A new numerical method redefined Quantum System


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Though this publication had to do with deeper thoughts about consciousness and self awareness system. There is a general belief that subatomic particles can’t be located until they are observed and conscious observation determines their location. Perhaps, the perception of such objective idea now takes a new dimension with the advent of this new numerical method. The hypothesis has a lot of potentiality in information dissemination, cosmology, and medicine.

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Vol 7. 2012. Author: Martins

This article has wide ranging amplitudinal ramifications without any apprehensions. The numerical method in the hypothesis uses simple algebraic expressions, serves to support general formulations (GR field equations, QM wave equations).
Alternative Theories would be fine with me . . . . . at least then we could minimize derogatory comments and insults
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First, there are amazing features in the test validity of the hypothesis if you see heading No.10 of the paper, you might find it interesting. In real life application, it is possible for plus and minus values to coexist without collapsing to zero since they do not emanate from the same origin.

Computers use binary numbers that cause floating point numbers, to generate enough random numbers and to power the often complex data interactions. At least with the DIFFERENCE at heading No.10 of the hypothesis, there are some points that must exist in the coexistence of plus and minus values when it has to do with a computer system.

Since floating point is something that technically doesn’t exist and you can’t prove their existence, yet it is used millions of times a day in computer operations. It might be of interest to know if we can prove their existence now.
As a computer scientist, I have to say that that sounds like complete and utter nonsense.

Prove it wrong?

Don’t be too sentimental this is not trivial in any way. I don’t think anyone has ever proved this wrong.
I believe we can now retrieve information down black holes, have a choice mechanism for Artificial intelligence, predict the future having a cone shaped 5th dimensional universe so that all time can be seen at once. Momentarily, all these will come to past.

The people who give us our technology sometimes see no need for fundamental knowledge and now the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought. It’s really an incredible thing.

Presently there is a real life application domain for it.

You may contact the author.

As you can see, since those mathematical structures are good models of real phenomena, then mathematical reasoning can provide insight or predictions about nature.
Anything that has a math can definitely work in real life.

Although this is bizarre but if numbers can actually evolve from a non-existent illusion then Quantum can eventually resurrect.

Math work so well at modeling the world around us.

What use is a new born baby?
Like I have said earlier, there is a real life application domain for it and it’s about to finish very soon you shall see it. So you guys are wrong.

The statement that the values need not collapse to zero states…is of utmost importance.