing them to die you must say the same for every person who dies, and you're essentially saying nothing - you've just redefined death as an evil act of God, which it isn't. Death is a natural consequence of sin, which is per definition something people do contrary to each other and contrary to God. That sin has evil consequences is perfectly in line with what God told Adam and Eve, not contrary to what He ordained.

Those begining chapters are where i really doubted the writters of the bible. It seemed all too "horribly written". And not very "god-like" in my opinion. Besides, the bible tries to play off that god is "perfect". Yet, in his perfection, he is un-able to create a species that would believe in him?

Of course, I have never gone into fully reading the entire bible, as alot of it seemed to contradict itself to me. So, i had to ask the question.
Maybe it would make more sense if you read the parts that went together, at least, and tried to understood why they go together. Believers usually go to church or seminaries to learn from people who've studied the Bible, so it's natural that someone from the outside would read it with a modernistic bias and miss the literature aspects of it. If you thought the beginning chapters were "horribly written", but scholars in comparitive literature disagree (and I'm not just talking about scholars who believe what it says), would you reconsider? Remember, the Bible wasn't written for a modern audience in the first place. Look at this article on the structure of Genesis 1 and 2, for example, and you'll see that there's more to the text than you could possibly pick up from a casual reading. And it's njot just Gen. 1 and 2 that looks like this.

PS. Your conclusion that God was unable to create a species that would believe in Him is incorrect, since many people do believe in God - most of them even while they disobey Him. Disobedience sets a bad example, bad examples lead to resentment, resentment turns into distantiation, and distance leads to unbelief (losing sight of God). Clearly the problem doesn't lie in what God is unable to do, but in what people are able to do.

I would be willing to answer nearly any questions on my faith that anyone has. But, of course, that may bore the hell out of alot of people.
Maybe if you tell us what your faith is people could pose questions about it that they're willing to hear answered. :)