A challenge for science?


Here are questions by science journalist Richard Milton which he claims may challenge accepted science.

1.Excess Energy has been reproduced experimentally from Fleischmann-Pons cells in 92 research organisations in ten countries. What is the explanation of "cold fusion".

2. What is the explanation of the non-random mutation of E. coli produced experimentally by Cairns and replicated by hall?

3. What are the implications for living organisms of the discovery by Piccardi that chemical reactions in water are influenced by electromagnetic radiation?

4. What are the implications of the experimental findings of Gurwitsch replicated by Shchurin that some organisms under some circumstances appear to be able to communicate information at ultraviolet wavelengths?

5. Replicated trials have established that acupressure and acupuncture can produce repeatable physiological effects; how? If there are energy meridians in the human body, how are they mapped? What is their source? Why are we unable to detect them by convential methods?

6. Emotional states such as bereavement have been reliably shown experimentally to affect immune system functions; how? And how far?

7. How exactly does the placebo effect work? If the answer is 'suggestion' then how exactly does suggestion work? What are its limits?

8. Penfield has demonstrated experimentally that brain functions such as pattern recognition and speech are called upon alternately by some higher function which he calls merely the 'mind'. Where does this higher mental function reside? What is its connection with the brain? What are its capabilities?

Has he got a case here? Or are all of these outdated debunked pseudoscience? Opinions needed.
1. There is no cold fusion going on. I have a colleague who actually worked on this and his explanation is that certain metals like palladium can release heat under certain conditions, and that this is due to their affinity for hydrogen (or something to that effect).

8. The mind is what the brain does.

Richard Milton is an engineer not a scientist, and he's also an anti-Darwin crank and an ignoramus.
1. There is no cold fusion going on. I have a colleague who actually worked on this and his explanation is that certain metals like palladium can release heat under certain conditions, and that this is due to their affinity for hydrogen (or something to that effect).

8. The mind is what the brain does.

Richard Milton is an engineer not a scientist, and he's also an anti-Darwin crank and an ignoramus.

I agree theres no repeatable evidence for cold fusion I just looked into it in depth.
3. What are the implications for living organisms of the discovery by Piccardi that chemical reactions in water are influenced by electromagnetic radiation?

4. What are the implications of the experimental findings of Gurwitsch replicated by Shchurin that some organisms under some circumstances appear to be able to communicate information at ultraviolet wavelengths?

I am very intrigued by these, I have just looked them up, they have occured. These things are not pseudoscience.
3. I'm sure they are. This happens every time I make tea in my microwave oven.

What is Milton thinking then? He seems to think that this would challenge "orthodox science"!

Regarding number 7. He is correct on this one though, placebo effect is still bit of a mystery.
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#7 really needs to be studied more. No one will argue that.

#3 is obvious, but did you mean magnetic fields rather then electro-magnetic radiation? Otherwise it is obvious as we know that gamma/xrays/UV have the energy to break chemical bonds directly but this does not require water, nor is it mysterious. Lower strength EM light IR, VIS, and microwaves can indirectly break chemical bonds by heating which will drive reactions and conformational changes. Magenetic fields would not be mysterious either as they are capable of moving ions around which and postioning can definetly effect reactions but we are not there yet.

I cannot find some of the others. If the original article provides a way to find them could you link it please?
Wow, I didn't really know that this world existed. They actually have FAKE JOURNALS?????? WTF!!!! What do people like this expect to gain? Are they just trying to get there name in the record books or something??
#7 really needs to be studied more. No one will argue that.

#3 is obvious, but did you mean magnetic fields rather then electro-magnetic radiation? Otherwise it is obvious as we know that gamma/xrays/UV have the energy to break chemical bonds directly but this does not require water, nor is it mysterious. Lower strength EM light IR, VIS, and microwaves can indirectly break chemical bonds by heating which will drive reactions and conformational changes. Magenetic fields would not be mysterious either as they are capable of moving ions around which and postioning can definetly effect reactions but we are not there yet.

I cannot find some of the others. If the original article provides a way to find them could you link it please?


You can read his entire website here, better than the achived version. Regarding my first post, I typed them up from his book "Forbidden Science" I will try and locate the references.
#6 The how is unclear, but the effects are there

#4 What organisms? What kind of communication? Is he talking about speach or just basic animal calls?

#5 Accupuncture working has to do with the bodies own repair and signaling systems, not magic.