A absolute state of Nothingness

Sure, heres one now

It depends on what you mean by nothingness in its most absolute conotation. I'll go with the - empty of matter, no quantum fluctuation, absence of time type of scenario. Well the answer is no because that was the situation before creation and there was only 'God', nothing else, before that there was only 'God', nothing else for all past eternity even before eternity there was only 'God'. :cool: Peace Amp
This will probably get ripped but

even if you are able to get to imagining the absence of anything which is 'nothing' one realizes nothing itself is something. Semantics? ;) Peace Amp
Originally posted by dkb218
The "Mind" wonders can can there be an absolute state of nothingness? Any thoughts?

In a word, no.

Amp pretty much said it all as far as i am concerned, but i would like to add that the buddist idea of nothing/void is pertaining to material formlessness, nirvana.


Jan Ardena.
Yes, there's absolute nothingness. That's what death is.

During life, being in a deep sleep or unconscious comes close... at least, reflecting after the fact on what it was like to be unconscious is absolute nothingness.
Not quite sure what is meant by nothingness but certainly I can reach a state of mind during meditation where I am not experiencing any thoughts. Does that count?
If there's any experience involved, then personally I would say it doesn't count. I assume it means you're just the low-level activity or background noise... if it were nothing at all then it would simply be a gap (like being unconscious) and you'd not realize you'd even been in the state except by looking at your watch.

You've all missed the point completely.
Ok then the answer is no, since something must have always existed. Either the universe is infinite or gods were around, but even they had to have come from somewhere.

So there has never been an absolute state of nothingness. But can there be one in the future? No, because everything that there is must go somewhere.

If we didn't have a nothing, we couldn't define what it is to have something. Linguistically a nothing can't exist, since it's a state of not existing, but in a practical sense we do in fact have the concept of lack of existing.
Hoth, Even that is semantics ->

'The state of not existing' is technically something. Like the oxymoron 'Nothing at all'.
Which is why 'God' is properly understood to be pre-exisitence/self-existent-inifinite extent, formless, infinite dimension,singularity, infinite reality. :) Peace Amp
***The "Mind" wonders can can there be an absolute state of nothingness? Any thoughts?***

Probably not. In my mind, there has to be something which always existed. The one something which had no cause. The one something which had no beginning. The one something which was uncreated. An uncreated creator/source of all other things.