A new universe formation theory


This theory came to me, bits and pieces over the years and finally crystalized out the other day. I thought I would share. I put it in alternate theory since the status quo gets its panties in a bunch if you stray from current wisdom.

One thing that always struck me about the BB theory was how does the primordial atom expand? The starting state is like a black hole, but with all the mass/energy of the universe in one place. How do you overcome the gravity and if this can be done, why don't smaller black holes do this?

After pondering this, there is a way to expand the primordial atom, using the unique conditions of the BB. It has to do with the formation of positive charge separate and before the formation of negative charge. Hypothetically, if you had the primordial atom mass and then all the positive charge appears we have a powerful source of repulsion. At point size, electrostatic repulsion is stronger than gravity.

Let me start at the beginning. Say we begin the universe with only energy, before there is matter. The only reference that will exist is a speed of light reference since there is only energy in the universe. To form matter, since matter cannot exist at C, or speed of light, the universal C energy reference needs to slow to below C to say C-, The result will be a release of relativistic mass with the condensed mass.

The relativistic mass/energy release, going from from C to C- so matter can condense from energy, is the energy output, from which positive charge will appear within the condensed mass. When the positive charge appears, there will be an instant repulsion with the positive charge expanding outward through the mass in all directions. There is an inflation.

Since a moving charge will set up a magnetic field, positive charge accelerating in opposite direction (180 degrees) will generate an attractive force. This magnetic attraction generates brake heat and slows the full expansion (post inflation). Each positive charge will also be repelling all adjacent positive change moving in the same direction. The net result are positive charge/magnetic eddies.

These positive EM eddies act like a chipper shredder, grinding down the mountain sized mass particles within the primordial atom into smaller and smaller particles. This is highly exothermic releasing extreme energy from which the mirror particle or the electrons appears and the BB booms. The final stable particles are analogous to the CO2 and H2O of primordial combustion, with the energy output creating a new degree of freedom (higher entropy) in the universe; electron.

If we compare the electron to the proton, the proton routinely participates in all forces at the same time as part of any atom beyond H1. It uses the EM, strong and weak nuclear forces and gravity all at once. The proton has a connection to the unified force. The electron does not deal too much with the nuclear forces, or the forces which would have been all there is at the extreme densities before the shredder phase. The electron needed more space and energy for entropy and formed after the chipper shredder stage.

The CERN experiments will show us the subtle differences.
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After pondering this, there is a way to expand the primordial atom, using the unique conditions of the BB. It has to do with the formation of positive charge separate and before the formation of negative charge.

How could that happen? When a photon is converted to charged matter (pair production) there is always a positively charged and a negatively charged particle. How and why would you have ONLY a positively charged particle forming directly from energy?:shrug:
CERN's experiment will not create a complete picture, mainly because the universe didn't start with a particle or the collision of particles. So there is still a lot of hypothetical and unknowns attempting to piece together how matter/fields/particles etc came into being.

So I wouldn't conclude that CERN would generate anything Empirical to back up your conclusion.

Incidentally I assume you are pondering that the universe started as an increase in energy to the point where energy could not populate volume any further (Personally I assume this to be a "Benchtest for the upper limit of density that can occupy a given volume", at which point it's system likely then broke down to fields and localised systems that distinguished themselves as matter (eventually particles etc)
This theory came to me, bits and pieces over the years and finally crystalized out the other day. I thought I would share. I put it in alternate theory since the status quo gets its panties in a bunch if you stray from current wisdom.

In other words, you're shouting out a warning that your "theory" is high on the crank index. Right?

One thing that always struck me about the BB theory was how does the primordial atom expand? The starting state is like a black hole, but with all the mass/energy of the universe in one place. How do you overcome the gravity and if this can be done, why don't smaller black holes do this?

The starting state was not like a black hole. Moreover, the electromagnetic force was not separate from gravity at the start, which kinda puts a spanner in your whole idea.

It has to do with the formation of positive charge separate and before the formation of negative charge.

Positive and negative charge are thought to have formed at the same time.

Let me start at the beginning. Say we begin the universe with only energy, before there is matter. The only reference that will exist is a speed of light reference since there is only energy in the universe. To form matter, since matter cannot exist at C, or speed of light, the universal C energy reference needs to slow to below C to say C-, The result will be a release of relativistic mass with the condensed mass.

What does it mean for "the universal C energy reference" to slow? What is the universal C energy reference, exactly?

The relativistic mass/energy release, going from from C to C- so matter can condense from energy, is the energy output, from which positive charge will appear within the condensed mass.

Why not negative charge?

Since a moving charge will set up a magnetic field, positive charge accelerating in opposite direction (180 degrees) will generate an attractive force.

Opposite direction to what? Attractive force on what?

This magnetic attraction generates brake heat and slows the full expansion (post inflation). Each positive charge will also be repelling all adjacent positive change moving in the same direction. The net result are positive charge/magnetic eddies.

What is a magnetic eddy?

These positive EM eddies act like a chipper shredder, grinding down the mountain sized mass particles within the primordial atom into smaller and smaller particles.

Why were primordial atoms the size of mountains? What were they made of?

How can an EM eddy act like a chipper shredder, exactly? Explain.

This is highly exothermic releasing extreme energy from which the mirror particle or the electrons appears and the BB booms.

What's a mirror particle?

If we compare the electron to the proton, the proton routinely participates in all forces at the same time as part of any atom beyond H1. It uses the EM, strong and weak nuclear forces and gravity all at once. The proton has a connection to the unified force. The electron does not deal too much with the nuclear forces, or the forces which would have been all there is at the extreme densities before the shredder phase. The electron needed more space and energy for entropy and formed after the chipper shredder stage.

The CERN experiments will show us the subtle differences.

How? Which particular CERN experiments are you referring to? What exactly will they show us about your chipper shredder?