A perfect world...

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not much time but hey, is it possible that...

robots replace the middle class
we all become communist (nice-communist, not stalinist)
noone has to work (xept the robots)
we spend our lives learning/chilling

happy happy land :):):)
personaly i suspect the brakeown of nations (thus making each person essentially his own soverign nation) will occur instead. Many people might have robots producing a specific sort of good or material and would trade with neighbors for other necessities. Robotics would take care of the actual production, leaving the human to handle intellectual, artistic, and social persuits. Others might go more towards the self sufficency route and largely become hermits.

Thats what I suspect anyways.
umf, typo... sorry, i meant that robots will replace the lower classes, but i see what you mean, sweet deal :) cant wait
Robots will replace the upper class, and we will be forced to work by creating more robots, creating more work, etc.....
Once we have a decent AI designed, I think, the first public use could be at family farms where AIs can be combined with farm machinary to raise crops. However building cars would be a whole different issue - the union would not let robots replace workers. Fast foods could be another place for robots too. Then AI robots can help as domestic help for cooking and cleaning...
But you would have legions of robot slaves to flip burgers for you. And without those nasty slave revolts. Thank Asimov for those 3 rules.
What most people don't realize is that no amount of technology will create a perfect world. You know why? We all live in one already; there are natural laws by which eveything must follow and within these laws we all try to do whatever it is we do and will likely destroy ourselves or be destroyed. Thus, we make and break ourselves while staying within the natural laws in a closed system. Being that the system is a system, every infinitesimal particle compliments another, and creates an equilibrium of sorts; furthermore, since the equation works (and we all exist in some form or another without majikally disapearing) the compliments of these life equations make this world perfect. At least in terms of math and physics.
Its sort of a tough question. With robots doing all the work, is that good or bad. Back in classic Greek times, work was done by slaves. Same scenario. Then they did not like work, now we do like work.
I think the first use would be these. Send them off into space to explore. Make them into soldiers with or without pain.
I think a better name than robots is animachines, being any machines with a brain. Say robot and you think of a clockwork machine.
I would not say this if I did not have a way to make them already.
It is not AI.
By the time such an AI is a possibility,we wouldnt even spent time with so much learning...We could learn with several Loader contructs and other programs directly fed into brain...

Yes, robots (or thinking machines) will replace lower classes. Labour and menial precise production will become none existant, I`d say within 60 years. And after that, when we merge with our technology (the actual word being synonymous to us), what we would consider today to be robots, will replace such things as art and literature (we will see evidence of that sooner than we will see a replacement of all menial labour).
I don`t think we`ll become communists. When machines take over work, who gets the benefits? We will most likely become entrepreneurs, dynamic and insightful thinking will be rewarded and so will push the Law of Accerated Returns to its max (not really, but you get the idea).
A society of idle rich is before us, where there will be more leisure time (we can already compare today`s from 50 years ago, it`s enormous) and I believe we will pursue such activities as learning (it will be required to learn new skills constantly if you are to hold any intellectual position, which almost everyone in the First Worlds will hold) and getting `back to nature`(hopefully we still have one to get back to).
Yes, we will create a perfect world. How do I know this, because we will have to ability to create our own.
"in about 60 YEARS"...

the same thing was predicted about AI in 1930s when Isaac started writing about Friendly concept of AI...Which could never come on its way...

Yes, I was a little apprehensive about giving a prediction. We cannot predict the trends of the future. With the dawn of artificial intelligence (or what will pass as), it will become almost impossible to try to predict dates and more specifically desires and needs (which are some of the leading forces of technology in the first place). So, sorry for that prediction, I guess it could happen sooner.
umf, typo... sorry, i meant that robots will replace the lower classes,
ou mean the dopedealers and prostitues? lol.
middleclasers get little-man jobs too. i think you were right the first time.:) however, i dont think it will ever be completely fair to where the whole world just sits back and watches it go by. society would simply be based on something else if not income.
that's my idea for a perfect world.
don't forget the removal of all diseases and happy music playing all the time in the street.
I can't believe it....

....I can't believe it. who in god's name builds robots? wait, HUMAN'S! The day human's get replaced by robots is the day they get intelligent enough to build them selves. You see technology is far from that. Sure we build robots every day, but we don't know how to make it as smart as humans or animals. Their isn't a single robot out there that can think for it self and maybe there never will. you see not even human's understand how our brains work. We don't even know how to use 100% of it. we only use 50% of our brain. Oh, and it is 50% and not half. You see we use 50% and not half because the use of our legs and arms are in different sides. anyway, I just wanted to say that.
I think you're a little confused. You said 'who builds' robots. And that should be 'who built' robots. Past tense. No person knows how to build a robot from scratch. Human controlled robots build robots, that is true, but it is still the robot who holds the knowledge, we merely direct.
I'm sorry you've never heard of nanotechnology. The root of that science is creating self-replicating machines on a nano-scale. Though this is still a budding science, I don't believe that self-replication has much to do with intelligence. I've never considered bacteria to be particularily insightful.
It's very naive to believe that machines will never be able to think for themselves. They will one day have the level of free thought that we do today. Or, at least what we believe it to be. Now, whether that is what consciousness is, I think we'll leave that for a different thread.
But perhaps you are right. Keep in mind that by saying computers will never advance is to say that neither will we.
No, we do not understand how our brains work yet. But that's the point, we don't know 'yet'. That's far from saying that the brain is incapable of being understood. Unless that was what you were trying to say.
Originally posted by Dionysus
I'm sorry you've never heard of nanotechnology. The root of that science is creating self-replicating machines on a nano-scale.

I'm sorry, but am I the only one that thinks that's more amazing than sex?
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