A forum for propaganda and vilification?

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James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
I am a little worried that the Religion forum is becoming clogged with religious propaganda and religious vilification.

Specifically, I'm referring to:

1. Threads whose sole aim is to preach some kind of positive aspect of one particular religion, in an effort to raise awareness of the religion, or to gain converts.
2. Threads containing "anti-propaganda", whose sole aim is to preach about the negative aspects of one particular religion (sometimes as contrasted with some other belief system), perhaps in an effort to turn people away from that religion, or (more often) to justify a poster's own bigotted views of that religion.
3. Threads which attempt to stereotype all members of a particular belief system.
4. Threads aimed at starting or continuing the common "My god is bigger than your god" argument.

Now, in a certain context, some of these issues might become valid points for discussion of comparative beliefs or something like that, but all too often we see NO informed arguments at all. Instead, we see blind cut-and-pastes from other sources, or personal opinion statements made with NOTHING to back them up (no references to sources or evidence, other than the poster's personal prejudices).

Recent examples of such threads include the topics:

Yes, Hitler was indeed a Bible-Believing Christian
Christian debate tactics
The role of mosques in Islam
Islam denounces terrorism
Islam and wife beating
Principles of self-development in Islam
Muslim encouragement and advancement in science
Islamic attitudes in the UK today
Christianity's oppression (execution) of scientists
What Christians believe
Very bad news for Islamists: 6 million leaving Islam/yr (in Africa alone)
Islam in Holland
No worries about what to wear at a Christian nudist camp
The sexual rage behind Islam

and the list goes on.

Now, maybe it's just me who thinks that this forum could do without these threads. Maybe everybody else likes the flame wars between Muslims and Christians. Maybe everybody is happy with 50% of the threads here amounting to little more than cut-and-pastes from Islamic propaganda sites elsewhere on the web.

As moderator, I want your opinions on this. Are you happy with things as they are, or would you like to see some changes in the way certain types of threads are moderated?
I believe threads which attack other religions should be DELETED.

Athiest threads which attack religion in general should be DELETED, after all, this is religion section, they have no right to be here.

Personal insults should not be tolerated and I HOPE you will check the TROLLS who use more than one nickname to advance their hate.
Proud Muslim,

Athiest threads which attack religion in general should be DELETED, after all, this is religion section, they have no right to be here.
Think about this a little more. Atheism is just as much about religion as is theism. One is pro-religion one is anti-religion.

This is indeed a religion forum and NOT a PRO-RELIGION forum or an ANTI-RELIGION forum. Both theist and atheist perspectives must be accepted and respected here.

I hope you understand.

Proud_Muslim said:
I believe threads which attack other religions should be DELETED
PM you do realize almost half of what you post attacks christianity don't you?

Athiest threads which attack religion in general should be DELETED, after all, this is religion section, they have no right to be here.
Why because they expose weakness' I think the reason you want this is because your main message is "islam is great christianity is stupid" When people take apart your religion using logic and islams own texts you have no comeback except for Extremely large and colorful text and a sea of copy and paste articles from your favorite distributors of islamic propaganda :D
Personal insults should not be tolerated
You better review your posting style I know for a fact that you called several people idiots yesterday in 1 thread alone.

Here I scanned over about 70 of your 1,269 posts
1.You retard
2.retard Vienna
3.athiest retards
4.retard vienna
6. (my favorite because it was towards me :D ) I am still waiting for PROOF you retard
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Katazia said:
Proud Muslim,

Think about this a little more. Atheism is just as much about religion as is theism. One is pro-religion one is anti-religion.

This is not true, athiesm is anti religion, while we are RELIGIOUS not pro religious, I am not pro religion, I am not Pro Islam, I am Muslim and I dont accept any athiest to defame my religion at all.
path said:
PM you do realize almost half of what you post attacks christianity don't you?

You hypocrite, what about your OWN POSTS BASHING AND DEFAMING ISLAM ???????? :rolleyes:

you better review your posting style I know for a fact that you called several people idiots yesterday in 1 thread alone.

Here I scanned over about 70 of your 1,269 posts

Vienna is the same person as PATH, I wish and I hope the moderators or the owner of this forum will check the ISP for both nicks to see the similarities !
You are very right James R. I would be great to raise the level of discussion above mere confrontation, as amusing as that might be. Just ban PM from the religion forum.

I don't feel any less insulted whether it is by an atheist or by a Muslim or by a Martian. For the record, I don't think too many atheists have exposed any weaknesses, at least not in Christianity. (Don't know enough about Islam).What I notice is that when I have an answer to questions that some atheists really expect to trip me up, I start being told why I'm stupid and naive to believe in religion. I guess a lot of people don't like to have their basic belief system questioned.

My concern is the insults. It is sometimes happening with PM, but I have had other constructive conversations with other Muslims. It is mostly directed by atheists at theists. My personal desire to be respected does not stem from the fear that some clever comment on a website by a person I don't know is strong enough to shake my faith. This is rather an absurd and presumptuous idea. Rather, when one degenerates into insults, I think it is indicative of a weaker position. (Not that I haven't been drawn in, I have).

The main thing is if people would stop being so rude to one another we might actually hear what the other is saying.
Proud_Muslim said:
You hypocrite, what about your OWN POSTS BASHING AND DEFAMING ISLAM ???????? :rolleyes:
You are the one who said you wanted defaming threads banned not me, remember. Sometimes I really wonder about your retention PM
I use islams own texts to show it's weakness' and mostly I only respond to your propaganda (I have decided to try and not start vilifying threads). Find one occurence where I call you a name just one.

Vienna is the same person as PATH, I wish and I hope the moderators or the owner of this forum will check the ISP for both nicks to see the similarities !
LOL.. I hope they do and make you look like one of those names you like to throw around so much ;) Vienna is an englishman posting from england I am an american posting from norway, go figure.
James R said:
Now, in a certain context, some of these issues might become valid points for discussion of comparative beliefs or something like that, but all too often we see NO informed arguments at all. Instead, we see blind cut-and-pastes from other sources, or personal opinion statements made with NOTHING to back them up (no references to sources or evidence, other than the poster's personal prejudices).

Recent examples of such threads include the topics:

Yes, Hitler was indeed a Bible-Believing Christian
Christian debate tactics
The role of mosques in Islam
Islam denounces terrorism
Islam and wife beating
Principles of self-development in Islam
Muslim encouragement and advancement in science
Islamic attitudes in the UK today
Christianity's oppression (execution) of scientists
What Christians believe
Very bad news for Islamists: 6 million leaving Islam/yr (in Africa alone)
Islam in Holland
No worries about what to wear at a Christian nudist camp
The sexual rage behind Islam

Seriously folks, what would this Religion Forum be without most of those threads?

The only threads I would like deleted in the above list are these...

* Yes, Hitler was indeed a Bible-Believing Christian
* The sexual rage behind Islam
* Christianity's oppression (execution) of scientists

Those 3 are totally baseless and the last 2 uses an isolated case to generalize the whole.

Otherwise the rest are just AOK !!!
Captain_Crunch said:
I think cut and paste is fine only if its quoted as cut and paste and is correctly referenced.

And if there are personal comments of the thread starter regarding the article and the subject. :D
Proud Muslim,

This is not true, athiesm is anti religion, while we are RELIGIOUS not pro religious, I am not pro religion, I am not Pro Islam, I am Muslim and I dont accept any athiest to defame my religion at all.
Forgive me for giving you an English lesson but you do not seem to understand these concepts. I can only assume that English is not your first language and you are still learning.

Pro means to be in favor of something, so to say you are religious is exactly the same as saying you are pro-religious – that is what it means, at least in this context. You are indeed pro-Islam and pro-Muslim because you support those concepts. This is not controversial and you should have no trouble accepting this. And I am not trying to insult you or defame you in any manner.

Pro and anti are opposites, so if you really claim you are not pro-Islam then by default you must be anti-Islam which I am sure that is not what you mean.

Whether you accept or not any atheist for defaming your religion is irrelevant – they are entitled to their opinions and freedom to express those opinions. That you don’t like what they say is entirely your problem not theirs.

I think some of these threads could be tolerated if people made an attempt to understand each other. For instance, if PM was open to the possibility that Hitler wasn't quite a Christian or a good Christian, then there would be no problem debating with him.
I would shake hands with every mullahs too (& the pope) if it helps me CONQUER THE WORLD! BWAHAHAHAHA! :D
DoctorNO said:
Seriously folks, what would this Religion Forum be without most of those threads?

The only threads I would like deleted in the above list are these...

* The sexual rage behind Islam

totally baseless and the last 2 uses an isolated case to generalize the whole.

BS. I've lived in the Middle East; Saudi, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain, to name a few countries. There not isolated cases if you go into the villages, they are part of the culture. I can't believe the naivete of the people on this board or the lack of knowledge of Middle Eastern culture.
It would be naive to believe the majority of the native people of those countries are civilised to western standards.
It is amazing how this thread has managed to demonstrate that which most people dislike.