a new guy


I only call names in bed
Registered Senior Member
Feel free to censure me if need be, I'm new to web boards. I think I can get away with sying this

Naked aggression and brute force are the most respected ideas of the 21st century.

Humankind is so far from realizing its potential that we may actually be guilty of atavism. Time, after all, is a measurable factor, and we seem to be immune to it (thanks to religion, I think)

We are sexually repressed and immature, emotionally retarded and abusive, inherently dependent and fearful, and spiritually......ignorant.

If I remove my clothes and hug the Earth in gratitude, I will go to the asylum.

If I remove my humanity and begin using my intellect to manipulate and exploit my fellow man at every turn afforded, I will go to "the top".

There are many religions that offer truth and immortality, so we kill each other whenever we can to prove which is best.

We are so fucked, it isn't funny.
Originally posted by filibuster
Feel free to censure me if need be, I'm new to web boards. I think I can get away with sying this

You should read around, this is tame in comparison so some threads.

Naked aggression and brute force are the most respected ideas of the 21st century.

Yup, your right. You may be interested in this thread.

Humankind is so far from realizing its potential that we may actually be guilty of atavism. Time, after all, is a measurable factor, and we seem to be immune to it (thanks to religion, I think)


We are sexually repressed and immature, emotionally retarded and abusive, inherently dependent and fearful, and spiritually......ignorant.


If I remove my clothes and hug the Earth in gratitude, I will go to the asylum.

Depends on whose house your at :p

If I remove my humanity and begin using my intellect to manipulate and exploit my fellow man at every turn afforded, I will go to "the top".

Whats your decision?

There are many religions that offer truth and immortality, so we kill each other whenever we can to prove which is best.

Or which is fundamentaly true. Is it really to prove which is best, or to prove which is right?

We are so fucked, it isn't funny.

One way to cure a psychological problem is to laugh it off

Or do you mean fucked as in raped?

Oh, and welcome to sciforums, I think I am going to enjoy your presence.

Thank you for the warm welcome. Such a small gesture, it belies its synergy.

Your GIF is amazing! Are you a writer? So much intensity from such a small image. I can't tell if I'm disturbed or aroused. I think it's both (gasp). So, are you the neighbor of the beast? That's my po box number! No shit.

I was hesitant to swear. I teach high school.

I guess from my perspective, no sane human being could possibly believe wholeheartedly in any religion. It has to be fed by convenience. Just the social rewards of subscription alone are almost enough to get me to start faking it. I mean, MY GOD, the naive babes in church, the nepotistic promotions at work, geez!
please dont answer this because then i would have to move to religion but think for a min

do you mean religion as in what every person belives in there own heart or organised religion beacause if its the first then your sentance makes no sence

and please refrain from swearing in future

Re: Fafnir665

Originally posted by filibuster
Your GIF is amazing! Are you a writer? So much intensity from such a small image. I can't tell if I'm disturbed or aroused. I think it's both (gasp). So, are you the neighbor of the beast? That's my po box number! No shit.

No right now, soon enough. The nature of the gif was to draw attention to my posts, the only way to do this in today's world, is though either sex, or violence, I choose sex. For the rest of your statement, i propose a "huh?"

I was hesitant to swear. I teach high school.

I'm not, because I generally choose not to swear, though there are exceptions. I think one would be hard pressed to find me swearing outside of free thoughts.

I guess from my perspective, no sane human being could possibly believe wholeheartedly in any religion. It has to be fed by convenience. Just the social rewards of subscription alone are almost enough to get me to start faking it. I mean, MY GOD, the naive babes in church, the nepotistic promotions at work, geez!

True, but no human is sane by the definition of the word, IMHO. I believe that if indoctrinated into a religion at an early enough age,t he youth can be easily hooked. If everyone belongs to this religion, it could be a very effective means of control, as I stated in the thread i mentioned earliar, towards the bottom of my last post. Actually, i will state it here, "If you read Arthur C. Clarkes short stories, theres an interesting one on a species, shorter lived then our own, but amazingly bright. They are introduced to religion, and since they spawn from their parents stomach (they are aesexual), they view this as their original sin. They are voracious. They kill each other over the slightest wrong doing. To them, being civil is almost impossible, but religion makes it so. I'm not a fan of religion, but maybe it's what we need. A faith implanted in people so strongly that they don't act against it." is what I said.

Do you have a form of instant messaging app? I believe I would enjoy real time conversations with you.
Re: Fafnir665

Originally posted by filibuster
I teach high school.
Geeze, guy, you should have said that first! Now everything else in your post clicks into place. My wife used to work in the psych ward of a public hospital. After a couple of years she and her co-workers all remarked that the patients didn't seem to be all that screwed up. You can guess the punch line to this one, except that it's an anecdote, not a joke.

Now she breeds dogs. I come home and find her really in touch with nature, adept at non-verbal communication, much less averse to the concept of social hierarchy than she used to be, and watching Spongebob Squarepants.

To a greater or lesser degree we all absorb the vibes (I can't help it, that's a word from my generation and sometimes it just fits) of the people (of any species) that we spend a lot of time with. I'd guess that's one dynamic of the collective unconscious, although not one I've heard discussed by the Jungians.

You sound like a precocious teenager who just realized that the world is a remarkably imperfect place, that its flaws are obvious, that we could fix them if we bothered to try, and the more you learn the more you find that really bright people have been pointing this out for at least as long as they were able to leave us written records. This is not intended as an insult. If we could all get back in touch with our inner teenager perhaps we really could effect all those solutions that seemed so clear in high school!

Let me warn you about SciForums: You're right back in your day job. The majority of these people are brilliant teenagers. Yes many of them have both the knowledge and the wisdom of Socrates. But they're bright kids forming a virtual community, using the resources of the information age to try new ways of pooling their intellectual and ethical resources. Perhaps they'll find the answer and change the world. I lost faith in my fellow "grownups" long before I discovered SciForums, so I can't blame it on picking it up from these folks. (I think it was right after I voted for LBJ because I wanted peace in Vietnam and immediately learned a new meaning for the word "escalate.") I hang out here because I want to be one of the first to see it when it happens!
To Fragglerocker who wrote: "Perhaps they'll find the answer and change the world. I lost faith in my fellow "grownups" long before I discovered SciForums."

Dude I cannot believe you wrote that. We are just lucky that words don't kill because there would be casualties everyday on this site. Anyway this generation is not the first to acquire both the knowledge and wisdom of Socrates. Why are people so ready to think that the next generation will produce a more evolved society that has eluded every other generation? I mean there will always be progress (especially scientific) but the underlying savagry of mankind isn't going anywhere.

What happened to the members of the revolutionary 60's? They tried to change the world and dropped the ball somewhere between discovering wheat grass and SUV's
Re: Re: Fafnir665

You sound like a precocious teenager who just realized that the world is a remarkably imperfect place, that its flaws are obvious, that we could fix them if we bothered to try, and the more you learn the more you find that really bright people have been pointing this out for at least as long as they were able to leave us written records.

No, but I am a totally disillusioned middle-aged man. If history is going to be written by greedy assholes and tyrants, then the best I can hope to accomplish in my lifetime is to......well, I think you know what I'm saying.

I just want to find one organization, one group or club that acknowledges these tenets that you seem to find so passe and pedestrian. I'm a member of Moveon, I subscribe to Adbusters, I vote green (I know, sorry Nader), and I chose my career based on the contribution to our world I could make. None of it is enough. Nothing can appease my frustration at the ignorance and barbarism that permeate my country. I love this country, and because I do the past two years of human history have broken my spirit. I can't believe what we've become. I am insensed and, more importantly, agitated beyond words. Most of my students were shocked to find out that Jeb is gov. of Florida and hired the vote counters himself. They know Spongebob, though. We are so, so, so fucked.

What does IMHO mean?

Sorry, no IRC app. Feel free to email me, though.

665 - the neighbor of the beast - get it?

I disagree with your Machavellian notion that people are best off when deceived and kowtowed. I fancy that humans are capable of doing good because they understand that it is the best thing to do, and that a utopian society is within our capability through mere candor, understanding, and communication of the truth. Then again, there is a half-eaten pint of Ben and Jerry's paint chip ice cream in my fridge!
Re: 665

Originally posted by filibuster
What does IMHO mean?

665 - the neighbor of the beast - get it?

In My Humble Opinion, and true, that is what 665 means.
Re: 665

Originally posted by filibuster
I disagree with your Machavellian notion that people are best off when deceived and kowtowed. I fancy that humans are capable of doing good because they understand that it is the best thing to do, and that a utopian society is within our capability through mere candor, understanding, and communication of the truth.

This is where we disagree. Are hman beings, as we are alive now, today, capable of understanding each other? Are we capable of communicating the truth? Would understanding each other bring us closer to a utopian type society? Or are too many people power hungry. Are too many people more obsessed with securing their place in our world of today, instead of planning for a world of tommarow? Is it too late to pull our society out of this struggle? Would anyone beyond a few idealists even care? If you published a paper on how we can raise ourselves to a new level of cooperation and understanding, how many people would read it? If anyone did?

The point I made on religion. People do seem to be more then willing to follow a religion when it seems in their best interest. When their born into it, they seem to, oddly enough, be more likly to dismiss the religion as falicious, and find some other belief system. While thier parents believe in it for their own reasons, the children don't have any other reason, than that they were raised into it. Is this enough? In the majority of cases, yes, but theres always those few rebelious ones that throw off the shackles of conformity within religion and do something else. Are they the successful ones? Sometimes. Think though, how many execs of major companies have you seen in church, or know of going to them? In a power based world, do they get their power from a religious stand point, or from themselves? What about those that made their fortunes in skills? Such as pro sports athletes? They use skill, not power, to make their fortunes, and its more widespread that they go to church. Will there be a confrontation in the long run between the rich believers, and the rich atheists?

Point I'm trying to make is, if you want to control the majority, you have to have a belief system in place, that gives them faith in themselves, and others. The minority can be dealt with seprately.

IRC isn't required, I was speaking of Aim or something similar.
Re: Re: 665

This is where we disagree. Are hman beings, as we are alive now, today, capable of understanding each other?
Yes. There are tolerant people. Lots of 'em.
Are we capable of communicating the truth?
Yes. You and I are trying right now.
Would understanding each other bring us closer to a utopian type society?
Yes. An end to racism, sexism, nationalism.......any one would help.
Or are too many people power hungry. Are too many people more obsessed with securing their place in our world of today, instead of planning for a world of tommarow?
Is it too late to pull our society out of this struggle?
Scary question. I don't know.
Would anyone beyond a few idealists even care? If you published a paper on how we can raise ourselves to a new level of cooperation and understanding, how many people would read it? If anyone did?
Whoa! Are you always this pessimistic? Again, I don't know, exactly, but I suspect better odds than you do, apparently.
The point I made on religion. People do seem to be more then willing to follow a religion when it seems in their best interest.
Seems so.
When their born into it, they seem to, oddly enough, be more likly to dismiss the religion as falicious, and find some other belief system. While thier parents believe in it for their own reasons, the children don't have any other reason, than that they were raised into it. Is this enough? In the majority of cases, yes, but theres always those few rebelious ones that throw off the shackles of conformity within religion and do something else. Are they the successful ones?
Not sure where you're going here. Are these attrition rates something you've studied or read about? I would say unshackling is a success.
Think though, how many execs of major companies have you seen in church, or know of going to them?
The execs that run the media corps have certainly given me every impression that they are suit and tie family men. That is how they have their own shows portray them, anyway.
In a power based world, do they get their power from a religious stand point, or from themselves? What about those that made their fortunes in skills? Such as pro sports athletes? They use skill, not power, to make their fortunes, and its more widespread that they go to church.
Again, I'm having trouble seeing a lucid point to all this. As I undertand the people who own 90% of the property in their 5% of the population, most of them inherit their wealth and position. Pro athletes are court jesters. They have talent, but the aforementioned ruling class provides their salaries.
Point I'm trying to make is, if you want to control the majority, you have to have a belief system in place, that gives them faith in themselves, and others. The minority can be dealt with seprately.
OK, you lost me. If who wants to control them? Besides, you haven't made a point. You've asked a series of questions. Your assertion that a contrived "system" is what gives people "faith in themselves" is a contradiction. Are you tired?
Re: Re: Re: 665

Originally posted by filibuster
OK, you lost me. If who wants to control them? Besides, you haven't made a point. You've asked a series of questions. Your assertion that a contrived "system" is what gives people "faith in themselves" is a contradiction. Are you tired?

Yes, somehow i mistook this for another thread halfway through. Please accept my apologies.
Posted byLucySnow:
Why are people so ready to think that the next generation will produce a more evolved society that has eluded every other generation?
They don't always. My parents thought we War Babies were going to destroy civilization because our highest priority in choosing a job wasn't the quality of its pension plan. When our little brothers' (if my parents had had more, which thank the goddess they didn't) generation came along and started questioning authority, they were positively apoplectic.
I mean there will always be progress (especially scientific) but the underlying savagery of mankind isn't going anywhere.
As I have said in about six threads now, the underlying savagery of mankind is a vestige of our not-too-distant Neolithic ancestors, and I explained my reasoning in those places. I believe it is so vestigial that it is not impossible for us to keep it in check, and give it a healthy outlet in sports and those gruesome videogames you kids love. Most of the world's religions, however, do just the opposite. They fan that flame and bring supposedly civilized human beings back down to the level of Stone Age tribes, fighting other tribes to the death because they're "different." I do believe that if we can solve the problem of the Abrahamic religions and other relics of Stone Age philosophy having survived for about three thousand years too long, we will indeed be able to curb our savagery. If you want an assignment, help me figure that one out!
What happened to the members of the revolutionary 60's? They tried to change the world and dropped the ball somewhere between discovering wheat grass and SUV's.
What happened to us (I know I'm too old to have been a hippie but I'll be damned if I'll hang out even metaphorically with people my own age) is something we set in motion for a good reason that turned out bad. We rejected our fathers. Quite a reasonable thing to do, considering that they were the only people in history who though it was OK to deploy nuclear weapons against civilian targets. As far as we were concerned if that was masculinity we wanted no part of it. What that led to was that all of us, boys and girls alike, were socialized by women. We had no father figures in our lives because we turned their own curse back on them and said "From this day forward we have no fathers." Well it turns out that people need both a masculine and a feminine vector in their lives. Getting in touch with our feminine side was great, I can express my feelings and I have walls full of my own needlepoint art. But not getting in touch with our masculine side was a big mistake. Mothers teach us all about love and peace and sharing and being safe. Fathers teach us about situational ethics and making hard decisions and what to do if the other guy isn't as loving and peaceful as we are and when it's right to take risks. We never learned those lessons. We've been conned by every man who had a nasty masculine streak going all the way back to Lyndon Johnson and continuing through Bill Gates. We can't believe that the Israelis and Palestinians won't just sit down and smoke some dope and end up hugging each other. We were shaken to find out that socialism really just flat doesn't work except in small Neolithic size communities in New Mexico where everybody knows everybody personally and cares about them. As for the SUV thing, that's just motherhood run rampant. Keep them kids safe but don't think about the kind of future they'll have if you suck up all the petroleum before they have a chance to buy their own SUVs. Did it ever feel like you had two mothers and no father? Taking risks today in order to have a chance at a better tomorrow, you never learn that from your mother. It's always the men who start revolutions, or uproot themselves and go off to look for a better life on the frontier. Their wives would just as soon have stayed in Europe and left America to the Indians, or learned to live under the Czars, because it was safer. By throwing our fathers and all our male elders into the trash heap, we of both sexes did ourselves some great harm that we didn't realize until much later, if at all.
posted by Filibuster
I just want to find one organization, one group or club that acknowledges these tenets that you seem to find so passe and pedestrian.
I did not mean to dismiss them as passe or pedestrian, please forgive me if I came across that way. I was just suggesting that you were overreacting to some of the stimuli in your life and possibly missing others that could provide some balance, because the milieu you've assimilated to is that of the "magicians," as Jung calls them, the people who question everything and see sinister motives behind every deed. That is a good thing, but as I just pointed out above, lack of balance is never a good thing because it impairs our ability to use what we've learned effectively.
I'm a member of Moveon, I subscribe to Adbusters, I vote green (I know, sorry Nader), and I chose my career based on the contribution to our world I could make.
Excellent choice of career. I've fallen into corporate training and there's nothing like watching that light of recognition go on in someone's eyes. But as for your political leanings, I think you're perpetuating the mistake we made in the 1960s, which was a continuation of the ones our parents made in the 1930s. (Well not mine, they were union-busting Republicans even then and made a different set of mistakes.) We forget the maxim that power corrupts. We think that the only way to accomplish the changes that we want is to create a big strong government that can shortcut most of the social engineering that would otherwise occur on an individual or small group basis slowly. Instead what we end up with is an organism with a life of its own that's bigger than all of us put together and has accumulated so much power that it just reeks of corruption. Every single goal that we naively turned over to the government has been perverted. Freedom of speech became reverse censorship. Equal opportunity became Affirmative Discrimination. Helping the poor turned into a welfare industry creating families on welfare for so many generations that they were completely disconnected from real life and we had to give them classes in how to use an alarm clock. (My wife was a social worker, I'm not making this up.) The socialist governments that we championed in other countries rotted out even faster than ours, and we watched our dear communist friends in China gobble up our dear Buddhist friends in Tibet. Boy was that a nightmare for anyone with a conscience! Like many disillusioned American left-liberals, the wife and I discovered classical liberalism, (now known by the ugly moniker "libertarianism," since the socialists co-opted the word "liberal") which simply says that if you leave the power with the people they are far more likely to use it for good than if you hand it all to an institution that already has a questionable record of integrity. "Socially liberal but fiscally conservative" is the shorthand media description of our movement and party.
None of it is enough. Nothing can appease my frustration at the ignorance and barbarism that permeate my country. I love this country, and because I do the past two years of human history have broken my spirit. I can't believe what we've become. I am incensed and, more importantly, agitated beyond words. Most of my students were shocked to find out that Jeb is gov. of Florida and hired the vote counters himself. We are so, so, so fucked.
This is hardly the first time in recent history that we've seen the Eve of Destruction. (Hint hint, we had a very popular song by that name forty years ago.) Personally I felt much more ill at ease during the Cold War. The Cuban Missile Crisis alone had us pooping our pants. I know that the war on secular Christian consumerism that the Muslim terrorist groups may or may not be about to launch is not going to be pretty, but at least civilization will survive no matter how many individuals die. The nukes that the U.S. and the Soviets were aiming at each other had far more destructive potential. I know that some terrorist might be able to steal one from the government of Kirgyzstan and use it, but it's not as easy to do as people think and he's far more likely to blow himself up several thousand miles from U.S. soil.
They know Spongebob, though.
There you go, there is hope for the world! :)
posted by Fafnir
Are too many people more obsessed with securing their place in our world of today, instead of planning for a world of tommarow?
Yes, that's what happens when people don't have father figures. It's the yang in each of us that thinks about the future while the yin focuses on the present. Without a well developed masculine side, neither our men nor our women seem very well equipped to tackle the future.
Is it too late to pull our society out of this struggle?
Not at all. As I said, things looked far worse 35 years ago.
Would anyone beyond a few idealists even care?
Yes, but only if they are taught to. They need father figures, or something that will reanimate the yang in men and women alike. We (of both genders) need to inject some traditional "masculine" values back into our culture, not just "The Man Show" and football.
If you published a paper on how we can raise ourselves to a new level of cooperation and understanding, how many people would read it? If anyone did?
I think what's important and reassuring is that the people who would read it are the young ones. They crave a solution to these problems. Sure there is plenty of vitriol on SciForums, but it's balanced with a lot of good, caring stuff. The six o'clock news is nothing like this. Why does everybody from the editor of The Nation to Bill O'Reilly appear on the Daily Show? Because polls show that that is where the younger generation gets its news. If you want to reach them you have to go through Jon Stewart.
How many execs of major companies have you seen in church, or know of going to them? In a power based world, do they get their power from a religious standpoint, or from themselves?
I've already leveled my salvo at religion. It often masquerades as divine goodness, and certainly plenty of people manage to get in touch with its righteous and honorable side and they tell us to leave them alone with their faith. I can't do that because I can't find any way to stop that same faith from corrupting a huge proportion of the faithful so we keep getting these wars and holocausts thrown in our faces courtesy of the god-fearing "good people."
If you want to control the majority, you have to have a belief system in place, that gives them faith in themselves, and others.
OK, I don't like your model very much but you speak the truth. My point is that faith in ourselves should motivate us to bring down the Government Monster so that we ourselves can start launching some effective solutions to the world's problems. All governments do is find clever ways to scare us and take away more of our money and more of our rights and get us to say thank you for doing it! Did you see the motto that the Washington Post came up with for the Department of Homeland Security? "If you feel safe, we're not doing our job." That really sums up the strategy of today's despotic governments.

So if you want to make a change: Work at being a father figure, a real one, not just the kind that spanks kids for being bad. Devolve government back down to the people; the Green Party will be just as corrupt as the Republocrats after two terms in office. "Power to the people" means just that, not "Power to a newly elected batch of different sleazeball bureaucrats and the new Department of Eternal Synecure they will create." And watch Spongebob Squarepants. Into each life a little levity must fall.

Re: Re: 665

Originally posted by Fafnir665
Would understanding each other bring us closer to a utopian type society? Or are too many people power hungry. Are too many people more obsessed with securing their place in our world of today, instead of planning for a world of tommarow? Is it too late to pull our society out of this struggle? Would anyone beyond a few idealists even care?

I may be young and puerile, and I realize that this a hackneyed statement, but I still feel I have good reason to call you naive.
I mean, to what purpose would one vex oneself with concerns for the future and the people thereof?
Why should one suffer to ensure a exultant and wholesome world, when one won't even live to see it? It seems the more advisable course is that of self-servitude, and avarice.
Breaking one's own back in order to create paradise for future generations is an extravagant sacrifice, considering that no restitution or reimbersement ensues.
There simply isn't any appreciable reward for caring about the world or humanity. They rarely ever behave as one wishes them to.

Caring isn't profitable.

Life, if it were ever truly anything more than this, has degenerated to maddened 'grabbing."
Grab this, grab that, grab and grab and grab, and grab it all for your own benefit. Who else matters but you? That's right, no one.
So grab what you can or live a squalid, despondent life of total impoverishment. That the way it goes, bro.
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Redoubtable, so you don't care if theres no monument to your success? Are you satisfied to live your life grabbing for whats available, only to leave it with nothing to show for yourself? My personal belief is there is no afterlife. You live on in the memories people keep of you. If I concern myself with the future of humanity, maybe I can secure myself a position as strong as socrate's, plato's, and caesers. Maybe I can be remembered beyond my generation, and my family.

Maybe I seek reward in knowing that I contributed to our species longevity as well. It's not a sacrifice to try and garentee that there will be a world for the rest of my family, through all time to come, to live in. To expan from, hopefully.

Caring may not be profitable to you, and your mindset, but you seem to be forgetting that there are other viewpoints in the world.
Leaving a monument to one's success, whatever that particular success might be, is implausible, due to the changeable and turgid state of the cosmos.
After one dies, one will eventually be forgotten. In fact, all things, prolific people, historical places, and pivotal events, will be forgotten. After I die, my memory will disappear, and no one, not a soul in the whole of the world, will weep for the loss. The universe, stoic, unyielding, and awful, will continue without me, forever and ever, and I and my memories will be nothing.
Everything will inevitably become nothing.

Accordingly, I do not worry myself with erecting a memorial to my own achievements, or leaving any signifcant contributions to humanity. It won't affect me. I'll be dead, forgotten, and gone forever.

So will you, and so will Socrates, Buddha, Descartes, Kant, Rousseau, Freud, Xerxes, Edison, Bach, Confucius, Lee, Newton, Ford, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Tamerlane, Jefferson, Caesar, Columbus, Locke, Jesus, Titian, Roosevelt, Hamilton, Hobbes, Spencer, Spinoza, King, Adams, Beethoven, Hitler, Epicureas, Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Einstein, Donatello, Ovid, Aristotle, Aesop, Truman, Mozart, Plato, McCarthy, Wagner, Engels, Ptolemy, Swift, Hippocrates, Leonardo, Neitzche, Homer, Seneca, Trajan, Emerson, Marx, Grant, Lenin, Fitzgerald, Napoleon, Hawkings, Poe, Twain, Franklin, Darius, Voltaire, Kepler, Nero, Hammurabi, Copernicus, Herodotus, Galileo, Euclid, Pascal, Virgil, Stalin, Pasteur, Michelangelo Gutenburg, and YES, even Ronald McDonald.
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How long you are remembered could be a measure of how successful you were at changing humanity. Of how many people you were able to stimulate into sympathizing with you. Why do you remember these names? You are just further honoring their memories, and assuring their longevity. How long will it take to forget them all? I think we can assume long past the length of a human lifespan, and in the case of some, this is already greatly so. So yes, in the cosmic scene we are nothing. We are almost random couplings of matter. But why can't we make something of our existence, no matter how pitiful? A monument to my success as a human will be how long my name is repeated. How long I am remembered.
You and I and Ronald are goners no matter what we attempt to perpetuate in this life. It's a forgone conclusion: doom and gloom. Game over before it began, comrade. Why partake in vain endeavors to improve the abysmal? Why not simply revel in the hedonistic, licentious pleasures of the world till it all rots away?
Your so enthusiastic for a 16 year old. Why do you need a purpose to live, other then living? People invent their own purposes all the time, to fullfill their lives, and make in mean something to them, does this mean you have lost the ability to fabricate a purpose? Right now, my pupose is to be remembered. How I do this is yet to be decided. I think that all those old philosophers did a rather good job of preserving their names, don't you? But yes. In the end of ends, we are all goners. We are nothing but apes that dare ask, why? So yes, I concede that your point of the gonerism we are likly to achieve is true, but i'd like to go out with more then an exagerated sigh.