A clear reconciliation of the “Which god?” argument. ....



Whatever one concludes about the relation between the Ultimate Being of the theistic arguments and the God of religion, it is important to note that what is at stake is not a conflict or correlation between two gods, but between two concepts of god. When seen from this perspective, the work of philosophers and that of theologians complement each other. The culminate case of natural theology provides grounds for thinking that belief in God is reasonable whereas the theologian puts this belief in a larger, salvational, revelational context.

- Michael Peterson “Evil and the Christian God”

/enter henological discussion ;)

Whatever one concludes about the relation between the Ultimate Being of the theistic arguments and the God of religion, it is important to note that what is at stake is not a conflict or correlation between two gods, but between two concepts of god. When seen from this perspective, the work of philosophers and that of theologians complement each other. The culminate case of natural theology provides grounds for thinking that belief in God is reasonable whereas the theologian puts this belief in a larger, salvational, revelational context.

- Michael Peterson “Evil and the Christian God”

/enter henological discussion ;)

What is there to discuss?

If you continue in your rejection. Yes to the lake of fire you will go.
There is no safety in rejecting the Messiah Jesus and no arguments, no matter how well constructed, will stand to protect those who reject God's Word.

Irrespective of whom one has faith in. If one is presented with the Gospel message of the Messiah Jesus and after consideration rejects Jesus as their Redeemer and they persist in that rejection till the moment of their deaths, then yes they will be caste into the eternal Lake of fire.

Amazing the lengths people will go to in their attempts to twist simple statements that they just cannot accept into something totally false.

The lake of fire is the eternal lake of fire and people will be caste into it and they will be in torment forever and ever.

If people don't believe that then so be it. But trying to twist the scriptures into saying something totally different to what it clearly states smacks of the desperation of those who cling onto anything that will save them from fear.

.........two concepts of god. When seen from this perspective, the work of philosophers and that of theologians complement each other. The culminate case of natural theology provides grounds for thinking that belief in God is reasonable whereas the theologian puts this belief in a larger, salvational, revelational context.

- Michael Peterson “Evil and the Christian God”

I'm glad they got their act together. 'Grounds for thinking' means 'we're not sure' and.... 'Theologian puts this belief' means 'we're not sure either.

Sorry LG but Greenburg is right, what's to discuss?

What is there to discuss?

Perhaps how such views, when taken out of their salvational, revelational context, underides the value of philosophy .... and I guess we all know the value of religion without philosophy, eh?
I'm glad they got their act together. 'Grounds for thinking' means 'we're not sure' and.... 'Theologian puts this belief' means 'we're not sure either.

Sorry LG but Greenburg is right, what's to discuss?
the purpose of philosophy is to provide the means to pursue an interest, and pursuing an interest is what grants the confirmation of a hypothesis.

If it was the case that philosophy by itself was sufficient to justify a claim, the world certainly would be strange
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