A deep heart touching story


Valued Senior Member
It’s about muslim man named Rashid. He Says.
“I was not a practicing muslim, I had bad friends. I enjoyed going out with them. I was almost never home, but always at gatherings with friends, in these gatherings we backbited, gossiped and made fun of ppl. I was especially known among my friends to make jokes and ppl were impressed by the way I was so good at it.

One night (at the time I was 30 and married and my wife was pregnant with our 1st child) I was as usual gathered with my friends and talking useless talk. I was telling them how I was at the market one day and I saw a blind man and I put my leg out in front of this man and the blind man tripped and fell on his face. My friends laughed and so on.

When I went back home that night, my wife told me ‘were have u been?’ ‘I am so tired and sick and I think I am in labor.’ A tear dropped down her cheek.

I felt guilty, for I hadn’t cared about my wife properly.

I quickly took her to the hospital.
She was in pain for a long time and could not give birth, I waited patiently, but eventually I left and told the hospital to call me when she gave birth.
An hour later, they called telling me my wife had given birth to baby boy named Salem.

I quickly went to the hospital. I asked which room my wife was in. They told me I 1st had to see the doctor. I got mad at them and said “What doctor? I want to see my son!?!” they insisted that I see the doctor first.

So I went to the doctor, she first talked to me about calamities and that one must accept the will (qadar) of Allah. Then she told me, ‘your son is blind!’
My lowered my head and remembered the blind man I tripped and made fun of.

I didn’t know what to say, I thanked the doctor for her kindness and went to see my wife. My wife was not sad, rather she accepted the will of Allah (Subhanahu wata'ala).
She had always advised me not to make fun of ppl and not to gossip and backbite.

We left the hospital. I did not care about Salem, I did not like him, I pretended that he wasn’t even in the house. But, my wife loved Salem very much and cared for him.

Salem grew and he began to crawl, he wasn’t crawling properly. When he began to walk, we discovered that he was handicapped. This was too much for me

Later, my wife gave birth to 2 boys, Omar and Khalid.

Years passed, salem and his brothers grew. I continued to hang out with my bad friends and did not like to be at home. However, my wife was patient with me and she always made dua that Allah guide me.

One Friday, I woke up at 11 am (which was early for me) and was getting ready to go to a walimah (I did not go to Jummah). I got dressed, put on 3tter, and was about to head out the door when I saw Salem (who was 10 yrs old) crying very loudly in the living room.

So, for the first time in 10 years I cared and went to ask him why he was crying. When salem felt me coming near, he stopped crying and pushed me away as if to say, “Now you care, where were you for the past 10 yrs!”

Salem was calling his mother and brothers, but no one was answering him, so he went to his room. I followed him. At first, he would not tell me why he was crying.

Do you know why he was crying?
His brother Omar, who normally took him to the masjid, was late. Salem was afraid that since it was a Friday, he would not be able to get a spot in the front row at the mosque.
I said, “is that why you cried salem?” salem answered positively.
I, out of disbelief from what I heard, forgot about my friends and the walimah. I then told salem that I would take him to the mosque.

Salem could not believe what he had heard. He thought his father was mocking him. He then began to cry.

I wiped salem’s tears and took him by his hand to take him to the car.

Salem refused. He said the mosque is near, and he wants to walk there by foot.

I could not remember the last time he went to the mosque. The mosque was full, but I was able to find a spot for salem in the first row.

After prayer was over, salem asked me to get him copy of the Quran. I thought, ‘how can he want a Quran if he is blind!!!!’ so I gave him one anyway so that his feelings would not be hurt.

Salem then asked me to open to surat al-kahf. So when I opened it for him, salem began to recite. He had memorized the entire surah.

I felt embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I took a Quran and began to read. I asked Allah for forgiveness and guidance. I then began to sob like a child. There were still people in the mosque, so I tried to hide my tears.

I couldn’t. I began to sob loudly.

I felt a small hand wiping his tears away. It was salem. He hugged me and I thought, ‘you aren’t the blind one, for I am, because I ran after the evil people who would drag me into hell-fire.’

From that day on I never missed a prayer at the mosque. My wife was really happy.

I left all my bad friends and tasted the sweetness of eman. I went to halaqas. I became closer to Allah and to my family. I thanked Allah for this great blessing.

One day my pious friends decided to go to a far away place to make dawah. I hesitated about going, I made istikharah and asked my wife, to my surprise she encouraged me to go. She was so happy, for before I used to travel w/o asking her.

I told Salem that I would be traveling, he hugged me with his tiny arms, bidding me farewell.

I was away for 3 months and I would call my family and I missed them greatly, especially Salem. Whenever, I called I would ask for him but he was either at school or the mosque. Everytime I told my wife how much I missed him, she would laugh cheerfully.

Except for the last call, she did not laugh but her voice had changed. I told her to say salam to Salem and she said “Insha Allah” and was quiet.

I finally came back home and hoped Salem would open the door for me, but Khaled did. Then I saw my wife, her face had changed.

I asked her “what’s wrong?” she replied “nothing.”

Then I remembered Salem, and asked “where is he?” My wife lowered her head and did not answer. A tear dropped down her cheek.

I screamed at her, “where’s Salem, where is he?’”

My son Khaled (4 yrs old), said “Daddy, Thalem went to Jannah, he is with Allah.”

My wife could not handle it and she broke down in tears and left the room.

I found out later that Salem had got sick with a fever and went to hospital 2 weeks before I arrived.

The fever worsened and his mother stayed by his side and until his soul departed his body.”
It is sad when anyones child gets sick or dies.
I hope the purpose of this story is not to attempt to get anyone to sympathise with Islam or Muslims in general.
They are deceived by a murderous religion that is on a path of destruction.
Muslims will hide behind the skirt of innocent women, and little children while they shoot at U.S. troops trying to help them.
It is madness, .....no story, however sad can change that.
How many children did they put in the grave, even today, over a cartoon or a dome for a mosque....?
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No amount of religion can change your destiny. Its the way of the world. What's going to happen just happens, you can't manipulate it. Feeling the pangs of guilt won't make any difference. Move on, life's too short.

Rashid was weak, irresponsible and uncaring but none of this caused his son to be handicapped or to die. It sounds like Rashid believes Allah is punishing him for mistreating Salem. Why would Allah kill a kid just to teach a lesson to a loser of a father? In the end it's selfish of Rashid to think Allah is paying him special attention. This is where religion loses me, a god deforms and kills a kid to teach a no good, worthless piece of crap father a lesson.
Just a quick point:

When I went back home that night, my wife told me ‘were have u been?’ ‘I am so tired and sick and I think I am in labor.’ A tear dropped down her cheek.

I felt guilty, for I hadn’t cared about my wife properly.

So, right now it seems the man feels really guilty..

I quickly took her to the hospital.
She was in pain for a long time and could not give birth, I waited patiently, but eventually I left and told the hospital to call me when she gave birth.

And yet couldn't even be fucked to hang around and witness the birth of his own son, during the time when his wife would undoubtedly need him the most.

Not only that but..

I was away for 3 months and I would call my family and I missed them greatly, especially Salem

So here he expresses how much he misses salem..

Then I remembered Salem

Then a few sentences later admits that by the time he got back he didn't even remember that the kid existed.

The guy is full of shit and so is the story.
I thought this story was very nice, mashallah. It shows how bad people can be moved by only a child's pure heart. Everything one does in life, while come back to him. If he treats someone bad, he will get punishment for that in this life. This way he can repent before Akhirat, afterlife. Allah bless you. Salaam
A good analysis SnakeLord. Contrary to the thread title the tale did not touch my heart, but the back of my throat. You know, the point that makes you vomit. It is so obviously contrived and artificial.
Ophiolite said:
A good analysis SnakeLord. Contrary to the thread title the tale did not touch my heart, but the back of my throat. You know, the point that makes you vomit. It is so obviously contrived and artificial.
yes just like the qu'ran and the bible.
Well, I would have personally put my sorrowful hat on if there was any indication that this story was anything other than propaganda.

I'll tell you something Muslim...

Any real father would happily piss on god's face if it could bring his child back. No, he would not sit there and praise allah or yhwh or odin while forgetting his son even existed. No siree.. I can only hope you never find out what it's like to be a real father.

Further to which.. No real father leaves the hospital while his wife/partner is giving birth.
Nice job SnakeLord.

Can anyone in this world be taught a holy lesson without having someone killed or maimed by you know who?

As much as this story is bullshit there is a surrealistic resemblance to real life.
Aye, it's fucking bollocks.

"my son died.. praise the lord!"

I swear if I was religious I'd know many people worth killing..
SnakeLord said:
Aye, it's fucking bollocks.

"my son died.. praise the lord!"

I swear if I was religious I'd know many people worth killing..

No doubt. Put that story in the Bible or Quran and they'd eat it up as words to live by. I wonder if the other 2 sons will glorify themselves by blowing up someone elses's sons in the name of Allah.
Does it matter if its fake or real? Its making a point, no matter what happens you should always be glad. My granddad in Pakistan was attacked by a leopard, he lost his legs yet he would say what every god does he knows best. I mean he couldn't work anymore yet he was glad and not sad that he can't work anymore.
Take every religious element out of the story and you have a story of a man's relationship with his wife and children.

Add religious (Islamic) elements - and you have a story of a man's relationship with his wife and children.

Add religious (Catholic) elements - and you have a story of a man's relationship with his wife and children.

Add religious (other Christian) elements - and you have a story of a man's relationship with his wife and children.

Add religious (Hindu) elements - and you have a story of a man's relationship with his wife and children.

Add religious (Buddhist) elements - and you have a story of a man's relationship with his wife and children.

Add NO religious (NONE) elements - and you STILL have a story of a man's relationship with his wife and children.

There is NOTHING in the story that supplies any evidence of the existence of anything other than a man's relationship with his wife and children.
Muslim said:
Does it matter if its fake or real? Its making a point, no matter what happens you should always be glad. My granddad in Pakistan was attacked by a leopard, he lost his legs yet he would say what every god does he knows best. I mean he couldn't work anymore yet he was glad and not sad that he can't work anymore.

Muzz....you're not getting it. God is maiming and killing in your little parables(little kids, old men). Does this not strike you as a strange way for a benevolent god to act? Gramps said it, it's what god knows best.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Muzz....you're not getting it. God is maiming and killing in your little parables(little kids, old men). Does this not strike you as a strange way for a benevolent god to act? Gramps said it, it's what god knows best.

Yeah, but what god does is beyond our understanding. Its like when your a kid and your mom tell you not to touch something because its hot and you don't understand, but you touch it anyway and you burn your penis or hand can you blame your mom.

If if you're sick and your mom takes you to the doctors and gets an injection on your ass or arm, are you going to think "damn what a bitch?" you are going to think she knows better its for my good even though it might not make sense.

God works a little like that, a friend of mine was drinking he was an alcoholic and he killed someone while he was driving, and he was sent down for 5 years while he was in he started learning about religion. And when he came out he was like it was glad that happened, it really made me think about things, and now he is a fireman he saves life's and doesn't drink anymore. If that tragic event didn't happen in his life he would probably be dead or be lost in alcohol.
whats having emphasis for me reading this thread is goes something like this...'whateve happens its Allah's will'

now in te last few monrths i have observed two of the most horrendously upsetting photographs i hope i EVER have to see. both involved --puportedly--Iraqi children who have been gentically damged due to the effects of depleted uranium poisoning

i cannot even explain to you the horror of the pictures. really

but both photopgraphs the chidlren...and no way can you efen mae out they are HUMAh never mind boy or girl. they are holding hands with their parents or guardians

my immediate rasctions seeing this horror. was, HOW can they LIVE.

in our country we are supposedly animals lovers, right. espcially dogs. yet even so, if a dog gets some terminal disease, and/or is terribly crippled out of love wehave them 'put down'

yes tese chilren, so awfully deformed beyond imagination are ben kept alive. what kind of a ...LIFE can they have???

yet i imagine their gradians believe whatever somes to thewm is 'Allah's' purpose....?

to believe that is utterly vile. if you really loved them you would allow them to die!!!
Muslim said:
Yeah, but what god does is beyond our understanding.

Exactly. Don't pretend you know. You've just hit on why religion and everything associated with it is irrational and ilogical.