A question and then a suggestion


Registered Member
Hi, I have over the years seen many videos and images purporting to capture UFOs in the sky.
The one thing common to all of these is that they are not very clear. It's usually a blur and then if a narrator is present, he will interject his theories of gravity engines and turbines. Truthfully, if you look at them without any preconceptions, they really are not as impressive as enthusiasts would have you believe. There is obviously something in the sky, but what it is is not at all clear.
It could be a paper bag a lens flare and even a UFO, but we can never really say, "yes this is one". At best we can say that this looks like a cockpit or a tail fin or a saucer.
I have a suggestion. From what I have read on the net, there are many science and engineering experts who are an active part of the UFO community.
You should get together an construct a radio controlled plane that carries one or more cameras on it. Since such a thing would be purpose built, aesthetics are immaterial and its only job would be to fly and record. A good quality zoom capable camera lense extending the length of such a plane would provide much better pictures and be a better advocate for your mission. It would in the least get closer and hence get a better shot, than people on the ground, and just imagine what we could achieve with a 1000 or so people with such a device all over the wolrd. We have all sorts of tech which is somewhat easily accessible and tonnes of bright people out there to figure out how to use it constructively.
I hope I get a variety of replies from all you professionals out there.
I'm no professional, paranormal stuff is kind of a hobby for me, but say that UFO's exist and are out there right now. They're pretty rare, right? What are the chances that a dinky little airplane is gonna see one? Maybe a satellite would work better....?

Yeah Pollux, people like you and me probably wouldnt catch a UFO.
I'm talking about the cadre of guys who sit at locations for hours and hours and plan expeditions. I call them pro's, many call them the fanatics.
A satellite would be cool, but a tad hard to access;)
A satellite would be cool, but a tad hard to access

Yeah, but so would an airplane with lots of cameras on it. These guys can plan expeditions and stuff but it doesn't mean that they're going to come out with solid evidence of UFO's. Those videos are usually grainy and of bad quality because it makes it harder for the fellows analyzing the stuff to figure out if there's a giant flying cow-shaped UFO or a cheestick with an apple in front of it on a cord.

A satellite would be hard but if it could be put into a geo-synchronous orbit, meaning that it would observe the same place 24/7/5 days a week (hahahha), you may have a better chance of catching some wierd stuff. You may not actually have to buy a satellite, I think there are companies now that rent them out or something.