A New Nominee...

Celpha Fiael

within reason, I am superman
Registered Senior Member
OMGZ they've done it, they've proven the existence of god!...or have they pointed to it...oh well, what matters is that they do it scientifically! Here:


My actual thoughts on the matter:

I decided to post this in light of my last post, which was titled "The Worst Argument in History". To the theists of this board (specifically Christians), I do not post this as an intention to poke fun or bring forth the worst of what are obviously weak arguments on your side, I do instead (a) to show that the two sides of this board have things in common (i.e. "We can both agree this is crap.") and (b) to have a good natured laugh from representatives of both camps.

As for the video is concerned, not much in criticism can be said that the video doesn't make self-evident as it is...most of these "arguments" are from ignorance. Also, I would advise you to mute your laptop and computer speakers; not only is the song horrendous in my opinion but it's only purpose is to feed upon any emotions that may be stirred upon hearing it.

P.S. I can anticipate a theist's angered response. I am well aware that this could be taken as a straw-man argument, which I hope I've made clear by now, is not my intention. I would actually welcome response-posts that point out equally laughable arguments from the atheist/antitheist camp, we could all share an anodynic laugh.
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I don't know about you, but that song was rocking. I downloaded the whole album.
Well that's 5 minutes of my life I won't get back! :/
That WAS horrendous (the music too), not a single point they mention proves anything !
And all the typo's ! lol
I dont know which video is worse but they are both just plain dumb.
That WAS horrendous (the music too), not a single point they mention proves anything !
And all the typo's ! lol
I dont know which video is worse but they are both just plain dumb.

Yes, it's funny how at the beginning they proclaim proudly, "PROOF that God exists!" and then shyly say during the video, "See? This...points to God." They never say anything of proof again. I also find the warning disclaimer at the end humorous, which says that people will try to argue against the points in the video, as if that nullifies all the counterpoints ("Don't listen to them!").
Yes, it's funny how at the beginning they proclaim proudly, "PROOF that God exists!" and then shyly say during the video, "See? This...points to God." They never say anything of proof again. I also find the warning disclaimer at the end humorous, which says that people will try to argue against the points in the video, as if that nullifies all the counterpoints ("Don't listen to them!").

Yeah, Dont listen to them... :roflmao:
I almost feel sorry for them lol
I think the award has to go to the banana and peanut butter videos. They're bloody hysterical..

"Look at this banana.. it has a 'pull tab' like a coke can. See, god exists!"
I think the award has to go to the banana and peanut butter videos. They're bloody hysterical..

"Look at this banana.. it has a 'pull tab' like a coke can. See, god exists!"

Are you serious ? LOL
Is that posted somewhere ?
Oh my gosh, I saw this on the tv while flipping one day! Thanks so much for finding it.
These people's lack of understanding of the evolutionary process is all that is behind this; I'm surprised people have given these "proofs" any consideration beyond what would muster up a hearty chuckle.

There's another video of these guys that I really wish I could find to show. It is a segment about convincing atheists that they are not really atheist, but agnostics, which is one step closer to converting them to Christians. Ray Comfort's argument went something along these lines (I'm summarizing):

"An atheist believes he or she knows that there is no God. First, ask them this question; of all that there is to know, would you say you know most of it or just a little of it? (Imaginary atheist responds: "Well, there is so much to know that I don't know, for sure.") Okay, then would you say it is possible that within all that information you don't know, there is some proof of the existence of God? (Imaginary atheist: "Possibly.") Then you aren't really an atheist, you're an agnostic!"

But apparently he still can claim to be a Christian because he's so sure that of the stuff we don't know, there IS proof of God. He seems oblivious to (or just afraid to consider) the possibility that there might equally be proof that God DOESN'T exist within all of what he doesn't know himself. If he was honest at all, he'd have to be an "agnostic" for the same reasons he presents. Absolutely absurd and hilarious.