911: the Road to Tyranny

Who is behind 9/11?

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I used to love Alex Jones, but very recently I came to the realization that he's not all he's cracked up to be. The problem is, he mixes the very real, very scary truth with his own uber right wing scare tactics. The New World Order isn't on the verge of throwing everyone in camps because we are going to vote every one of those assholes out of office starting on Nov. 2 2004. Jones leaves you with a sense of hopelessness that there is nothing to do and they are on the march. He's wrong. Instead of scaring people, he should be concentrating on mobolizing people to un-elect those in power.

If Bush is re-elected, maybe he will come of some good, but at the present, he is a fear mongerer.
top mosker said:
. The New World Order isn't on the verge of throwing everyone in camps because we are going to vote every one of those assholes out of office starting on Nov. 2 2004.

Amen to that, I have an old friend who has always been die hard republican, he was even a young republican as a student. He just emailed me last week to tell me he has seen the light :) If he can no longer support the GOP then god only knows how many others they are losing.
top mosker said:
I used to love Alex Jones, but very recently I came to the realization that he's not all he's cracked up to be. The problem is, he mixes the very real, very scary truth with his own uber right wing scare tactics. The New World Order isn't on the verge of throwing everyone in camps because we are going to vote every one of those assholes out of office starting on Nov. 2 2004. Jones leaves you with a sense of hopelessness that there is nothing to do and they are on the march. He's wrong. Instead of scaring people, he should be concentrating on mobolizing people to un-elect those in power.

If Bush is re-elected, maybe he will come of some good, but at the present, he is a fear mongerer.

For at one time being such a fan of Alex Jones it does not appear that you have done much research into his work. While it may appear to some that Alex presents his personal views with a certain tone, by doing your own research (as Alex encourages) it is easy to see that the facts that are presented are not only VERY real but in some cases much worse a reality than presented.

You are correct when you say that the New World Order isn't on the verge of throwing everyone into a concentration camp. However, the fact that camps of this magnitude are being constructed is as you say a "very real, very scary truth". Here are some results of a quick search. Keep searching and you will find many articles from major news sources around the country.

FEMA’s Plan for Mass Destruction Attacks: Of Course It’s True

What is FEMA preparing for? I'm sure we'll see soon enough. ;)
The fact remains you are gradually being trained and conditioned to accept this form of infringement on what use to be your civil liberties. Take the most recent example: Florida. Absolutely fucking ridiculous, armed men with machine guns delivering water to residents door to door. Just more reinforcement that armed military in your streets is a good thing and that they are here to help. Doing a little research you can continue finding information on dry run terror drills being run in cities during the middle of the night with often times population unaware. We've already been told that after a major terror attack martial law will replace the consitution. Gen. Franks Doubts Constitution Will Survive WMD Attack .

Don't forget the coming controversies with North Korea and Iran. Since we armd North Korea it is a great thing your "fear mongerer" removed the troops from South Korea. It use to be I would come across an article about Iran threatening to nuke us once a week. Now its almost up to once a day.
Iran warns of preemptive strike to prevent attack on nuclear sites
North Korea rejects new talks with US, calls Bush an "imbecile"
America's Next War?
Iran would retaliate if Israel attacked nuclear facilities: Kharazi

The troops are already spread so thinly that reservists finishing their duty are being forced back into duty. This is an obvious effect of enlistment rates drastically dropping. To support a war with Iran, North Korea, or any other, there would be without a doubt a draft to take place. This is not to say there would not be some constructed event that would have to rally American citizens behind the war and draft (Attack on American soil,massive terrorist attack links, etc). Despite how much the media and other governmental sources deny it the fact remains legislation is in place and draft boards currently have more funding than ever.
S.89 Universal National Service Act of 2003

I don't see how your point on how you are going to vote this out of office come November. These issues are much bigger than right and left. Both major party candidates support the same major concepts. It is nothing but a fashion that is designed to distract your from the real issues. The last place any of this should be decided is the presidential election.

"Jones leaves you with a sense of hopelessness that there is nothing to do and they are on the march. He's wrong." You're wrong. Alex continually encourages activism on county and city levels. To get involved personally with your local representatives, to wake them up, to get them to pledge to uphold your liberties. He realizes that this is one of the last areas where an individual can have a sphere of political influence. He constantly encourages you to wake up those around you, to make copies of his movies and give them away for free, to take some responsibility. Create awareness. More people need to start saying NO! The dangers lie within believing that your leaders have your interests in mind and not doing any investigation yourself.


There is a huge "Subject Archive" on http://www.prisonplanet.com/
Watch the movies FREE (including 911: The Road To Tyranny) under "Videos", listen to the numerous radio interviews under "Audio". Listen to the radio show 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. CST http://gcnlive.com/monday-friday.htm

Get on the internet and do your own research. Don't sit idly by and hope that voting for Kerry come November will solve your problems. Get Involved.

its clear sciforums doesnt want to consider the possibilities of our own government actually allowing this tragedy to occur to justify a means to go to war in iraq for oil and money.

anything thats attempted to bring awareness to you sheep is always thrown in psuedoscience just to discredit it.

what the fuck does 9/11 have to do with psuedoscience.

fucking agents.

Its just that all conspiracy theories are moved to pseudoscience. I’ll define conspiracy theories as “Any theory which portrays a secret government plot has accord of grand scale, yet stupid, buzzard and pathetic evidence of its existence is all that can be found.”
And yet, "pseudoscience" is an activity resembling science but based on fallacious assumptions.

I see nothing that resembles science here. Why should "conspiracy theories" that aren't pretending to be science be moved to pseudoscience? Why not the cesspool?

To the cesspool with the rest of the crap.
This thread is not "pseudoscience" nor should it be in the cesspool. These issues warrant genuine debate.
Actually the way sciforums is at the moment I'd say dump everything in the cesspool, wading through this cesspit in search of the odd nugget is becoming less worthwile.
Appeal to populous: no matter how many people believe that does not make it true. Even so the idea that our leaders let this happen is far more believable and likely then them making this happen.
Even so the idea that our leaders let this happen is far more believable

at least your starting to open up. (even if u dont want to admit it)

guys, why did the bush admin FIGHT every attempt to conduct a private investigation on the 9/11 attacks ?

why was Bush Sr. having breakfast with Bin Ladens Family Reps ?

how can you all ignore these facts ?? what the hell is wrong with you people ?

I seriously, honestly, and truthfully urge you to read the following excerpts from a well based factual and somewhat terrifying news article. Please take but five minutes of your day to read this, you will begin to see this entire thing in a new light. Below it i have linked to the FULL article, which if you are serious about the status of the world, i suggest you look over as well.

with knowledge i pray every night that people will awaken and realize whats been going on. I pray for those are the GOP convention, and i pray for the War in Iraq to stop. You may not agree with me, or this information, but perhaps together we can help make the world a better place... one thought at a time.


That the Bay of Pigs fiasco, "Operation Zapata," was organized by members of Skull and Bones, the ghoulish and powerful secret society at Yale University whose membership also included Prescott, George Herbert Walker and George W Bush; that two of the ships that carried the Cuban counterrevolutionaries to their appointment with absurdity were named the "Barbara" and the "Houston"—George HW Bush's city of residence at the time—and that the oil company Bush owned, then operating in the Caribbean area, was named "Zapata," is not "theory." It's fact.

That George Bush was the CIA director who kept the names of what were estimated to be hundreds of American journalists, considered to be CIA "assets," from the Church Committee, the US Senate Intelligence Committe chaired by Senator Frank Church that investigated the CIA in the 1970s; that a 1971 University of Michigan study concluded that, in America, the more TV you watched, the less you knew; and that a recent survey by international scholars found that Americans were the most "ignorant" of world affairs out of all the populations they studied, is not a "theory." It's fact.

That the Council on Foreign Relations has a history of influence on official US government foreign policy; that the protection of US supplies of Middle East oil has been a central element of American foreign policy since the Second World War; and that global oil production has been in decline since its peak year, 2000, is not "theory." It's fact.

That, in the early 1970s, the newly-formed Trilateral Commission published a report which recommended that, in order for "globalization" to succeed, American manufacturing jobs had to be exported, and American wages had to decline, which is exactly what happened over the next three decades; and that, during that same period, the richest one percent of Americans doubled their share of the national wealth, is not "theory." It's fact.

That, beyond their quasi-public role as agents of the US Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve Banks are profit-making corporations, whose beneficiaries include some of America's wealthiest families; and that the United States has a virtual controlling interest in the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization, the three dominant global financial institutions, is not a "theory." It's fact.

That the international oil industry is the dominant player in the global economy; that the Bush family has a decades-long business relationship with the Saudi royal family, Saudi oil money, and the family of Osama bin Laden; that, as president, both George Bushes have favored the interests of oil companies over the public interest; that both George Bushes have personally profited financially from Middle East oil; and that American oil companies doubled their records for quarterly profits in the months just preceding the invasion of Iraq, is not "theory." It's fact.

That the 2000 presidential election was deliberately stolen; that the pro-Bush/anti-Gore bias in the corporate media had spiked markedly in the last three weeks of the campaign; that corporate media were then virtually silent about the Florida recount; and that the Bush 2000 team had planned to challenge the legitimacy of the election if George W had won the popular, but lost the electoral vote—exactly what happened to Gore—is not "theory." It's fact.

That the intelligence about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was deceptively "cooked" by the Bush administration; that anybody paying attention to people like former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, knew before the invasion that the weapons were a hoax; and that American forces in Iraq today are applying the same brutal counterinsurgency tactics pioneered in Central America in the 1980s, under the direct supervision of then-Vice President George HW Bush, is not a "theory." It's fact.

That "Rebuilding America's Defenses," the Project for a New American Century's 2000 report, and "The Grand Chessboard," a book published a few years earlier by Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski, both recommended a more robust and imperial US military presence in the oil basin of the Middle East and the Caspian region; and that both also suggested that American public support for this energy crusade would depend on public response to a new "Pearl Harbor," is not "theory." It's fact.

That, in the 1960s, the Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously approved a plan called "Operation Northwoods," to stage terrorist attacks on American soil that could be used to justify an invasion of Cuba; and that there is currently an office in the Pentagon whose function is to instigate terrorist attacks that could be used to justify future strategically-desired military responses, is not a "theory." It's fact.

That neither the accusation by former British Environmental Minister Michael Meacher, Tony Blair's longest-serving cabinet minister, that George W Bush allowed the 9/11 attacks to happen to justify an oil war in the Middle East; nor the RICO lawsuit filed by 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the Council on Foreign Relations (among others), on the grounds that they conspired to let the attacks happen to cash in on the ensuing war profiteering, has captured the slightest attention from American corporate media is not a "theory." It's fact.

That the FBI has completely exonerated—though never identified—the speculators who purchased, a few days before the attacks (through a bank whose previous director is now the CIA executive director), an unusual number of "put" options, and who made millions betting that the stocks in American and United Airlines would crash, is not a "theory." It's fact.

That the US intelligence community received numerous warnings, from multiple sources, throughout the summer of 2001, that a major terrorist attack on American interests was imminent; that, according to the chair of the "independent" 9/11 commission, the attacks "could have and should have been prevented," and according to a Senate Intelligence Committee member, "All the dots were connected;" that the White House has verified George W Bush's personal knowledge, as of August 6, 2001, that these terrorist attacks might be domestic and might involve hijacked airliners; that, in the summer of 2001, at the insistence of the American Secret Service, anti-aircraft ordnance was installed around the city of Genoa, Italy, to defend against a possible terrorist suicide attack, by aircraft, against George W Bush, who was attending the economic summit there; and that George W Bush has nevertheless regaled audiences with his first thought upon seeing the "first" plane hit the World Trade Center, which was: "What a terrible pilot," is not "theory." It's fact.

That, on the morning of September 11, 2001: standard procedures and policies at the nation's air defense and aviation bureaucracies were ignored, and communications were delayed; the black boxes of the planes that hit the WTC were destroyed, but hijacker Mohammed Atta's passport was found in pristine condition; high-ranking Pentagon officers had cancelled their commercial flight plans for that morning; George H.W. Bush was meeting in Washington with representatives of Osama bin Laden's family, and other investors in the world's largest private equity firm, the Carlyle Group; the CIA was conducting a previously-scheduled mock exercise of an airliner hitting the Pentagon; the chairs of both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees were having breakfast with the chief of Pakistan's intelligence agency, who resigned a week later on suspicion of involvement in the 9/11 attacks; and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States sat in a second grade classroom for 20 minutes after hearing that a second plane had struck the towers, listening to children read a story about a goat, is not "theoretical." These are facts.

That the Bush administration has desperately fought every attempt to independently investigate the events of 9/11, is not a "theory."

Nor, finally, is it in any way a "theory" that the one, single name that can be directly linked to the Third Reich, the US military industrial complex, Skull and Bones, Eastern Establishment good ol' boys, the Illuminati, Big Texas Oil, the Bay of Pigs, the Miami Cubans, the Mafia, the FBI, the JFK assassination, the New World Order, Watergate, the Republican National Committee, Eastern European fascists, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the United Nations, CIA headquarters, the October Surprise, the Iran/Contra scandal, Inslaw, the Christic Institute, Manuel Noriega, drug-running "freedom fighters" and death squads, Iraqgate, Saddam Hussein, weapons of mass destruction, the blood of innocents, the savings and loan crash, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, the "Octopus," the "Enterprise," the Afghan mujaheddin, the War on Drugs, Mena (Arkansas), Whitewater, Sun Myung Moon, the Carlyle Group, Osama bin Laden and the Saudi royal family, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and the presidency and vice-presidency of the United States, is: George Herbert Walker Bush.

"Theory?" To the contrary.

It is a well-documented, tragic and—especially if you're paranoid—terrifying fact.

Michael Hasty is a writer, activist, musician, carpenter and farmer. His award-winning column, "Thinking Locally," appeared for seven years in the Hampshire Review, West Virginia's oldest newspaper. His writing has also appeared in the Highlands Voice, the Washington Peace Letter, the Takoma Park Newsletter, the German magazine Generational Justice, and the Washington Post; and at the websites Common Dreams and Democrats.com. In January 1989, he was the media spokesperson for the counter-inaugural coalition at George Bush's Counter-Inaugural Banquet, which fed hundreds of DC's homeless in front of Union Station, where the official inaugural dinner was being held.

Permission to reprint is granted, provided it includes this autobiographical note, and credit for first publication to Online Journal.
