a profound and comprehensive biography of prophet Muhammad

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Registered Senior Member
dear respectful thinker

talks about islam, is it the true and has been waited religion ? its just a fallacy?
are the attacks against the foundations of that religion funded, or they are just a justification for the western interests in the arab and muslim world's wealth?

truth is at the stake
here is a comprehensive narration (video) of that unique life , of the islam's prophet . watch it , then judge the whole matter of that religion your self (not according media).
enjoy it
the first part:

the second part :

kindly note:
this is not an entertainment , you have a main source that exposes every thing about this religion and its prophet , and gives you a first hand chance for such a closed and profound study .
please know that your viewpoints are very welcome

thanks in advance
Religion is good for two people. Those that want to lord over others and those happy to be enslave themselves. There is a third group who just wish for fair play among all parties. That's just to sum up volumes written on same. I don't wish to delve into the murky waters of polemics though. Bye.
dear respectful thinker

talks about islam, is it the true and has been waited religion ? its just a fallacy?
are the attacks against the foundations of that religion funded, or they are just a justification for the western interests in the arab and muslim world's wealth?

truth is at the stake
here is a comprehensive narration (video) of that unique life , of the islam's prophet . watch it , then judge the whole matter of that religion your self (not according media).
enjoy it
the first part:

the second part :

kindly note:
this is not an entertainment , you have a main source that exposes every thing about this religion and its prophet , and gives you a first hand chance for such a closed and profound study .
please know that your viewpoints are very welcome

thanks in advance
M*W: Religions are and have been created "for entertainment purposes only." They are just not so entertaining anymore.
This thread is in the wrong forum, and it also seems to be preaching.

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