A list of scriptures in the bible that involve ufo's


Registered Member
I like to study all aspects of the ufo mystery.My search led me to folklore then
the bible.Not being the most holy of persons,
after reading these scriptures my views about
god and the bible changed.It just makes sense
that god is a "alien".I'm not saying he was
a grey,but that he is from somewhere else
in universe.Please read these scripts before
makeing any comments.
genesis 4;14-17 city east of eden?wtf? :)
john 8;23
ezekiel chapter 1,9,10:1 read these wow!
psalms 18:10
sammuel 22;11
daniel 7:9
2nd Kings 2:10-14
Isaiah 6:1-2
genesis 15
jeremiah 5:1-2
acts 1:9-11
numbers 13:32-33
zechariah 5:1-2
Please read these and post any comments you
want,good or bad i don't care.I dont trust any interpretations by anyone unless they
read ancient hebrew.Or at least hebrew :)
Any comments are welcome though 8)
Oops! I responded to your post on this matter in the World Affairs forum. We can continue the discussion here, if you'd like, as it's more appropriate.
In case you missed it, here is my post from the World Affairs forum. Boris, I saw your response over there and responded to it, in case you get deja vu reading this paste:

m-cyber-I, too, have been curious about Nod, the land east of Eden. Who created it? Who lived there? Who did Cain and Seth marry? (I have a book that says (tongue in cheek)Cain and Seth married chimps, hence the theory of evolution, but given that it's entitled "Science Made Stupid"... Ah, it's a hoot of a book. I recommend it for a laugh.)
I believe that extraterrestrials have been visiting this place for quite some time. I don't believe that they are our "creators", however. I believe that when this planet was first discovered by a star-faring race, there was some interaction with the locals that led to the current systems of faith. At some point, I believe that an order was given that this planet was "hands off", and that it should be allowed to advance naturally. Scientists being what they are, however, had to study the populace's progress, hence the abduction phenomenon. Contrary to popular belief, "abductees" represent a good cross-section of society, just the sort of thing a zoologist would want from a group of social animals. Why is nobody famous ever abducted? They are under too close a watch and would be missed too quickly. The goal is natural progression, remember.

I believe that the study of this planet is a work in progress. Extraterrestrial ecologists, I imagine, have convinced their governments or whatever leadership they answer to that this planet should not be colonized and that the ground-digging apes that developed higher brains should be allowed to evolve without interference. Some, however, may be farmed out to the genetics lab, as long as they have no recollection of the incident to contaminate the project. Results of the genetic project might then be either kept in the lab or else released into the wild (if they don't look too different, as history has shown this animal type to react violently to differences in the pack).

That's a summary of my theory. I could be wrong.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Why is everyone responding somewhere else?
Cant find them so im glad you posted that for me.Did you read most of the scripts,i posted?In Ezekiel,God him self comes down
to talk to him in a ufo!Some people say that
this is a vision he had.This is not true....
It says that the HAND OF GOD WAS UPON HIM,
"The hand of god" every where else in the bible means that god was acually there.As
for your theory,no theory is wrong.With out
them we would never find out what is "Really
going on".I think that they have been here
all along.Even the sumerians have written
about beings coming down from the stars and
showing them things.They knew about the planet pluto!We did'nt find it till mid 1900's. Anyway if there was a city east of
eden,what does that mean?Some people think
that it was not a human city.Adam and eve
were the first humans right?If you have any
ideas to shed some light on this for me,give it out.If god is from "outer space"(which he
said him self "i am not of this world",and he
put us here.That really means that we were
put on this earth by an alien being or beings.Thats just my feeling after looking into the subject for years.I know this is not
a popular theory,but ive never been popular :)

m-cyber digital enity
I don't believe in God, so it's hard for me to say that God is an alien. I go more along the lines of "aliens described as gods."

I read every passage that you listed. I had forgotten about a few of them, but remembered others.

About the only thing I really agree with vonDaaniken on is the "Cargo Cult" theory, that aliens landed here and we mistook them for gods. Of course, there may have been nothing to stop the aliens from going along with it.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Thats whats im saying oxy,
They thought they were "gods".It just makes
sence too me.It kinda all comes together.
I "belive" in god,but maybe not in the same
way as most people do.The evidence in the
bible makes to think at least there was a higher intelligence behind it all.I dont know
why i even worry about it.The chances of finding out whats really going on are slim.
Someone knows and they just are not telling us.I know they are here,I fell that they live
on the earth somewhere,the ocean,underground
somewhere.I myself have never seen one,im lucky just to see a shooting star. :)
You should have seen this one sucker that lit up the inside of the cab of my truck. I was driving home from work one night and had just thrown a left turn when I saw a bright light in the sky. I took it to be a fighter at first (F16s are not uncommon sights in the sky around here), but the color was wrong. Instead of the orange glow of the jets, this was pure white. As it passed overhead, hauling tail like nobody's business, the ground lit up and the inside of my pick-up's cab was bright as daylight. Then it was gone, screaming for the eastern horizon.

I contacted Linda Porter at NASA and reported what I had seen. I thought that maybe I had seen a low-orbit approach of a shuttle. She told me that no shuttles had been in orbit, but that what I had seen was a huge meteorite that they had been tracking as a possible impactor somewhere on the planet. They had lost sight of it during an equipment glitch, but because I had e-mailed NASA immediately and someone had been at the terminal when the post came in, they were able to locate it again and track it. It was an unusually large one, and she said that she wished I would have had a camcorder, because ground-level observations of these things are rare.

Oddly enough, UFO was the last thing to enter my mind. Anyway, it was an interesting sight. If you're lucky, you may get to see one, too.

P.S.: This one obviously didn't impact. It burned up completely.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
There have been a number of books written along the lines of what you're talking about. Erich von Daniken's most popular book "Chariots of the Gods?" was already alluded to. Former NASA scientist Josef F. Blumrich's book "The Spaceships of Ezekial" was a good one on the speculation of what Ezekial may have witnessed landing albeit through the eyes of a twentieth century rocket scientist. I suggest checking out "ASSAP publications" on the net to get a good list of books related to religion and the UFO phenomenon.

You might be interested to check out the conversation that occured mainly between Truestory, SkyeBlue (who is now MoonCat) and myself, which is partially contained on this page:


You're right that this isn't a particularly attractive idea to some people, especially Christians. It's a threat to their beliefs which cannot be tolerated. Good luck in this debate! :)
