A Cautious Enquiry About A Cocktail Of Drugs


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Okay, so, hypothetically, Reading is coming up, and, between a hypothetical person's friends, a cocktail of drugs will be brought, including e, cannabis, alcohol, viagra and a aphrodisiac pill called Lust.

The hypothetical person has already decided he's not doing e or cannabis. The viagra might be hypothetically fun, but obviously in moderation 'cos he heard it can enduce a heart attack. Is it also true it disagrees somewhat with alcohol?

And regarding Lust. The hypothetical person has never heard of it, and is just wondering how dangerous it is, and whether it too, hypothetically, might disagree with alcohol.

I know someone whose life now a lot harder thanks to drugs.

Abusing them affects inteligence, enough said.
Why anybody would take Viagra if they didn't need to baffles me.

Never heard of "Lust" either. You'd be very silly indeed to take something when you don't know what's in it. Which is one good reason I don't take illegal drugs. You never really know what you're getting.
And even if you think you know.
I know people who lace their pot with coke, etc. And even if you knew that ahead of time you're fucktarded to do it anyways.
US researchers have developed a new drug that will help restore a man’s libido.

The world’s first “lust drug”, PT-141, is a copy of a chemical called melanocyte stimulating hormone that increases sex drive.

Viagra already deals with the physical effects of impotence, and if combined with PT-141 the effects of the drugs “would be extremely powerful”, say PT-141’s manufacturers.

The therapy is inhaled 30 minutes before sex, and tests have shown a 70 per cent success rate.

PT-141 has also been found to suppress the appetite, and could lead to new treatments for dieters.

The Daily Mail
23 February

© Global News Services Ltd

No drug will make you a sex god
by Dr Petra Boynton
Sex editor

It would be fantastic if we could pop a pill and become fantastic in bed, which is what these headlines suggest.

Many of us confuse 'libido' - a desire to have sex, with being a good lover, but the two do not naturally occur together.

We hear from hundreds of men who feel sexy but who are unable to please their partner, or feel they're still missing out in sex.

And we hear from as many men who have completely lost their sexual drive due to physical or emotional health problems, or relationship difficulties.

A pill won't give you the skills to give your partner an orgasm, and making you feel desire won't necessarily help if you've a chronic health problem or are heading for a divorce.

Luckily you don't have to believe the hype, or wait around for a 'magic pill'. You can increase your sex drive by eating healthily, getting exercise, cutting out smoking and drinking alcohol, and learning about how you and your partner's bodies work, and exploring what turns you on.

If you are having sexual problems due to stress, or poor emotional or physical health, you can enlist the help of your GP to overcome these.

OK, so it's a little more work than popping a pill, but these suggestions are proven, whilst PT-141 is still pie in the sky.

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Unless you are planning to partake of and be constantly active in a 24 hour sex orgy, then I don't see why you would even consider, taking viagra or lust. Apart from the health aspects, a young person like you should have a perfectly adequate sex drive and enough sex hormones to keep you and your partner occupied for hours, without resorting to artificial stimulants.

Reading is a rock festival, where presumably, you just want to chill out and enjoy the music, so, why take E? It will only make you feel hyper for a while and you might even develop a deep crush on the tent pegs as you sit there dehydrating. If you must take drugs, then the ideal choice for this particular situation, would have to be cannabis... just make sure that it's not laced with anything and don't overdo it.