A Fascinating Interview with Dr Gary Nolan - Stanford School of Medicine

Ivan Seeking

Registered Senior Member

Dr Nolan was brought into the realm of UFOs when the government asked him to help evaluate people who had been exposed to UFOs and suffered physical harm as a result.

Last year Dr Nolan was nominated for a Noble Prize.

Dr. Nolan is the Rachford and Carlota A. Harris Professor in the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine. He trained with Leonard Herzenberg (for his Ph.D.) and Nobelist Dr. David Baltimore (for postdoctoral work for the first cloning/characterization of NF-κB p65/ RelA and the development of rapid retroviral production systems). He has published over 330 research articles and is the holder of 50 US patents, and has been honored as one of the top 25 inventors at Stanford University.

Dr. Nolan is the first recipient of the Teal Innovator Award (2012) from the Department of Defense(a
$3.3 million grant for advanced studies in ovarian cancer), the first recipient of an FDA BAAA, for “Bio-agent protection” grant, $3million, from the FDA for a “Cross-Species Immune System Reference”, and received the award for “Outstanding Research Achievement in 2011” from the Nature Publishing Group for his development of CyTOF applications in the immune system. Dr. Nolan has new efforts in the study of Ebola, having developed instrument platforms to deploy in the field in Africa to study Ebola samples safely with the need to transport them to overseas labs (funded by a new $3.5 million grant from the FDA) and another grant to study the effects of Zika and Ebola viruses on humans (also from the FDA).
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Dr Nolan was brought into the realm of UFOs when the government asked him to help evaluate people who had been exposed to UFOs and suffered physical harm as a result.
Dr. Nolan sounds a bit goofy.
From an article about Dr. Nolan:
"Then my personal experiences with one individual who was involved in collecting the original information," Nolan said, "and my experiences with people who have worked or working on reverse engineering programs of downed crafts."
So, there is slam dunk evidence of ETs! We have at least one craft in our possession! Oh shucks, but we only know a guy who knows a guy who claims without evidence that he saw it...:rolleyes:

Dr Nolan was brought into the realm of UFOs when the government asked him to help evaluate people who had been exposed to UFOs and suffered physical harm as a result.

Last year Dr Nolan was nominated for a Noble Prize.

Dr. Nolan is the Rachford and Carlota A. Harris Professor in the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine. He trained with Leonard Herzenberg (for his Ph.D.) and Nobelist Dr. David Baltimore (for postdoctoral work for the first cloning/characterization of NF-κB p65/ RelA and the development of rapid retroviral production systems). He has published over 330 research articles and is the holder of 50 US patents, and has been honored as one of the top 25 inventors at Stanford University.

Dr. Nolan is the first recipient of the Teal Innovator Award (2012) from the Department of Defense(a $3.3 million grant for advanced studies in ovarian cancer), the first recipient of an FDA BAAA, for “Bio-agent protection” grant, $3million, from the FDA for a “Cross-Species Immune System Reference”, and received the award for “Outstanding Research Achievement in 2011” from the Nature Publishing Group for his development of CyTOF applications in the immune system. Dr. Nolan has new efforts in the study of Ebola, having developed instrument platforms to deploy in the field in Africa to study Ebola samples safely with the need to transport them to overseas labs (funded by a new $3.5 million grant from the FDA) and another grant to study the effects of Zika and Ebola viruses on humans (also from the FDA).

Who says this guy was nominated for a Nobel Prize? I can't find any evidence for it.

And for which prize? His academic record seems to have remarkable little to do with UAPs or UFOs.
video link

Dr Nolan was brought into the realm of UFOs when the government asked him to help evaluate people who had been exposed to UFOs and suffered physical harm as a result. [...]

So Nolan is one of David Grusch's contacts. Finally a name for one of these usually invisible figures that even Kirkpatrick has vocally pantomimed about, but likewise declines to reveal their identities. [See footnote at bottom.]

But the fact that he's "knowable" similarly means Nolan is just another lightweight mediator who has merely interacted with these supposed "victims" and shadowy authorities, rather than being a direct witness of the alleged sources of the problems.

Toss in a mimicking of Havana syndrome, only here it's alien technology that's the rumored cause of an "excess of neural connections" rather than Russian agents zapping diplomats in Cuba with a microwave weapon, or whatever.

How does this culture of mythology arise and thrive among experts who otherwise seem competent in their respective fields and the accredited administrators of military and black project industry areas?

Nolan's work in ufology and related fields: According to Nolan, he was approached by "some people representing the government and an aerospace corporation to help them understand the medical harm that had come to some individuals, related to supposed interactions with an anomalous craft" because "they were interested in the kinds of blood analysis that my lab can do".

Initially via CyTOF blood analysis, he helped investigate the brains of around 100 patients, mostly "defense or governmental personnel or people working in the aerospace industry", of which a subset claimed to have seen unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP).

The majority exhibited symptoms that were "basically identical to what's now called Havana syndrome" and had their brains scanned via MRI. Nolan stated that some of the brains were horribly damaged and that while much of the damage was random, "what we thought was the damage across multiple individuals" turned out to be an "over-connection of neurons between the head of the caudate and the putamen" which he claims was disproportionate in this cohort compared to the general population (with the general population only showing about 1 in 100 individuals with the feature).

Nolan is the lead author of the first study published in a peer-reviewed journal about anomalous materials associated with UFOs. The article reviews modern analytic procedures, including mass spectrometry, for characterization, analysis, and identification of unknown materials and how such have been applied thus far to study materials that, according to witnesses, dropped from hovering UFOs such as materials of the 1977 Council Bluffs incident.

Since the formation of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force in 2020, multiple publications have reported on Nolan's involvement with The Pentagon and the CIA investigating samples of materials supposedly ejected at purported sites of UFO sightings. In August 2022, Nolan appeared on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight show and discussed his claims of UAP-related research in an hour long interview.

During a May 2023 SALT iConnections conference in Manhattan for an interview with Alex Klokus titled "The Pentagon, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Crashed UFOs", Nolan claimed that some governments have retrieved artifacts from extraterrestrial craft, said that he gives the probability as "100 percent" that extraterrestrials have not only visited Earth but have been visiting earth for a long time, and speculated that what has visited earth are simply "emissaries" and possibly drones.

As New York Times columnist Ezra Klein interviewed journalist and UFO author Leslie Kean in June 2023, Kean told Klein that Nolan "knows David Grusch very well and vouches for him".

- - - footnote - - -

[1] DR. KIRKPATRICK: No. For a variety of reasons, so we -- we, obviously, we are obligated to protect all these people's identities for – for all kinds of reasons. What they are reporting, we are documenting.

They are reviewing and then revalidating that this is what they want to say. We then research all of that collectively. There is a – there is a, if you think of it as a story arc, there's a number of people that kind of fit into this story arc.

But then there's these little offshoots and variations on themes. We're investigating each and every one of them. We're cross-referencing those. There are some bits of information that are turning out to be things and events that really happened. A lot of it is still under review, and we're putting all that together into our historical report.

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So Nolan is one of David Grusch's contacts. Finally a name for one of these usually invisible figures that even Kirkpatrick has vocally pantomimed about, but likewise declines to reveal their identities. [See footnote at bottom.]

No, he is talking about people allegedly directly involved in reverse engineering alien spacecrafts. That is the avenue that has been requested. They want immunity from prosecution for violating their security oaths. Some have now testified in a SCIF before Congressional members. Nolan has been public for a long time. He just can't yet talk about some classified work he did for the government.

Matt Gaetz, because of his existing security clearance and an event in his State, says he has seen direct evidence of an alien craft. I need to review his testimony but I think he claims he saw a retrieved craft up close.

Your rash leap to conclusions shows your are not approaching this rationally and know little to nothing about it.

And note that people like Stratton have vouched for Grusch and others.
https://www.secnav.navy.mil/donhr/About/Senior-Executives/Biographies/Stratton, J.pdf

You have to spend more than five minutes learning about this subject if you want to form a valid opinion.
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The Schumer amendment, which was gutted, was intended to give immunity to anyone who has worked on these alleged crafts. It would have also given the government eminent domain over all the hardware and information. That too was specifically gutted. This only relates to "alien spacecrafts", or more specifically, crafts of non-human origin, nothing else.

It there is nothing to it, then why doesn't the government just give blanket immunity; since there is nothing to protect? "Sure! If you worked on a alien spacecraft you have full immunity. You are free to discuss who, what, when, and where." Then this would be over. But they specifically WILL NOT do that.
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I said security oaths but it also includes NDAs. That is one reason why the eminent domain was necessary - to relieve people of liability for violating their NDAs. The alleged pushback comes from companies heavily invested in reverse engineering this technology and wanting to lay claim to the fruits of their efforts. If a company like Lockheed Martin [a claimed major player] has 50 years invested in reverse engineering this technology, they don't want to give that information away.

Edgar Mitchell once told me that the real secrets and control is all in the hands of private contractors now.

There is also the argument that the truth is too dark to reveal to the public. But that is more a fringe claim even in the world of UFOs. There is a famous book that is titled after an alleged direct quote about UFOs from Margaret Thatcher - You can't tell the people. The reason being that the truth is too disturbing. That book was published 12 years before Thatcher died and the author was never challenged on that claim.
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So Nolan is one of David Grusch's contacts. Finally a name for one of these usually invisible figures that even Kirkpatrick has vocally pantomimed about, but likewise declines to reveal their identities. [See footnote at bottom.]

No, he [Grusch?] is talking about people allegedly directly involved in reverse engineering alien spacecrafts.

Was the next paragraph (below) invisible to you, that completed the process and disparaged Nolan being one of the "deep insiders"?

But the fact that he's "knowable" similarly means Nolan is just another lightweight mediator who has merely interacted with these supposed "victims" and shadowy authorities, rather than being a direct witness of the alleged sources of the problems. [of the victims/patients he treated]​

Were the references to "reverse engineering" in the video inaudible to you, with respect to spilling onto Grusch's territory of that?

Was the "Nolan knows David Grusch very well" in the excerpt invisible to you? IOW, as the focus of my reply indicated, that was the offshoot information value of the topic or of Nolan to me -- that he and Grusch have interacted and had contact.

Nolan has been public for a long time.

Was the word "knowable" invisible to you? Or was there an overhead whooshing sound with respect to "knowable" equating to "public"?

But the fact that he's [Nolan] "knowable" similarly means Nolan is just another lightweight mediator who has merely interacted with these supposed "victims" and shadowy authorities, rather than being a direct witness of the alleged sources of the problems.

He just can't yet talk about some classified work he did for the government.

Can't talk about what? Very, very specific details of his patients' stories and his "government/military work", as opposed to the general assertions he has made? Was the whole mundane Wikipedia excerpt invisible to you?

... he [Nolan] helped investigate the brains of around 100 patients, mostly "defense or governmental personnel or people working in the aerospace industry", of which a subset claimed to have seen unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP). [...] Nolan is the lead author of the first study published in a peer-reviewed journal about anomalous materials associated with UFOs. [...] multiple publications have reported on Nolan's involvement with The Pentagon and the CIA investigating samples of materials supposedly ejected at purported sites of UFO sightings. In August 2022, Nolan appeared on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight show and discussed his claims of UAP-related research in an hour long interview... [...] Nolan claimed that some governments have retrieved artifacts from extraterrestrial craft...

Okay, Gaetz didn't claim direct access but this is his testimony.

No kidding. Any more redundancy you'd like to add with respect to these lightweight mediators who have never really had direct contact with the claimed secret projects of recovered alien spacecraft, "non-human biologics", reverse engineering, etc.?
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No, he is talking about people allegedly directly involved in reverse engineering alien spacecrafts. That is the avenue that has been requested. They want immunity from prosecution for violating their security oaths. Some have now testified in a SCIF before Congressional members. Nolan has been public for a long time. He just can't yet talk about some classified work he did for the government.

Matt Gaetz, because of his existing security clearance and an event in his State, says he has seen direct evidence of an alien craft. I need to review his testimony but I think he claims he saw a retrieved craft up close.
I think you are being naive.
[...] You have to spend more than five minutes learning about this subject if you want to form a valid opinion. [...]

Unsurprisingly, it does not seem to occur to you that such territory has been addressed before in this "UFOs, bota-bing, bota-bah" subforum.

Note that my previous reply to your reply was not an issue of you having such beliefs, convictions, etc -- whether they result from gullibility, deep philosophical cogitation, etc. That is your business and personal pursuits to do with as you see fit. Was purely about correcting oversights, and not a precursor to engaging in a presumptuous and futile crusade to dissuade you from any particular thought orientation. Best wishes with respect to the latter's future or incremental developments.
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I downloaded this directly from cia.gov about twenty years ago. I have read thousands of unclassified or declassified reports and documents like this going all the way back to the Foo Fighters of WWII.

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In the news

Secret UFO briefing for Congress members next week after calls for transparency
US Congress members will receive a classified briefing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena(also known as UFOs) next week after a renewed push for greater governmental transparency on UFOs. The House Oversight Committee will take place next Tuesday in the Office of House Security.

Thomas A. Monheim, who is the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, will oversee the briefing, which comes after a bipartisan push, fronted by Republican Oversight Committee member Tim Burchett, for more information on extraterrestrials, including details on the retrieval of crashed UFOs and potential programs for reverse engineering alien technology. [continued]


Fun fact: Dr Nolan and I are now communicating.
He seems like a great guy! Very nice, very helpful.

I should put in a plug for the late Stan Friedman as well. He sent me a great deal of information all at his own expense. Just the postage was costly but he never asked for a dime.
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In the news

Secret UFO briefing for Congress members next week after calls for transparency
US Congress members will receive a classified briefing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena(also known as UFOs) next week after a renewed push for greater governmental transparency on UFOs. The House Oversight Committee will take place next Tuesday in the Office of House Security.

Thomas A. Monheim, who is the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, will oversee the briefing, which comes after a bipartisan push, fronted by Republican Oversight Committee member Tim Burchett, for more information on extraterrestrials, including details on the retrieval of crashed UFOs and potential programs for reverse engineering alien technology. [continued]


Fun fact: Dr Nolan and I are now communicating.
He seems like a great guy! Very nice, very helpful.

I should put in a plug for the late Stan Friedman as well. He sent me a great deal of information all at his own expense. Just the postage was costly but he never asked for a dime.
I'm amused that the references to "retrieval of crashed UFOs" and "reverse engineering alien technology" are from an organ called "The Irish Star". This seems to be a US offshoot of the Daily Star, a notoriously unserious UK tabloid. What next? Are they going to cite the Daily Sport, "Aliens Turned Our Son Into a Fish Finger"? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...you-can-believe-the-sport-closes-2260126.html

I imagine this briefing will say neither of these stories has any basis in fact. Burchett may look a bit of a dick - if he doesn't already.
Who says this guy was nominated for a Nobel Prize? I can't find any evidence for it.

And for which prize? His academic record seems to have remarkable little to do with UAPs or UFOs.
The nominees are never released IICR. Perhaps when they have died.
The nominees are never released IICR. Perhaps when they have died.
That's what I thought. So it's just guesswork to claim anyone has been nominated. Very likely bullshit in this case, as the context is trying to talk up the credibility of this individual.
That's what I thought. So it's just guesswork to claim anyone has been nominated. Very likely bullshit in this case, as the context is trying to talk up the credibility of this individual.
Yes suspicious.
A quick Google says nominee names are released after 50 years. Born 1961 so unless he was nominated 10 years prior to graduation for his degree ie when he was 12, I think we can say no.
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Re: the Irish Star article

EXCERPT: Last July, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer introduced a bill that would allow a group of UFO experts to analyze governmental UFO files with the intent of releasing them to the public. The bill also gave the government to authority to seize 'technologies of unknown origin' that private companies may have possession of. Many senators were shocked that a politician of Schumer's experience would put forward such a bill, which references aliens and extraterrestrial technology, but the blowback by senior House Republicans was viewed by some as having hit a nerve. Schumer, as well as Senator Mike Rounds, said the bill was inspired by 1992 legislation that led to the release of governmental records on the assassination of John F Kennedy. The bill, according to sources close to its drafting, was prompted by whistleblowers' testimony about the US government recovering crashed alien craft.

At best, it might be disclosed that the ultimate sources for this gossip among personnel are more earthly special access programs, which -- while very secretive, have little to do with recovered space alien technology.

At worst, we may receive more of the "we are obligated to protect all these people's identities for – for all kinds of reasons". which Kirkpatrick even started appealing to off-camera. No interviews of them released publicly, no clarification as to what their stories, traumas, etc specifically revolve around.

IOW, the establishment itself adopts something akin to Grusch's own reticent behavior. While afterward, middlemen (like Nolan or whoever) continue the practice of filling in the blanks with guarantees of extraterrestrial discoveries.

If the latter result, one can't help but wonder afterward if the defense and intelligence complex has tactically seized this whole anecdotical mess as an opportunity to manipulatively encourage the evasive impression that the US or the West in general does indeed have a hidden, super-technology advantage.
That's what I thought. So it's just guesswork to claim anyone has been nominated.

Yes, except Coulthart is a highly respected, award winning journalist. Maybe the person who nominated Nolan told him. Or perhaps the information was leaked. There is no basis for attacking his credibility as a journalist. Is the person who nominated him free to talk about it? I think the answer is yes.
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I'm amused that the references to "retrieval of crashed UFOs" and "reverse engineering alien technology" are from an organ called "The Irish Star".

Watch interviews with Tim Burchett, Marco Rubio, Schummer, and the other Congress persons and Senators involved. This is common knowledge to anyone not closing their eyes and hiding under a rock. Watch the congressional testimony.

Your (collective) answers are always the same - ad hominem attacks. Same with Grusch. Anyone not afraid to learn the actual facts knows that people at the highest levels of the intelligence community have vouched for him. David Fravor was the Navy's top pilot flying our best fighter jet. Is he a crackpot too?

At what point do you consider that internet jockeys may not be the actual experts. Maybe our Senators, Congress persons, intelligence and military experts know more than y0u do. Everyone clings to one man at AARO who is clearly a cynic ignoring the best evidence, and ignore the half dozens others in similar positions, like Elizondo, who stand by this information. Look up John (Jay) Stratton. He stands by these guys as does James Lacatski, who was the
AAWSAP Program Manager. Have you ever heard of AAWSAP?

My experience has been that the debunkers and cynics refuse to make the effort to learn anything they don't want to believe. Did you watch the interview with former CIA director Brennan? Did you watch the interview with Nolan? Did you watch the Congressional hearing? Did you even know these people are involved? Does it strike you that I posted a document from 1952 from the CIA director who clearly refers to the UFO phenomena as real. Is that fake too? Was he a crackpot too? I downloaded that directly from the CIA twenty years ago.

The UFO/UAP disclosure effort is about the only bipartisan issue in Washington.
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