Nice puffery piece but someone has posted a searchable DB of the files.A different take on the stolen data.
Context is everything.
Trenberth himself asks "wheres the warming?" I wonder if he planned on letting the policy makers at coppenhagen in on this before they meet in december?
Some snippets with text doc number references so you can check the context for yourself:
Several persons have speculated there will be another release of further documentation based on what the original source said "a sample of the info" (something like that). There is also speculation this is not a hacker, but a whistleblower. Maybe they are already working with the police because the next batch of info is the really damming part and the release was to insure an investigation really occurs (my speculation). There is talk from some these emails in 07 of fraud and government funding monies.
I have been reading some of the stuff. I started on page 43 and am working my way back as time permits.
Clearly, the peer review process of Climate is suspect. It also seems there is cherry-picking of data in some of the papers used to promote AGW. Absolutely, there are elements within the hierarchy of climate study which are attempting to avoid FOI with as much intent as Bush/Cheney. Above scrutiny? No. They are not.