a paranormal experience...


Registered Member
I've never believe in ghosts....until i went home in october last year (02)...my husband and I flew home to arkansas. we stayed at his grandmothers home, which is very *very* old. 30 miles away is Old Washington, an old civil war time town. Its pretty much a tourist attraction nowadays. anyways, we spent the night at his grandma's...everyone that had ever stayed there supposedly had weird experiences there so i was pretty afraid to go there. (i grew up there also so i knew the stories) So that night we went to bed ...i woke up in the middle of the night sitting up. this never happens. right in front of me was this large i'd say 6ft. glowing candle looking figure. it was solid gold...what i mean by candle looking was it had a golden globe at the top, touching the ceiling. flowing from that it just looked like a gold candlestick with the wax flowing down. i was scared sh*tless since ya know i dont believe in ghosts......i covered my head with the blanket with my heart pounding for about a half hour. all of a sudden i heard a voice say "jared" in a female whisper. (jared is my husband's name) i elbowed my husband and told him "wake the f*ck up! turn the light ON! he got up and as he was getting up i saw it vanish through the wall. when the light was on everything was totally normal. there is no lights that couldve entered through a window as there is nothing but woods on that side of the house. maybe it was some weird prank but why would his grandma do this to me? wtf? maybe i AM crazy. jared's cousin, who is the same age as me...saw the same thing only green...i later found out. oh well.....
Many people believe that you don't always go anywhere when you die. some believe that the apparations seen are caused when a person dies in a horrible fashion that the psychic enegery contained with you keeps you replaying the scene over and over. Like a record stuck and never getting unstuck.Here is my experience with the supernatural

When i was younger the house i lived in was considered one of the oldest houses in the community. It was made roughtly in the 1900's when the Silver rush came to my home state. There was always something that bothered me about the house. Unexplained cold, things getting moved, strange dreams.
There was at least 3 entities that lived there. Some were tolerable. But one was downright frightening. i lived in the upstairs of the house and the entity lived in the room next to me. I NEVER went into that room without an adult present. Despite the strange phenomina we lived in that house til it burned down (the wiring really needed to get replaced but before that could happen it burned..the wiring was said to of been put in during the 30's)

Your experience was quite pleasent than what it could of been. Thought i suggest that you familarize yourself with the type of entities. The more you know the less you fear.