A dream within a dream

A Canadian

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Registered Senior Member
has anyone ever had a DREAM inside their dream, or DREAMED about sleeping, or any other odd stuff like that?
Yes. I had a nightmare within a quite normal dream.
It went like this:


And, I got lucid in the dream-dream nightmare :)
Well, frankly, I've never experienced that....... but it may be amusing to have a dreaming dream......
Is it possible, by the way, to experience double dream?
im wondering if its possible to dream while awake

nothing involved with insanity, "preminitons" or drugs

but to just be sitting there to all of a sudden have a dream
and i use the term day dreaming losely
dreaming while awake, speaking from my own experience, yes it's possible. try working 3 consecutive 14 and 16 hour shifts moving furniture, with 6 or less hours of sleep a night, then sitting through a 3 hour philosophy class. ;)

as for dreams within dreams, that's kinda messed up.. i've had dreams where i was sleeping, then woke up late for work. pain in the ass.. the real day was a sunday, too.
Grapetonix had a good way of showing it, so I am steeling his method.

went to sleep --->dreampt I was on the back of a truck and fell off----->woke up from that dream on the floor, but this was all just a dream. went back to sleep ( in the dream)---->dreampt that I was on teh back of the truck and fell off again----> woke up on the floor for real.

Talk about some kind of screwed up deja vu or somethign..
im wondering if its possible to dream while awake

I am perplexed and curious about this as well. Recently, I was laying in my bed drifting off into sleep and became involved in a dream. It was somehting odd; I was in a room with my buddies and we were talking or something along those lines. Through the entire course of this dream, I knew it was happening. I could feel my physical self sleeping and I was quite aware that I was laying in my bed and also dreaming simultaniously. It's intriguing.
Mephura: Maybe you're still in the dream :p

But yes it has happened to people I know aswell as myself.
The neatest dream I've had was an out-of-body experience within a dream. I dreamt I was sleeping at my mom's house (I was actually at my house) when the vibrations that presage an OBE came on strong. I clambored out of my body, whereupon I was fully conscious, analytical, and had all my senses. My mom's house was idealized (hard to describe, let's just say it was perfect in every way) and all the colors were vivid and colors from the entire spectrum were used rather than the drab colors my mom's house really has. Even the bowls in the cupboard were multi-colored. Her porchlight was enhanced to look like sunlight. I had a blast exploring the new look & feel of the house. I picked up a piece of candy and found a number on the wrapper which I wrote down on a pad of paper on the off-chance it might really be found (it wasn't, no surprise since the house was different anyway, but that's how analytical I was able to be in this dream; other than the house itself there was no dream weirdness). After about 15 minutes I got pulled back into my body at my house (would've been even more cool had I got pulled back into my dream body, but then I may not have remembered it) and if that wasn't disappointing enough, I got the sudden contrast between having been in perfect shape and now having a real-life cold. I realized that my mood is very affected by my health.
I can very well relate to what u all are saying. Multiple times i have experianced the same thing. althought i wont go into details on what the dream was about or what happened when i woke up i will note that these dreams are very easily remembered for i have remembered these dreams for years. I don't know if this is significant but many times these dreams can become very frightening and i usually only experiance them in nightmares. I personally believe that we do have multiple dreams everytime we sleep, but unfortunetly our minds don't have the ability to recall these dreams or we can only recall 1 or 2 dreams we had during the night. This gives us the illusion that we've only had 1 dream rather than giving us the idea that we've actually had multiple ones.

If we always dream when we sleep, yet we can't remember what we've dreamed about then what is keeping our minds from have consecutive dreams?:bugeye: