A great delusion been befallen

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Best way to direct attention far away from a sound truth is through a great delusion tale put together under a name called "Bible." The great delusion tale is a written lie-type mask masking over both a sound-truth plus a re-appearance-truth.

Think on every written word in how it sound rather than relie on the written front. Example for your participation: What does "bible" sound like also?

When a hand is quicker than an eye, then you should know how only words up front (for your eyes :bugeye: to read) only slow you down in knowing a quicker fulfillment in truth. The original re-appearance-truth been under a moving point entering light when it is too late, starting from an original false appearence text. Understand, what is put written by hand for eyes to read is in no wise what the hand is actually doing behind the scene. The hand indeed arrange such a re-appearence to be the actually truth rather than making the original text appearence (and its implications) the truth. In other words, you which have been reading the bible been under a great delusion by a greater magician-type hand quicker than the eye. By the time you do see the re-appearance (how actual fulfillment in truth been set to arise) you will know then how indeed a greater hand been doing much right under your blind eye. A greater hand blinds the eyes so that you can in no wise see what such hand is doing.

Which of you also see now the great delusion besides me? Plus, which of you see the moving point been for serving telling you that whole magician theme "The Hand Is Quicker Than The Eye"?


"Magician" plus "Michigan" hold the same letters except for one of the "a"s in "Magician" and the one "h" in "Michigan".

I participated in a magician's magic trick up in MI before. :cool:
Still dont see the moving point?

Look deeper...

2 Thess 2:11
"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:"

^^"this" can imply written or spoken wording right in the very books concening the world. The world is concerned very much with what the bible is implying. Fact is, is the bible is the number 1 selling book. So indeed the world is concerned with the bible.

"And for this cause" is implying how a great world concern (in what? truth) in speaking turn indeed writings. A great concern is a causer indeed.

"And" is implying beyond the so-called context (10-12 surrounding 11) which people follow when under great delusion time after time.

When someone says "this" you should know they could be pointing to something even. Such also means it is a great delusion when buying the whole stay in context thing.

Picture a General pointing to actual plans near on a war planning table, when you read across the word "this." Seed indeed fall by the way side, plus do grow up differently on the side how originally intended so that then when you look back on the word "this" you can see clear exactly how the strong delusion WORKED.

Right under the nose in the quote is "that they should believe a lie"

The hand will in no wise tell you what it is doing till it is finished with misleading all on what been actually getting accomplished quickly behind the scene. In other words, expect A SURPRIZE rather than anything you've been reading in the bible. You start seeing surprize after surprize suddenly arise up in a more straighter row after every actual hand-doing thing been accomplished full so that it then tell all under the redirected truth in due Age. A surprize can be finding out: it is too late for you to get ruined by a problem maker, or it is too late for you to get out a problem.

"And that they should believe a lie: for this cause God shall send them strong delusion"

That they = a distant they which should believe a lie which is for this cause God shall send them strong delusion.

This cause = non-distant cause. What is the non-distant cause God shall send them strong delusion? Bible! Bible is our strong delusion implied under "God shall send them". "Them" is is not laced with "this" or "that" so you cant tell, whether or not, "them" is implying the distant kind or the non-distant kind. So it implies a mixture having part under strong delusion for better or for worse.

Personal note: As for me, I arrived up outside such strong delusion in like that scalely eye SEEING on a dollar bill, which is risen above the rest of the non-eye pyramid. My birth sign is the two fishes one. Fishes have scales. The fishier in truth, the trickier in magic.

A lie (strong delusion) plus a moving point any should or can see each know currently.

Currenly each know:

Magician hand causings make negative legion make Magician the reason negative legion put in place a lie. As if to say Magician send a lie, when actually, a negative legion is just jealous in letting Magician know what Magician already know.

Any which should see a negative's lie/craft, do channel re-appearance-truth I indeed mention. Such channel is such true news beyond any news a negative legion can try to mask with a lie against a truth that they know is against such a negative legion. Any channeler current know the distant-kind front (or cover up) while seeable currently anywhere in any sector.

Far outside "Bible" in how this-point move indeed, you should or can currently know the re-appearance-truth flooding, during such parting Age, is grander for you or grander against you.

It is too late to show that you still read without homing in on the moving point. Such shame you show for yourself when seeking using a lie to keep trying under a great failure.

Every front (word or name) in any bible is fading way off when Specification arrive in how "God" plus "Satan" point in due season.

What implied in a true news feed you lively already recieved recently, you which should channel?
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Learn what this mean:

"It's how you get the bloody job done."--Don't Think About It (starring Emmily Smith)

^^More a message than a front (Christ) or a fronter's middle message, when a riddling, magician hand go quicker than an eye.

Even in such movie for T.V. it is clear how a moving point flashed re-appearance-truth when the mysterious guy mentioned how she won selection over someone up in Detroit. Lo, I live in Detroit, plus I lively home in on a moving point concerning "this" which the very 2 Thess 2:11 quote is rather pointing out more clear when outside the 'strong delusion' ('BIBLE').

Bible holds clues since strong delusion in no wise means delusion period. Besides, you see how I get even such indeed 'moving point' pointers (useful tipping-aiders) with the very Bible. But the moving point is basic (minding -instructing) in Bible while elsewhere more specific in what exactly the "this" is. The specific "this" unfold in actualizations more than the basic word "this" in the bible which only points outside as to where "this" in a more specific 'material substance' should get noticings.