A Catholic's Thoughts on the Death of the Pope

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Back in 2001 I had a dream in which I met the Pope, and he showed me his successor -- more middle aged than old, and tall, even slim. the Pope told me that he would be assassinated because "2 or the 10" would veto him. But the Pope told me to follow him.

Hmmmmm. Sounds like the shuffling for Power and the intrigues in the Vatican could boil over into deadliness. So if some big fat short old guy gets elected onto the Papal Throne, I'll have to look in the newspapers to see if some MiddleAged Tall Thin Cardinal had had an unfortunate accident.

Lucy, the Last Seer of Our Lady of Fatima had only died a month ago. John Paul had though that he had been saved in 1981, from his own assassination attempt, by Our Lady of Fatima.

It may be a strange coincidence, but when Pope John Paul was still just an Arch Bishop in Poland, his diocese was host to something of a Saint and a Saintly Ministry – Sister Faustina who put together the Divine Mercy Movement. She had holy visions and was given Prayers and Practices to pass on. It was Arch Bishop John Paul who first began to sponsor her for Sainthood and he personally walked her File through the Vatican. As Pope he was the one who made her a Saint. He even declared a special Holy Day for her called Divine Mercy Sunday. He died on Divine Mercy Sunday.

The Catholic Church may be in for a rough ride. One of the Seers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Garabandal Spain, had said in the sixties that John Paul II would be the Last Pope of the Catholic Church. Saint Malachi of the 11th Century who had prophesized a complete list of Popes saw only one or two more. We may all witness the dissolution of the Roman Catholic Church. My own Angels had told me that "The Church of Paul would have one last role to play".

Saint John Bossco who lived at the turn of the 20th Century had a vision of the Church in the End. He saw the Church like a great battleship, but completely surrounded and being barraged from all sides, fighting gallantly but edging closer and closer to defeat. He saw the Pope killed. And then quickly a new Pope took the wheel. This New Pope decided instantly to emphasize only Two Things -- the Blessed Sacrament of the Holy Eurcharist, and The Blessed Virgin Mary as the Immaculate Conception. all other antagonisms to the enemies of the Church were abandoned, and the fight would be limited to only these two essentials. Instantly it seemed that most of the enemy melted away. Some even turned their guns against the others as they joined in alliance with the Catholic Church.

It would be no news to anybody that Pope John Paul II had made beaucoup enemies for the Catholic Church over issues that seem only to add up to being bad social policy. Opposition to contraception and abortion. Why the devil should the Catholic Church focus on the Sex Business, while in the 30 Years of his Reign never speaking out once for any solid Spiritual Issue? I like speaking of Saints, but John Paul Ii has done his best to muddy up that also -- His Vatican has declared more Saints than any other Pope -- political Saints to underline his social agenda. It hurts the cause when just anybody is declared a Saint... people will lead to believe that every Saint had always been the same kind of empty frauds that John Paul pushed through just to make some political point.

It will be interesting. The Sick Old Crippled Cat is dead, now Long Live the New Cat, and lets see whether the Cardinal Rats and Bishop Mice can get away with the Same Ol Same Ol that they had been getting away with before.