A Poem Thread


Daughter Of House Ravenhearte
Registered Senior Member
Come one come all, hey you! Stop jerking off, that's not what I meant, this isn't the big penis thread, wrap that around your leg or something. Anyway, bring you masterpieces or you apprenticepieces or you notevenqualifiedfortoiletpaperpieces and share with the world. Err, the world of Sciforums anyway. I'll start off.

Untitled(no that's not a clever title, it just doesn't have one)

Edge so sharp it frees me
and I think not as I settle to my knees
and my blood comes forth
take a sip
we share and we are one
coppery taste so sweet
I kiss your lips
and drink deeply of your soul
as you drink of mine
and we are one
and we are alone
together and alone
two souls lost in identical mazes
and we try to help each other
but only sink deeper
and I know what it's like to feel inside you
and though we are joined
we are alone
and I don't return your phone calls
we tried and failed
because though we were together
we've always been alone.
Damn, and I thought I was being original cause i never visit the Art & Culture forum. Oh well.

PS. this was moved from the Free Thoughts forum so when I followed it in here i saw there was a thread just like it.
..tattered gauze curtains billow and sigh in the sultry sea-laced breeze .. green winds and southern songs...wisteria-laced inspirations of long ago...now..hollowed-out thoughts have left me tracing/carving love lost on the frosty windowpanes ~ i gaze out at a livid rain while you sit & speak to me in sad refrains. turning momentarily from my winter white whims .....i tell you life's a pain...yeah, right..but, it goes on... just keep on dreaming of those soft, stolen summer nights...it'll be alright.
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carry me to the heavens
hold me in your tender touch
rest your sweet head on my shoulder
run to the depths of the passive sea
swim towards the blue light in the sky
and rest your sweet head on me.

a cave, a bear waits for you
under the blanket of wishes made for you
troubled sleep never interupts our love
our binding strengths hold us together
a cat mews softly against a cold window
baring down on the Mother Earth, the Father
waiting for you, under a cast of lights.

some flying question goes through a blur
waiting, for no one, something for itself
wanting something unknown to itself,
carrying a blessing for the world,
something to share, something to hold
a clay basset carries the mold.

A bird, wanting nothing of itself,
carries the word of something wanted
Listening to no one, but carrying on to the end.
Ever caught, ever seen, it will call the phrase of the free

a sea envelopes a wicked source
carried by the dark man himself,
who possesses the cane of heaven.
silence takes precedence, carried over to one of the best.
Never thought of whats rest in some charm.

err..... Copyright 2001 by me.
I dunno, the other poetry thread someone said to put the copyright thing.
Russian Roulette

Let's play a game of Russian roulette,
you spin the revolver and I'll make you a bet.
I'll bet you a million that god loves me more.
Cash up front only, and please close the door.

Now here are the terms of our gentlemanly wager.
Ah, first turn off your cell phone, and pager.
Now we can finish with no interruptions,
the wager's a million I have less sins and corruptions.

We'll take the pistol and place it to our heads,
whoever god loves most will live and the other is dead,
I'll go first to prove I'm not lying.
(click) (sigh) Good, I didn't feel like dying.

Now you take the pistol and give it a whirl.
Easy, it's antique, just a light little twirl.
Now place it to your temple and pull the trigger
(click) (bang) Guess god's love for me was bigger.
ahh! my threads dying!

i'll revive it with another poem.

Blind Faith

Step out of the shadows,
walk into the sun.
Flee from your darkness
that said it had won.

Trust not your senses,
for your faith is blind.
Listen not to your heart
for you know it's unkind.

Your friends must be wrong
for you know you are right.
You have your values,
you're holding them tight.

So you trust your god
and I'll trust my eyes,
but when the time comes
to say your goodbyes

we'll see who was right
and who was misguided.
studying math all night
makes my head not right
studying math all the time
makes for an easy rhyme
uh oh..fractal overload
my head explodes
i'd better ace that tomorrow
A dark shadowy figure looms in the dark corners fearing the light
of day. seeking only to cause pain and get it's own way. It is
crafty and covert, it’s skill unsurpassed. Praying on all your fears,
all the negative of your past. It seeps in like insidious black goo.
It is only seeking to destroy you. Its persistence never seems to
dwindle or darkness fade away. Eating you up alive is its daily
pay. It lives to hurt and strike fear in your heart. It's base of
operation is evil, it thinks it's so smart.

It knows all and sees all, or so it likes to think. It is the blood of
the lighter side that are its 5 o'clock drinks. It is the ethereal
terrorist, the taker of souls. Leaving you and I empty are it's only
goals. The lower you go the higher it gets. The dark side of life is
the only thing it protects. All else is of no interest, only honing its
skill. The skill of disharmony and undermining your free will.

With some the daggers are easy to see. But with this evil beast
the daggers operate subconsciously. It scopes you out claiming
to be a friend, when all of a sudden it is your life you are fighting
to defend. You fight to break free but the stranglehold is firmly in
place. You are off balance, severely displaced. It carves up your
soul like a filleted fish. Gasping for air, you whisper, "What is

It's hideous laugh cuts like a chill wind on a bleak winters day. It
seems there is nothing to do, nothing to say. You look into its
eyes and start to turn away. But no not this time, you will not
win, it's my turn to play. So you spat in its face and pull out your
sword of light. You are weak but determined to win this age old
fight. It flinches for a moment then pretends to stand tall. You
know deep down inside this time it will be the darkness that will

©1991 rev. 2001
Here's one I wrote about a year or two ago. It's kinda long, and vaugely RATM-esque....


Something tells you something's going on
you can't tell what
ask a question, give an answer
this silence must be cut
with minds as keen as carving knives
and hands that hold their very lives
to unlock doors that have been shut
to seize the reigns
and tear them up

A man is smart but men are dumb
they give their lives to die in slums
a woman cries while killers hum
and sing outlawed songs to one another
about their victims: sons and mothers
or slaying lying lolling lovers
inmates paddle bursting bellies
and model modern Machiavelli
as packs of children swarm the street
and gnaw what Manson doesn’t eat

Beyond the hazy grassy knoll
Bellwethers look for our extol
they close our eyes and feed us coal:
Life in prison, no parole
Christ is risen, say the polls
He would’ve wanted it this way
We don’t want these sheep to stray
So let’s just tie them with some twine
We’ll empty lives and fill their minds
With beaming bombs and putrid palms
And suffocating callous rind
that will take the wind and make it calm
apart from gales in Vietnam
where tails of mankind kill the trees
and jails of their kind quiet seas

And as the curtain starts to fall
with inflated bowing, they forestall
a disenchanted audience
they can’t resist, it makes so much cents
to have them at their beck and call
though thick and thin and all and all.

They haven’t swayed quite everyone
not the brain that bought a gun
that’s filling up an empty head
with bullets and igniting suns
that take the knotted thoughts and shred
to weave a notion finely spun
that callous rinds have grown to dread

I've got more if ya want em.
Safety First

Planes fall out of the sky
Cars slide into fly
Trains skid off the track
Whereas Transrapid
will always bring me back

I've always wanted to call this poem Safety Thirst

any comments
Safety First

Planes fall out of the sky
Cars slide into fly
Trains skid off the track
Whereas Transrapid
will always bring me back

I've always wanted to call this poem Safety Thirst

any comments
Safety First

Planes fall out of the sky
Cars slide into fly
Trains skid off the track
Whereas Transrapid
will always bring me back

I've always wanted to call this poem Safety Thirst

any comments
How come you posted it three times, pcd2k? Btw, what's the object of your poem? Is it an advertisement?
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When the morphine wore off
All I could see
Was the impenetrable silence
That lived within me

When the morphine wore off
I fell forever
Breath ripped out my lungs
And I drowned in fear

When the morphine wore off
My face, my eyes, my hands
Bled to feel
The hourglass’s harsh sands

When the morphine wore off
I wept and I fought
Until the nice men came again
To give me another shot.
Hiding away, courting a darker side
Was coasting before now I feel myself slide
Stabbing demons in the dark with battle gear on
Fear is waiting, don't know where I belong

Out of control from the inside out
Only a foundation of fear and doubt
I have a voice but no words to speak
I feel zapped, my spirit is weak

I am terrified right down to the bone
I walk the hallways of my darker side alone
This shadow side comes from deep within
Can't find the door to let the light in

The Garden

I'll meet you in the garden, by the apple tree.
I'll pick for you a fruit so sweet, it's taste will set you free.
And I'll drink in of you're beauty, as you drink in of me.
And I'll get down on my knees, and kiss your lips gently.
And I will feel inside of you, if you'll hold onto me.
And we'll be joined together, for all the stars to see.
In the garden of Eden, by the apple tree.
Conduct Unbecoming

With that smile upon your face,
you say you love the human race.
Yet your actions speak loud and clear,
you prey on the weak with fear.

Conduct unbecoming a human.

What is up with all this shit?
You are nothing but a hypocrite!
You look at them, smiles a plenty.
The knife you hide is always ready.

Conduct unbecoming a human.

You are shallow not hallowed.
Hanging souls from the gallows.
You are beastly and cruel,
selling souls your golden rule.

Conduct unbecoming a human.

You lurk in the shadows, laying in wait.
False promises of heavenly gates.
I tell you this and I mean what I say,
you will reap what you have sown one day.

Conduct unbecoming a human.

Martians have landed
Babies with two heads
Elvis is still living
That's what the headline said

Missing link found today
Bigfoot had a child
Losing sleep is good for you,
The headlines are so wild

Tabloid fantasies
Reporter run amuck
Telling tall tales
just to make a buck

Tabloid fantasies
