A petition to protect our children?


Kicks ass
Valued Senior Member
As a concerned citizen I am signing this Petition To Protect Our Children, and calling our federal and state leaders to:

by ensuring that our federal and state laws allow only traditional families. Homosexual adoption should remain outlawed!

from rampant homosexual indoctrination in our public schools.

from legislation that bullies us and our businesses into supporting the homosexual lifestyle (such as the Employee Non-Discrimination Act).

These attempts to “legitimize” the homosexual lifestyle have put our children, our families, and our nation at risk. I am urging you to take a stand to Protect Our Children.

Full text here

I just received this as an ALERT email, saying that (and God fobid) " P R O - F A M I L Y A L E R T - Florida considering homosexual sensitivity training - this must be stopped"
At first I laughed my ass off on how people can actually consider this a BAD thing, and then I started thinking, if the Pro-family activists actually win with this position, it could be setback for the gay and lesbian community. What could possibly be so wrong with teaching children to love other children even if they are gay? This subject really pisses me off because for 1) Its not like gayness can be RUBBED off onto someone, and 2) Kids are hard enough on other kids in school already, and Im assuming its got be harder for that of a gay boy/girl. People are acting like if this is actually incorporated into our schools - well basically the whole world has gone to hell. Goddam Comi'z!

its not an infectouse disease

i find that a lot of gays are nicer and MUCH more tolerant than most "NORMAL" people (i say it that way simly because i can't spell it, sorry guys)

what is it that people fear so much?

anyone a little different and everyone jumps on them

Absolutely creepy.

And from the look of it, Jeb's put a few on the bench in Florida. After all, Florida is "America's wang" as the joke goes. So it will be an interesting result when three-quarters of Florida's entertainment and tourism industry has to pack up 'cuz their kind ain't wanted 'round there. Think of the impact on the old people! Hairdressers and florists and decorators ... all gone in the blink of an eye.

Seriously, though, Florida's obscene and has been for years. Something about Disney World stole the soul of that place, and it's never really been quite right. It's a cosmopolitan backwater. I mean, what makes it so funny is that Florida is where they prefer housing children with convicted murderers and accused child molesters in order to spare them the evils of lesbian parenting. :bugeye:

It's sickeningly funny. I'm laughing because the only alternative is to get unreasonably furious about such things. I mean, sure, it's not like they're burning down sick people's homes this time, but I think Florida has a bit of work to do in order to demonstrate that they [urlhttp://www.gopbi.com/partners/pbpost/news/election2000.html]understand the idea of the 21st century[/url].

I just found this list of weird laws. Florida's list:
• Women may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer, as can the salon owner.
• A special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.
• If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.
• It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit.
• Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.
• Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.
• It is illegal to skateboard without a license.
• When having sex, only the missionary position is legal.
I mean, is it that some of these laws exist because someone has done this? :eek:

Sex with a porcupine? Elephants tied to parking meters?

That's it, I need a strapless gown and tickets to Disney World. :D

It's Florida. Let's see if they get the signatures, if they're capable of voting it into law, and then let them deal with the hideous slew of lawsuits. Something tells me that lawsuit money is coming from the school budgets.

The comedy of the American civic arena.

Sounds like late-nite macabre theatre.

Where's Elvira, or Rhonda whatsit when you need her? Maybe Gilbert Gottfried will be hired as a campaign spokesperson.

Yes, I'm being hard on Florida. I'm tired of bad news from Florida ... :bugeye:

I can't possibly take this seriously. That is, it's a serious problem, but I can't even begin to estimate the absolutely gut-wrenching comedic value ... "grass" fire. I got yer grassfire right here. I think the fact that more earthquakes are in California and not Florida speaks as evidence against the idea of a just God, at the very least.

I know ... we can take all the petition signers, make a special federal grant program, and send them to Cuba, bringing an equivalent number of Cubans to the United States, thus making a level trade of backwater twits who would throw away liberty for a handful of people who need and will cherish that liberty.

We could talk the petition-signers into it: tell them the land is dirt-cheap and the weather that much better.

Why not? Since we're already talking wholesale social exclusion, why not take it one step further and make the situation into a net gain for the community?

That's it ... someone bring me my pipe ... oh, here it is. :D

Tiassa :cool:
It's illegal to shag porcupines?!

Seriously, what the hell are these people on - 'lifestyle'. Good lord, since when did shagging folks of the same gender constitute a 'lifestyle'?

Dark ages, probaly when.:bugeye:

And what the hell, 'homosexual indoctrination'? Are they teaching 'How to be Gay' courses?

Sounds like General Ripper:

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

This would be funny if it wasn't so disgusting.

its not an infectouse disease

Ah- ah - *atchoo!*
from legislation that bullies us and our businesses into supporting the homosexual lifestyle (such as the Employee Non-Discrimination Act).
Eh? So peoples' families are at threat because they can't discriminate against employees?

from rampant homosexual indoctrination in our public schools.
Yes, children spend too long under those publicly funded gay-hypno rays.

• If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.
That sounds kind of fair though. Why shouldn't you have to pay if it takes up the space?
And what the hell, 'homosexual indoctrination'? Are they teaching 'How to be Gay' courses?

I think (and I could be wrong) its more of a sensitivity training. Teaching kids that its okay if other kids are gay, that you dont have to ridicule and torment them. And I think its good idea, instill it when their young. As long as it doesnt get out of hand. Maybe a workshop or a seminar but not a regular class for it.
True enough ...

That sounds kind of fair though. Why shouldn't you have to pay if it takes up the space?
It's a fair perspective. I suppose I'm just irritated because they traded out elephant hitching at my favorite pub for motorcycle parking. :D

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by Xev

And what the hell, 'homosexual indoctrination'? Are they teaching 'How to be Gay' courses?
Lesson One: Flower Arranging.
Lesson Two: Interior Decorating.
Lesson Three: Dress For Excess.
Et cetera...

Sorry, had to have my fun. :p
Because this is to stupid for words, I post a nice test for you all. :) May we all be a happy (gay) family. :bugeye:

Test Here

For your information: My outcome was 46%... ;)
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23% - apparently I need to "loosen up" a bit :confused: :D

Well, I lived with a couple of gay guys for about 6 months. They were good friends to begin with, but as time when on I realised how shallow they really were. To the point where I actually left in disgust and havent seen them since. It's not as if they weren't intelligent, it was more that they DELIBERATELY sought to be shallow. Hard thing to explain.

There's probably a lot of straight people like that too... but I seem to have found more gays acting in such a way than there should be porportionately.

Now... where did I leave those eyebrow pluckers... and I must remember to buy those leather pants... :cool:
Adam is 20% gay!

You're a walking, talking, red-blooded hetero guy. Just way too straight for these modern times mate!

I'm surprised I scored that high. I wish they had "I don't give a damn" options for each question.