A Messianic Dream

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
A Messianic Dream


This has been a long and spread out Dream Motif, of having a dream every few years that centers around a Messianic Figure. It used to be a Young King, who would often act rashly, even foolishly, and yet always in keeping with the highest Ideals, but, still, seemingly out of touch with Reality.

However, in this most recent dream, the first thing I noticed about the ‘Young King’ was that he was no longer ‘Young’. He had matured. He was out of his late twenties or early thirties and now he appeared closer to 40, and now he seemed to radiate authority and credibility.

He was taller now. Dark long chestnut brown hair flowing back straight. A white face but with a deep tan. A long slightly hooked nose that continued much along the same angle as his prominent forehead. A strong chin and jaw line. He would film well, and ‘looks’ alone could make him a popular King.

He walked swiftly, and I followed, as we pursued an angle toward a slight rising slope where off over the horizon I knew the battles were raging. I thought back of past defeats that would now be redressed. There was another Character present who seemed to be the voice of doubt – a devil’s advocate. When he began expressing his skepticism, I instantly suggested that he make some inquiries, and that I was sure that he would find that already the Battles were turning in the King’s favor. Just being Manifest in our World was enough to assert this King’s Influence.

Then myself and the King were blocked in our progress. A Bull stood in the Road, and was behaving with threatened hostility. The King pointed back the other way down the Road, around a curve, and there was a Lady with a Tame Bull that was eating out of Her hand. The King assured me that She would use the Tame Bull to neutralize the Hostile Bull. But before this could happen, a new road opened up between those two other roads, and this new road offered us a more direct route to the Battles.

Then this Messianic King and myself were on what appeared to be one of those News Interview Shows. In this arena it was I who was supposed to be the Spokesman, and so I had taken the primary chair with the microphone in front. Again, present was that Devil’s Advocate, who would be asking the questions. Well, this interviewer suggested that the Messianic King was totally out of step with popular culture and modern attitudes, and so it was that this Messianic King would be marginalized and would certainly end his campaign in failure. Well, I was amazed that this interviewer could be so undiscerning. Yes, Popular Culture, just weeks before, had been so much against the values now pressed forward by this rising Messianic King, but the most important factor to be considered was the Kings powerfully overwhelming charismatic influence, his unprecedented popularity. Everybody would be a Fan and everybody would be caught up in the Fad. The thunder of popular applause would drown out anything any intellectual could say, either for or against. Skepticism would be laughed at, and approval would seem too obvious to warrant attention. The old cultural reference points were being swept away by a huge shift in aesthetic style.

In this sudden intuition concerning my rational and intellectual response to the interviewer, I knew that if I allowed the King to take center stage, he could ‘show’, he could demonstrate what I was saying, as the audience would surely respond with total and enthusiastic support… no, more that that… I would expect them to show pure adulation. And so I flashed my brows and rolled my eyes at the Interviewers questions and comments, and then stood up and stepped aside relinquishing my chair to the King, who was at first a bit astonished, but soon enough realized my strategy and took the microphone Himself.

So, what happens when in a Dream one’s Dream Persona gives its place over to an Ideal Messianic Archetype?
So, what happens when in a Dream one’s Dream Persona gives its place over to an Ideal Messianic Archetype?

Its beyond me to stay all i can do is speculate though.

Your dream persona essentially YOU, gave its place to an ideal Messianic Archetype who i assume represents Jesus?

Could it mean that you are at some realization in your life or maybe that the inevitable end (death) is coming.

Hopefully its not death.

this sudden intuition concerning my rational and intellectual response to the interviewer, I knew that if I allowed the King to take center stage, he could ‘show’, he could demonstrate what I was saying, as the audience would surely respond with total and enthusiastic support… no, more that that… I would expect them to show pure adulation. And so I flashed my brows and rolled my eyes at the Interviewers questions and comments, and then stood up and stepped aside relinquishing my chair to the King, who was at first a bit astonished, but soon enough realized my strategy and took the microphone Himself.

Or perhaps the dream simply says actions speak louder then words.

At any rate keep on posting Leo; your a good writer.
Wonderful prose, a pleasure to read.

But a dream remembered more often than not reflects largely elements of current conscious thinking and obsessions.

I am obsessed with wow and I sometimes wake from a dream of how my mage can kill more demons in outland. What does that mean? Simply that what you think about in normal life has an impact on how your brain generates dreams. There is nothing more to it.
So, what happens when in a Dream one’s Dream Persona gives its place over to an Ideal Messianic Archetype?

You lose yourself to something that isn't really you, your metamorphsis is complete but you never will be.