A Closure Look at Islam

Religion has killed more people than anything................... Glad I am not religious........

But where exactly did the notion that if we hijacked a plane, ran it into a building, killing innocent people makes us go to paradise?
I half believe in god on a just-in-case-basis. If he exists you dont want to have him mad at you and if he dosnt ther is no harm. Just as long as you dont try to jam it down anybody elses throat.
an opention

What I've looked from the some of the previous replies, I conclude that some of the repliers are confused about the Creation. First of all, you should judge on some things at least that you know about it. Most of them they are just repeating what others said. Everyone have his own understanding of his creature, that’s why when some one fall in a sudden trouble he said by default Oh my God. It means that there is a God and this God has Wright to order people to the straight path. I noticed that when some said that Religion has killed more people than anything.... which religion did you mean... Is it Islam, for my opinions I leave with allot of religions and I didn’t find harm from Muslims. And most of you meet Muslims are they harm or creating problems or just follow what the advertised Information is said. I've to rush now. I'll continue the speech later on... I'm not pointing out any one. We need to use our brain on dealing with such situation not admiring other thought.
Err maybe slightly off topic here..
If there is a god (which I doubt) why do we have to worship him? I mean the creation was a long time ago. Surely god can't expect us to be thankful forever. I don't worship Henry Ford for creating the car. So why worship god for creating the world?
Can I not just get on with god in the same way I get on with my next door neighbour? Friendly but not overly familiar.

Just an idea to cut down the carnage.
Dee Cee
Oh and another thing.
But where exactly did the notion that if we hijacked a plane, ran it into a building, killing innocent people makes us go to paradise?

From the same place that we got the idea to hang the Salem witches and thousands of others. It's just about taking on the enemies of god. As if god can't fight his own battles.

Dee Cee
Originally posted by DeeCee
If there is a god (which I doubt) why do we have to worship him? I mean the creation was a long time ago. Surely god can't expect us to be thankful forever. Dee Cee

Dee Cee, I don't think that we are made to worship god conventionally in concrete blocks like churches, tempels, and mosque. We worship god by satisfying the purpose of our creation correctly. First you have to understand the word worship. I understand more like respect and understanding position relative to the surrounding creations and creator. For example, you may say that the sun and moon worship the earth, afterall, the sun revolves steadly around the earth providing light and warmth day after day and does not get tired. The sun does not question, what the hell am I doing? I'm sick and tired of going around, I won't to be my own boss and dictate different route for myself. The earth does not serve the sun, but the sun serves the earth. The sun respects it's relatioship with the earth and would not disobey it.

Man is the same thing, I think man worship god by respecting his position on this earth and doing rightous. Our rightous doing is not benefiting god, but benefiting us, because it's making a purpose for our creation and deeming us good creations.
Man is the same thing, I think man worship god by respecting his position on this earth and doing rightous. Our rightous doing is not benefiting god, but benefiting us, because it's making a purpose for our creation and deeming us good creations.

Now don't be telling me that just because I'm a nice guy (and I am) I'm defaco a worshiper of the almighty. The crew at my local MacDonalds are polite efficient and friendly. Does god smile every time I buy a burger? Maybe he does, I hear he has a strange sense of humour. Just don't tell me that disbelief is as much an act of faith as belief. That line really pisses me off:)
Dee Cee
Dee Cee,
Fine, suit yourself, do whatever you want to be happy. You're responsible for your actions, that's what the Quran says. Also, I sensed from your writing that you seem to give material characters to god, calling him a guy and smiley and happy.....That's not the same god I worship, so we are talking about different subjects here.

Islam is about personal responsbility. Noone here will give you a cookie cutter to go to heaven to will throw water on you and tell you you are babtised and safe. Islam is about you and god and that's it, noone else gets inside this equation and justifies you to your creator, you have to do that.

The Cow
[2.48] And be on your guard against a day when one soul shall not avail another in the least, neither shall intercession on its behalf be accepted, nor shall any compensation be taken from it, nor shall they be helped.
[2.123] And.be on your guard against a day when no soul shall avail another in the least neither shall any compensation be accepted from it, nor shall intercession profit it, nor shall they be helped.
V19:77 Have you seen him who disbelieved in our Ayat and said " I shall certainly be given wealth and children [if I will be alive(again)]."
V19:78 Has he known the unseen or has he taken a covenant from the most gracious (Allah)
V19:79Nay we shall record what he says and we shall increase his torment (in hell)

Just between me and God eh?
Where does that leave the clergy? You think they wrote the book for power or enlightenment?

They have forgotten the message and worship the creeds
Dee Cee
Yes, Mister, you are not understanding a word I speak. The verses you bring support my logic completely. I'm tellin you that people should never say for granted that they are on the right course or saved or correct or whatever, because none of us have a true promise from god that we are so, until the day of judgement when things are determined. Only god knows what is in your heart, so it's only between you and god. Work rightous and believe in in the one god and that's hopefully all you need. No show and tell is necessary here, just live your life rightously knowing that one day you'll die and return to your lord. Pray to god for guidance to the straight path, but we'll never know if we are indeed on the straight path or not.

The Cow
[2.62] Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.