A link to an interesting site.



YOU betcha, by God!

It has always been a theory in the back of my mind.

Also & then some:

I have often wondered about the evolution of mankind, and the somewhat unexplainable development of technology in humanity in only the last 20,000 years!

Since according to the paleos sci guys, the human mind has been pretty much the same for around a million years!

YEAH YEAH MALicious, it does seem a bit odd that there is at least a possibility of an Intelligent mankind existing long before the ice age!

As a wild theory only, that perhaps mankind has in fact originated from somewhere other than the Earth? MARS?

I have also liked the ideas of the old BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, in which humanity is far older than could be imagined!

Also that we are simply decendants of this very old race of "GODS"!

AH hell Malicious, who knows? But it makes a hell of a story!

Every since I heard of the guy who found the cities of Troy, after all the other"scientists" said it was Myth, I have had a very skeptical eye to the pronouncements of "glory hungry" contemporary scientists today.

It is NOT dismissed however, that we may have origins from across the Galactic void, from a planet......named perhaps even after a figure in Greek mythology.....or other........

How long is a piece of string? A well known fact.......Carbon dating is vastly inaccurate.There is no reason (undisputable proof) to suppose that humankind has existed (as we Know it)on this planet for more than 2,ooo yrs or so. Personally, i find it hard to imagine that after millions of years in the wilderness,mankind suddenly discovered "progress".It was only 90 yrs ago that the first aeroplanes were built and within 60 yrs we land a man on the moon. No! we came from somwhere other than here , and much more recent than is commonly thought.
fascinating! pure energy!

It's an interesting premise to work from, friend. Just don't fall into the same emotional trap as has the contemporary sci guys today. The truth is of the utmost importance. If you & I work on a premise for the next 30 years, and then along comes some college boy (kid), who makes us both look like a couple of stupid old farts, then it is not for us to continue to defend our outdated ideas.

I say this because such things have already happened to me. AND O' BY GoD...... IT is a hard thing to admit in being wrong. I have learned over the years to just let go of past flawed ideas and embrace the new! This is something that the mainstream of science has never done!

Hell, not even since the time of the tragic figure Galileo.

Work from a premise, and gather evidence which will prove the premise. But never be blind to the obvious, and don't be too proud to admit error. Since afterall, as a scientists, we all are simply searching for truth, not personal glory.