A Common Thread

How? I am not being cocky or arrogant or "holier than thou". I just want someone to explain how they have peace.
I suppose that depends what you mean by peace..

I'm not currently engaged in any wars, I'm not currently arguing with the wife, and I'm content, (as much as possible).. so yes, I guess I do have peace.

Of course things often change, so to make a statement such as "I have peace", with the implication that it's a never changing position is rather naive, or a sign that you're not married :D

Might I ask why you asked? Your original post comes across as if you have more to add to it..
SnakeLord said:
I suppose that depends what you mean by peace..

I'm not currently engaged in any wars, I'm not currently arguing with the wife, and I'm content, (as much as possible).. so yes, I guess I do have peace.

Of course things often change, so to make a statement such as "I have peace", with the implication that it's a never changing position is rather naive, or a sign that you're not married :D

Might I ask why you asked? Your original post comes across as if you have more to add to it..


NO I am not married. I am not old enough. Yes I spent about twenty minutes writing and I ended it with "I have Peace. DO You?" I wanted to say alot that required a lot more than I had written. So I deleted it all and left the end statement. I am a Christian and in all my struggles, and all my problems I have peace. It is something I cant explain. I just wanted to know if anyone else shared the same peace that I have.

His Son,
~Warrior61 ><>
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Peace doesn't require religion. But if it works for you, more power to you.

I have peace. And I don't have your religion. Indeed, I'm more at peace than most of those I know that consider themselves religious. But, as I said, I don't think peace is dependent upon religion. Nor do I think that the absence of religion would give one peace.

Then again, how do you define, "being at peace?"
Warrior61 said:
I have Peace. Do you?
Both yes and no. Internal, yes. I am happy with my personality. Externally, no. I have an acne-ridden face, back, and chest, I look liked an escaped convict, and I have almost no muscles.
But I'm working on that, oy.
I had a piece. Had to dump it after the last shooting.
Piece be unto you.
i think that if you want to retain your peace, dont try to explain that first post.
Yes, I too have peace but not all the time. Things happen in my life such as bills to pay, medical problems that inflict great pains to myself, concerns about health insurance, concerns over a hurricane hitting me and concerns over the pollution that I breathe and drink in the air I breathe and water I drink. These are a few things that distract me from time to time from keeping myself at peace all the time. There are also very peaceful times like when I'm out watching nature alone or meditating in my room alone or relaxing in my hammock at night watching the stars.