A Christian, Jew and Muslim walk into a bar...


Valued Senior Member
Haa! Just kidding ;)

This is just a general question, one I asked my Iranian buddy a few weeks ago.

Which is more powerful an influence on a persons outlook, culture or religion.

Do you think that Christians, Jews, Baha'i, Zoroastrians, Muslims living in the same middle eastern country and speakingv the same middle eastern language are typically of the same mind set or do they differ significantly?

Lets say the person lives in Pakistan, would you imagine that if they were a Zoroastrian that they'd think about things much differently than say if they were a Muslim?

It would be interesting to measure outlook versus religion in people of varying religions in the ME. I wonder if one is more inclined towards pessimism or optimism, more susceptible towards conspiracy theory's or more rational and also if religion effects views about secular institutions and separation of religion and State or democracy in general.

It would be an interesting survey, I wonder if Muslims in SE Asia find they think similarly to Muslims in Egypt OR if Muslims and Atheists in Egypt think more similarly to one another and nothing like SE Asians regardless of beleif.

It'd be interesting,