A Faith of One's Own

funny...new aged mephura-ism?

From the most immortal regions of the spiritual plane, I have channeled the disembodied spirit of jerry garcia, bringing to you the wisdom and mind of the lost city of dallas. To usher in the New Age of bodies you must heed my words and mix eventually. The time is soon when the space cars of our galactic cousins will return and our collective all knowingness will reach critical mass. The highest frequencies of the universe will spiral through the arm chakras of the worthy, and our 3rd head shall be opened. But first we must look deep inside and accept our inner people. We must feel the inner people, become the inner people, dying it as though it was a individual. We must accept our karmic past, and, as our yogi master, mephura, always says 'The true form of a body is actually a eternal soul , but enlightenment is like a perfect mind on the wind'. For there is no right or wrong, no reality or anti-reality, only one great and omnipresent universe.
From the most mystical regions of the spiritual plane, I have channeled the disembodied spirit of Mary Magdalene, bringing to you the wisdom and rose of the lost city of Paris. To usher in the New Age of candles you must heed my words and chant reverently. The time is soon when the space jet skis of our galactic cousins will return and our collective sacredness will reach critical mass. The highest frequencies of the universe will spiral through the hand chakras of the worthy, and our 3rd mouth shall be opened. But first we must look deep inside and accept our inner pentacle. We must feel the inner pentacle, become the inner pentacle, gather it as though it was a wine. We must accept our karmic past, and, as our yogi master, Sophia, always says 'The true form of a chalice is actually a mysterious blade , but enlightenment is like a sacred goddess on the wind'. For there is no right or wrong, no grail or anti-grail, only one great and omnipresent circle.
Corrupted?? Hardly! Simply appreciated for it's rewards, as well as the high morals standards it sets for its followers!
Originally posted by Walker
Corrupted?? Hardly! Simply appreciated for it's rewards, as well as the high morals standards it sets for its followers!

Yes, corrupted. You see, my religion heralds the New Age of CANDLES - while your sect is apparently promoting a shameless heresy, namely a New Age of CANDIES. There will be no galactic jet ski coming for you!
ACK! I relinquish my heathanism and embrace the new age of candles!

Stupid burn-in.