A dirty habit !

they should spit back, with a decidedly thicker glob. the jews may stop when, they find it's recipicated.
mis-t-highs said:
they should spit back, with a decidedly thicker glob. the jews may stop when, they find it's recipicated.

Ahh the little voice of war. This is the seed of war.
does it not say in you bible an eye for an eye, atooth for a tooth, or is that the seed of war.
in the hebrew bible and yours it says, do unto other as you would have them do unto you.

I do not advocate war, that is a religous trait.( in the name of god etc..)
mis-t-highs said:
does it not say in you bible an eye for an eye, atooth for a tooth, or is that the seed of war.
Yes it does say that, and yes it is the seed of war.

mis-t-highs said:
in the hebrew bible and yours it says, do unto other as you would have them do unto you.
So, you are saying you want people to spit on you? :confused:
Thats what they get for being christians. They've practically dared people to treat them like shit because they live by the pussiest code ever concieved. They can just turn their righteous cheek and get the other one spat on and turn again and get kicked in the back of the head, and there's nothing they can do about it. Pray for the jews who spat on them is about it.
They shouldn't even be complaining, that looks like passing judgement on the spitters to me. Just lay down and get spat on the way you like it, if you're lucky one might shit on you.
yes if I spat on them first, then I should expect the same back.
you cant tell me you've never got back at someone, for doing something to you.
Brian, that is such a short article. There is likely more behind that story than what is in print. Some incident..or something said in the Jewish services ...I admire the Christian for his composure. Hopefully this will pass. It nice to just read where a religious disagreement results in something other than bloodshed. Sometimes the smaller non physical conflicts are a gift of circumstance. Spitting now and working towards a resolution might be the thing that has the most probablity of stopping something more dangerous down the road.

That is a neat publication.....actually bigger news were in those headlines today:

Yasser Arafat is in critical condition
you cant tell me you've never got back at someone, for doing something to you.
Ofcourse I have, I'm allowed to, I'm not a christian.
I would be guilt free if I choked a jew to death for looking at me cock-eyed. Nothing in my beliefs suggests I shouldn't do that.
But it is in conflict with christianity to get someone back for doing something to you, you're a terrible christian if you do that.
Interesting statement Dr. Have you ever put somoene in a chokehold before? I am not being skeptical just asking. I have... to break up a fight. Do you know what if feels like to have someone's life completlly dependant upon your decision to release or not? I put a guy in a chokehold to break up a fight....he was too strong for me to pull him off --so i cranked one on him. like i had been taught in class. I could feel his body going limp just like my partners would or i would in class before tapping except this wasn't class and i was concerned if he tapped or not. i just tried to measure his resistance level and gauge how much fight he would have left after i let go..or should i just let him pass out?

I had no intention of killing him but he couldn't read my mind. all he knew as he couldn't breath and his head felt light and he couldn't do a thing about it. I let go and he collasped. the other guy he was fighting left. he sat in the parking lot dazed and started to started to cry. He was a neigbor at an apartment complex that I lived at 15 years ago so i saw him a and the guy he was fighting a few times later.

he wouldn't make eye contact with. one day the other guy in the fight..the one i didn't choke told me what i already knew. he said, that guy thought he was going to die that day. he said it was like being held underwater and not being able to come up for air.

I ask you that because it is a lot of power to have over someone. It is one of those things you would have to experience before you could really say if you could or could not do it and how it would affect you.
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I'm on you side misty, it's a little stupid of them to make so much of it.
if someone came and hurt them or one of there family, they would certainly hurt back.
so it a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Brian Foley said:
Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them

Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them...


And fair enough to .......

I'm curious Brian. Why did you post this report?

Apart from that they "christians" should feel honored to be spat upon for their faith in Jesus. To face persecution, ridicule, and derision and still love the other is a great witness of the love of Jesus who suffered far more than this for us. :)

All praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
I'm curious Brian. Why did you post this report?

Apart from that they "christians" should feel honored to be spat upon for their faith in Jesus. To face persecution, ridicule, and derision and still love the other is a great witness of the love of Jesus who suffered far more than this for us. :)

All praise The Ancient Of Days
To demonstrate that their is no Christian-Judeo ethic , that Judaism has more in common with Islam .
Thanks. I have never looked upon the term Judeo-Christian ethic as a term denoting unity in ethics between the two faiths. It only says to me that Christianity was developed from the jewish faith.

Yes both islam and judaism have much in common they both seek righteousness through keeping laws.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days