A christian perspective


Regarding the film: The God who wasn't There

"That film is trash for cash, fleecing suckers who are poorly read by spewing old passe materialist arguments of pagan myths and copycat messiahs.

The dying god myth erupted in civilizations all over the world. The mythologies emerged independently of one another, in civilizations that did not all have contact with each other, at least before the myths were formed.
In fact, one emerged in the preColumbian Americas. This means that these myths, some of more spiritual value than others, had an independent source from one another.
JRR Tolkien said the myths were written on our hearts by God. These mythologies would reflect a splinter of light from God's truth.

This is similar to the commonalities among world's religions, where the concept of God, a spiritual world, karma, devils, a powerful demon, angels, rituals and blessings, prayers, meditation, emerged independently in various tribes and civilizations. This is because it reflects God's truth as written on our hearts and revealed to us thru nature and the spiritual world.
To say there are many views of God doesn't mean He doesn't exist, rather it is a sign that God does exist, but is viewed and explained in different ways thru various cultures and revelations. The Hindus would say God is so large and incomprehensible he is like an elephant, you grab his tail and think you have seen Him, in fact you will never see his trunk. God is simply the incomprehensible Other, and only thru material images, myths, parables, can the Other side be explained. The dying God myth not only revealed God's love for us, but His desire to experience pain and sacrifice for us. God is on the side of those who suffer.

What makes the Bible special, according to Tolkien, was that it reflected all of the great world religious lessons, pagan mythologies, all rolled into one book. The Old Testament was more elegant and prose tic than the New Testament, which should be expected. The great meditations on the preview of the Messianic truths are going to be more poetic and majestic than the blunt history of the messianic revelation, seen thru the eyes of the Jewish and Greek traditions.

What made Jesus different than the other dying God myths, from Latin America, Africa, Greece or Europe, Oden Dionysus, whatever, is that Jesus was historic-they weren't. All the great faiths and pagan mythologies, all the dying God myths, were a setup for the one time in mankind's history that God intervened in events. It inspired a businessman in a Jewish suburb of a Gentile city in Palestine, owner of a fishing vessel, a home and a family, to risk his comfortable existence and his life to make this truth known. His name was Peter, and the truth he told touched something inside billions-the Logos, Wisdom in Creation, God was among us in the flesh, and is with us in a proactive spirit, the Providential design. Amen. "

They flagrantly copied and precede to carnalize their deity which they were against but called it a "set up." Later they deceitfully coverup and throw that shit back in their faces calling their beliefs "pagan." They've got to be one of the most lowdown and deceitful shits in existence.

The Proof
The assertion that Jesus Christ is a myth can be proved not only through the works of dissenters and "pagans" who knew the truth - and who were viciously refuted or murdered for their battle against the Christian priests and "Church Fathers" fooling the masses with their fictions - but also through the very statements of the Christians themselves, who continuously disclose that they knew Jesus Christ was a myth founded upon more ancient deities located throughout the known ancient world. In fact, Pope Leo X, privy to the truth because of his high rank, made this curious declaration, "What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!"15 (Emphasis added.) As Wheless says, "The proofs of my indictment are marvellously easy."

The Gnostics
From their own admissions, the early Christians were incessantly under criticism by scholars of great repute who were impugned as "heathens" by their Christian adversaries. This group included many Gnostics, who strenuously objected to the carnalization of their deity, as the Christians can be shown to have taken many of the characteristics of their god and godman from the Gnostics, meaning "Ones who know," a loose designation applied to members of a variety of esoteric schools and brotherhoods. The refutations of the Christians against the Gnostics reveal that the Christian godman was an insult to the Gnostics, who held that their god could never take human form.16
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