a beginners take on evolution versus religion


Registered Member
First i will say that i am not a religious person myself. i believe that religion is an attempt to stave off the ultimate reality; death. or more correctly the concept of mortality. the difference between religion and evolutionists (science) is that evolutionists seek truth by rationalization through hard, established, concluded scientific fact. religion seeks truth through faith. but what is "faith" exactly? is it accepting what is put before you because it seems like the most "logical" or "feasible" thing to believe in. to those outside of religion, i think that's what it appears to be. but for the religious people i think they feel in their heart that "he" is (exists).

Think about this. the human race has been around for how many years? the pioneer of natural selection and evolution, charles darwin, lived in the 18th century. in the grand scheme of things (the history of humankind), a couple of hundred years is the blink of an eye. it's only in the last 50 years that the evolutionist's point of view is beginning to become more widely accepted. before this time, religion was the ONLY answer available to us. what am i saying is that only RECENTLY the evolutionary theories have been put forth, and gradually people will grasp its concepts and accept its truths. as technology advances more and more will be proved, and in doing so will weed out religious followers...more evolutionists = less religious. because religious people are a dying breed. another thing, i dont quite understand the way people attempt to converge religion and science into one, so if anyone can enlighten me then please do so. god made adam and eve and they copulated or monkeys copulated and involved into us over billions of years. i know which one sounds more feasible to me
west_side said:
religion seeks truth through faith. but what is "faith" exactly?
Faith is believing something as fact when you have no logical reason to do so. ;)
It is important to remember that religion, per se, is not incompatible with the theory of evolution. It is only the fundamentalist brands of religion which are incompatible.