A Matter Of Trust: Jews And Whites


i am not soliciting any white person's (aka non jew) opinion here but rather those of jewish heritage......do you guys trust white folks?

an essay that partially prompted this thread....


can you relate or is victoria davion simply being paranoid?
the "frye" refers to marilyn frye whose chapter immediately precedes davion's one
what is victoria so scared of? are we white folks not making all the right noises?
One of the things which struck me about American society is their approach to differences.

e.g. if in Saudi Arabia, I wore a salwar suit to work, it was a non-event, because I was Indian [what else would I wear?] However if I bought an exceptionally beautiful abaya and wore it and ANY Saudi realised I was Indian, they made appreciative noises at my "blending in".

In the US its the reverse. If I wear jeans and a tee shirt, its a non-event, if I wear a salwar suit to work, its a topic of conversation.

I also noticed this about food and language.

I think I understand what Victoria is saying. In some societies it is okay to be different, in others its taken as either rejection of the local culture or an arrogance for ones own.
Curious that the OP asked for responders of Jewish heritage and the first person to respond is...SAM.

Since my "heritage" extends from Afghanistan to Mumbai with several adoptees of unknown heritage also in the mix, I consider myself mongrel enough to represent any heritage at all. :p
Since my "heritage" extends from Afghanistan to Mumbai with several adoptees of unknown heritage also in the mix, I consider myself mongrel enough to represent any heritage at all. :p

Nevertheless, you self-identify as a Muslim don't you?
Nevertheless, you self-identify as a Muslim don't you?

Sure, but all true Muslims[sup]TM[/sup] know that Jews should actually be Muslims if only they updated their scriptures. :D

Meanwhile, lets not hijack the purpose of the thread.
Since my "heritage" extends from Afghanistan to Mumbai with several adoptees of unknown heritage also in the mix, I consider myself mongrel enough to represent any heritage at all. :p

perhaps even a smidgen of jew
Victoria Davion is not being paranoid; she is instead displaying typical Jewish characteristics and survival mechanisms, namely victimization and rationalization. She pretends to be a victim of White ethnocentrism, and rationalizes her anti-White arguments and activities on the basis of combating racism. She likely grew up in a very authoritarian and patricentric household within a collectivistic community, as most Jewish communities in foreign nations tend to be, via social identity theory. She was expected to adhere to her kinship obligations, and harboured a deep level of ethnocentrism and ethnic consciousness. In order to allow for the upward social mobility of her tribe (people), she strives to lessen ethnocentrism and ethnic consciousness within European-derived peoples, allowing for less emphasis on Jewish group identification and ethnocentrism, and more rebellious individualism amongst the native population, a scenario collectivistic Jews - or any other type of collectivistic people - thrive in.

The concept of homogeneity invokes a strength - in the form of national cohesion amongst the native peoples - which is perceived by Jews to be against Jewish interests and potentially anti-Semitic. As such, many Jews - Davion not being an exception - seek to lessen ethnocentrism and ethnic consciousness amongst homogeneous nations and native populations. In the Western world, these goals are accomplished through movements such as non-European immigration, environmental anthropology (arguing against the concept of "race" and its relevance), Marxism, and a host of other finely developed theories, all of which serve a similar purpose in undermining Western institutions. Jews, followed perhaps by some Japanese and Chinese sects, are the most collectivistic and ethnocentric people in the world. As such, no group defines the border between ingroup and outgroup as clearly as Jews. Following this logic, one wonders why Davion truly expects to earn the trust of the native White population without first making some concessions of her own.
i think victoria's issue (as she also points out) is that she is a jew in a christian society and not so much due to any imagined ethnic divisions


Denver, February 25, 2004 ... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) expressed outrage over a sign placed in front of a Denver church that stated: "Jews killed the Lord Jesus." (link)
Well, assuming you accept the bible as a work of history, one of them did, anyway.

Of course, if it was in this day and age in a court of law, they'd be arguing about Judas's family as a mitigating factor *chuckle*

Don't trust anyone to tell the truth. They only see what they see.

Here I go again....
"We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are." - Anais Nin.

Now where does that leave the Bible?
And Vader was Luke's father.

No. Sorry. Seriously and all that.
I have no doubt that a series of events occurred which led to the bible being accepted as historical fact.

Look. Back then, there were a limited amount of writings and even less who could read them. A maxim today is that a man's knowledge can be defined by how many books he has read (without going into the modifying factor of experience).
Who was it? Can't remember. "Show me a man who has read one book...."

What chance did they have? The idea would have caught on like a bushfire. And we're still trying to stamp the bloody thing out. All these variations on religions are just spotfires.

Peter had his memories of Jesus, Paul had his.
One went and formed the basis of the christian church, one went and spread another version. Both developed in the vacuum of distance from each other.

It is simply rather unfortunate that, unlike proving the earth wasn't flat after all, religion is a nebulous concept which can't be proven or disproven one way or the other.
All we have are the effects of it.

* edit - just imagine, if you will, Humanity surviving some great calamity in which all knowledge was wiped from existence bar the Silmarillion. What do you think would happen?
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i think victoria's issue (as she also points out) is that she is a jew in a christian society and not so much due to any imagined ethnic divisions


Denver, February 25, 2004 ... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) expressed outrage over a sign placed in front of a Denver church that stated: "Jews killed the Lord Jesus." (link)

Meh, Jesus was most likely invented by jews in the first place, so even if they did choose to kill off one of their characters, it's really no one else's business.
I agree with what I read. Whites don't like and are generally intolerant of Jewish culture in practice. Moreso in Europe than America... Jews can't act like Jews around non-Jews...or they're accused of all sorts of things. I'd say Blacks are the most accepting of Jewish culture, they just accept it for what it is. Arabs don't like it in my experience either, they think it to be selfish and rude. When I was younger people would always tell me "Stop acting like a Jew".

In fact whenever you do business with a White person or Arab...and you get the better end of the deal and they realize it only after. They'll start saying anti-semitic remarks almost immediately. They'll also lie just because you're Jewish, it's a weird phenomena, everyone wants to out smart the Jew in business it feels.
these people do not have to pretend. the victimization is quite easily documented.

how far back in time would you like me to go?

Jews not being in the circle of trust of Whites is not "victimization"; it is social identity theory. The more apparent trend would be Whites outside of the circle of trust of Jews, who are the most collectivistic, ethnocentric, and ethnically conscious people in the world. Most European-derived peoples in the modern era harbour such little ethnic consciousness that their trust for non-Whites is essentially on par with their trust for whites. Their internal processing system continues to suggest to them that Whites of their own kind are more trustable, but external processing - influenced by factors such as politics and media - fights to convince them that there is no logical reason for a disparity of trust amongst varying groups of people.

I was going to post a thread about anti-Semitism and why it has always been most prevalent in Europe, but lost my motivation to do so. Perhaps this will help rekindle my spirit.
I think there is some truth to that essay. I got a kick out of the term whiteliness. Jews do seek to assimilate into a majority Christian society, and maybe they do de-emphasize their differences. I don't think that always translates into trust issues, people are individuals, but as a whole, it is a little risky to trust the predominant religious culture if it is different from yours. Religious differences have often led to violence, as the history of religion has shown. Judaism incorporates a lesser degree of evangelism than most sects of Christianity, I don't know if this is an adaptation to the diaspora or if it is inherent in the religion.