A beautiful teaching I would like to share:


Open-minded Scientist
Registered Senior Member
I have made it no secrets that I am an atheist. Yet, even for someone whose essentially an atheist like me, I really could resonate with these beautiful teachings from the Ramayana. This really is what true religions should preach:

"The greatest devotion to God, is the devotion to our world, and spreading harmony"

"Man is enchained with two shackles - an iron shackle of wrong(ignorance, arrogance, greed) and a golden shackle of right (happiness, love, compassion) only when man can break away from both, does he become liberated and enlightened"

I think we all can learn from these two beautiful lessons, regardless of which religion or philosophy we belong to. Why do we have to pray to a God, and consider our duty to him is fulfilled, when we really can please him by helping one another.

Why do we long for happiness, love, and compassion, but, not for knowledge?

There is something I've started to realize, and that is, how vast, limitless and wondrous our universe is, and that our understanding and knowledge of it, is not even a droplet in a vast ocean. Yet, so few are thirsty to drink from it. For me, drinking even a single droplet from this ocean of knowledge refreshes me and revitalizes me like nothing else on this Earth. Why do we spend our few years of life in monotonous cycles of love, greed, arrogance, happiness, duty, why are we completely self-absorbed in this illusion we call time/matter/existence when there is an entire ocean of knowledge that is beckoning us.

There is so much we can do for our world, for our race, for our planet, for other life, and for our own enlightenment - Then why don't we do it?

Why do we think we have knowledge of the universe, when an entire ocean remains untouched?
Why do we slaughter other animals, to make meals or luxuries for ourselves, when nature has already given us so much?
Why do we hurt our own mother Earth, by poisoning her, polluting her and tearing her apart?
Why do we pray to God, and think we are fulfilling our duty, when instead we can help his creation?
Why do we hurt others of our kind, when they are just like us - they laugh; they cry; they love; they hurt; they care; they dream; they feel - honestly, they are just you, but born in different conditions
Why do we think we are so important, when we are not even the worth of an atom to the universe, and our "existence" not even a nanosecond.?

Nature, gave us intelligence for a reason; to use it and to help creation. Yet, why is it so rarely used? We can all harness this intelligence we have been given, by transcending our subjective reality(mental box), overcoming our emotions and gaining control of our mind, and by doing so, we can really benefit the rest of the world and raise it's level of consciousness. I don't think we realize how powerful and useful our mind really is. I'll just say this much; it's powerful enough to solve all our problems and answer all our questions; you just need to use it.

I do not think we were born to - eat, drink, and be merry :) We may have a purpose, much like a pen has a purpose to write, and our purpose is to use the abilities the universe has given us for the greater good of mankind, of our planet, of other life, and the universe itself. I think it is about time we start doing that. We can build a better tomorrow today.

Don't give people like me the opportunity to denounce humanity as primitive. Show people like me that humanity is worth something.

I just needed to share this. Thank you for reading :)
the way I see it,religions exists only to enslave,control,divide people,get rid off religions and there will be peace in this world.
Q25 said:
the way I see it,religions exists only to enslave,control,divide people,get rid off religions and there will be peace in this world.

The way I see it is that Ramayana has some tough rules to follow but shows the way to live your life correctly.

crazymikey - thanks for that post - very interesting. :)