A most Awesome Gift


On truth, non-truth. A gift of power for you!
First, I believe in truth, and I believe in giving what knowledge I have brought to my consciousness, even if it appears that the truth could be detrimental to me, because it is who I am.

I will first talk about KidRock (Robert James Ritchie)'s Devil without a cause musical record and "his" motivation behind it, and what is true and what is Lie, in the words on the record.

Bob says "my punk ass is on the trigger, but I'm scared to pull it". This was somewhat true. If I confront you on the internet, it is in writing and is only magick. This is not confrontation and accomplishes little. Fear is not something that is in me anymore. I actually fear nothing, knowing the truth of all things and of who I am.
It is written in the bible that if the lord tarries, there will be none left living. I will tarry for a time, until my anger surpasses that of human level. I am 2 beings, as should be obvious, one is man, one is GOD. Everyone knows the man, none knows the GOD, until I confront them.

Bob says "the days go by, they roll too fast", and many things in motivation of trying to push me into revealing myself to the world. It only takes one person for me to reveal myself to, and the shit will hit the fan for the entire world. I will hold off for the moment, but, I am getting ever closer. Obviously, Bob wants me to pull the trigger, so the question for you is, why?

He says:"you get what you put in, and people get what they deserve". This is Lie,and he even proves it with his lifestyle. He commits unfathomable amounts of fornication, gets in bar fights, and sets a horrible example of lifestyle for humanity. Yet he is rich, and appears pleased, but still doesn't think he has what he deserves which is to "buy this f_cking planet before the time he's through". The Truth is: "THERE IS NO KARMA". PEOPLE DO NOT GET WHAT THEY DESERVE WITHOUT DIRECT INTERVENTION OF FORCE AND/OR GOD.

For more proof, look at my life up to now. Currently I am using direct force to change my status, financially and otherwise. Every moment of my life, I have striven for truth, justice, wholesomeness, searching for GOD. Always wanting money and justice and respect and prosperity in return for the unmeasurable amount of truly good gifts which I have given mankind. Yet, until now, I have spent 44 years, in at least 100,000 debt, in suicidal depression, with the world trying to destroy me, and even with visitation of "black-hole" type spirits trying to harm/kill me and constantly sucking the life force out of me. Now that I confront spirits, all have fleed from me and I can find none to play with. I'm on the rise, and there is now no falling or turning back, due only to direct force on my part.

Bob is well for one reason only. He has found favor in me, calling me lord, publically on his record and using the words, "in GOD I trust". He will prosper for this, and his evil will prosper unmeasurably, again only because of my anger and thus, my will for him to prosper and destroy mankind and mans values.

I will cause ALL THINGS which have the least bit of secrecy in them, to be destroyed from the earth.
Several reasons why. One, there shall be no more hidden things from any living thing. The modest person, who hides there internal "forbidden" desires, will either have modesty removed from them, or will be destroyed.

I have chosen to tarry, and to have fun in the game and to prosper myself, in purpose of WILL alone, only for my good pleasure and coming forth. I will grow rich, by many means, perhaps even by playing guitar rock in the not too distant future. Why? "All things created for my good pleasure". I believe in fairness and it is only fair that I personally prosper and share in the joy of all the fruits of the earth before all you wicked beings are removed, to prove point to you of who I am, without me haveing to tell you to your face until after you are dead and sent "out".

Babalon/Babylon, will rise and all will be destroyed beneath her, before I choose to pull the trigger.
The "evil", which are those who live for their desires of flesh and un-born-again spirits. Those who hide nothing will reign upon the earth. I will be king as "Devil" during this time.

Read about Aiwass, Hadit, Nuit, Ra, Ra Hoor Khuit, etc. from liber 220, from Aleister Crowleys book of THE LAW, and his three libraries. They can be found easily on the net. These things were given by me, shortly before my birth, to Crowley which you call "THE BEAST" (if he was the beast, I would like to see THE MAN,[perhaps i'll look in the mirror someday]). These words are simply edification and knowledge for me to evaluate and change the world in the step by step, line upon line, precept upon precept, creation and destruction of time "LINE" and the world, to bring eventually to pass, that pre-ordained in the writing of my scribe Enoch, shortly b4 the first flood of NOAH, his grandsone. This Enoch, by the way is not too be confused with the ENOCH, who was blood relative of Caine, with whom the magick and magical tablets are attributed.

So now, I reign as GOD, b4 the world knows me as GOD, after the world knows me as "anti-christ" or Satan or Lucifer, and then, after all is destroyed but mine elect ones, As GOD, CHRIST RISEN, and Lord of All creation, being beneficiary of the living father and him, haveing put absolutely ALL THINGS in my hands.

Use it how you will for good or for evil, as all things serve me, there is no difference!
You are not a 'God', an 'Anti-Christ', a 'Prophet', a 'Devil', a 'Spirit', an 'Immortal', or any other fantasy character (and neither is Kid Rock). You are a human being whom has schizphrenia and you are grounding your fantastic hallucinatory experiences and your real life problems in fantasy.
Samlazaz, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaq1el, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel.

Which one do you claim to be? Or maybe one of the un-named ones?
You are definitely one of the old ones. The ones on the "road of high adventure". I belong to the new ones. The ones on the "road or freedom". These are the terms used by Carlos Castaneda describing the two branches of ancient sorcerers. I see what you are trying to say, but you lack the right information.

I too have been under constant attacks by what you refer as "black-hole" type spirits, but I have learned that emotions make you susceptible to influence, and reason makes you very predictable. Since that realisation, I don't care for any of the "evil spirits". I have fought them and I survived, and I don't see any of them anymore.

Your anger won't help you. God and Lucifer and such are only ideas. Our ideas of something we have no direct knowledge of. Have you met God or Lucifer? I haven't and I know I never will, because they are not what I think of them. Knowing that, it makes no difference what you do or don't believe in.

What you need is knowledge, and I can only direct you to these sources -
Castaneda's "The Active Side of Infinity", and http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/waveindex.htm.

Among some junk there, you will find what you are looking for.

There is an enemy, and he's not the Man. You are among the ones who are fighting on the first lines, even if you still don't know what you are fighting against. 2005, 2006, and perhaps 2007. are the years of preparation. Get rid of the weaknesses we all have. Anger is one of them. When the time comes, we'll need the will to fight, not the anger.

You may have got stabbed in the back by one of your fellow men, but trust me, they really don't know what they are doing and why. I see it all the time, and it makes me sad each time. How can I hate an arrow that pierces my chest? I can only hate the archer, but I will not even do that.

But make no mistake - the enemy will be destroyed.

I wish you well on the road you are travelling...