9 yr old boy records stalking ufo

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
This is interesting. Although I am not so sure of the "experts" claim that the ufo is trying to abduct the boy. I mean, if they really wanted to do it, they'd probably just do it at night when noone is watching them.


"This odd footage was recorded by a nine-year-old boy who claimed a UFO had been following him every day for weeks.

The youngsters parents, who had never seen the craft initially didn't believe the boy.

But he then managed to film the bizarre object, which flies around, changes direction and eventually seems to vanish in mid-air.

After seeing the footage, which the boy captured on the parent's mobile phone, the concerned parents sent the footage to "experts" for verification.

The "experts" claim this is proof alien crafts are following children and camouflaging themselves from their parents, in a bid to abduct the child...."
The "experts" claim this is proof alien crafts are following children and camouflaging themselves from their parents, in a bid to abduct the child...."
What experts? :rolleyes:
The local nonsensical sensationalistic tabloid??:rolleyes:
A few questions for you MR.
Do you really believe such contrived nonsense?
Do you believe everything you read in these sensationalistic tabloids?
Do you agree that even if this "incident"did take place, that there is no other explanation?
Do you believe that such claims [or any claims including your own claims] should undergo scientific scrutiny being that this is first and foremost a science forum?
And finally, why do you only ever post threads that like the cheap tabloids you get these stories from, infer nonsensical unscientific and unevidenced claims, on a science forum, which you well know has members that support and invoke the scientific method?
I hope you are able to answer these questions honestly.
So what's your so-called "explanation"? And are you aware this forum's sole purpose is for the posting and discussion of exactly such sightings?
So what's your so-called "explanation"? And are you aware this forum's sole purpose is for the posting and discussion of exactly such sightings?
I have asked you some questions. Starting with "what experts?"
Can you answer them? Then I'll give you my explanation.
So what's your so-called "explanation"? And are you aware this forum's sole purpose is for the posting and discussion of exactly such sightings?
Anything far enough away will be perceived as following you. And there are no shortage of flying objects around these days, balloons, drones, kites, etc...
The main problems with the video are 1) providence provenance, that is, the chain of custody -- it has obviously been processed by people who cared more about branding the story than evidence. The logo in the bottom left corner. The edit to add the slow motion. The edit to remove sound. Why not an edit to make it disappear? Why not an edit to insert the object against a plain background?
and 2) the blurriness of the object. Other objects appear to be flying -- are they insects or birds. Are they in the relative foreground or background. Is the object a quad copter with a sky-reflecting mirror. Is the image a distorted image of a building as photographed on a sheet of glass or mirror? Is the object just a neighbor stalker's quad copter?
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Are you going to answer a few legitimate questions MR?
You'll find them at post 2

Here's some info I found on the experts.

"The boy’s parents were startled to see the footage that seemed to prove their boy wasn’t making his UFO story up and sent the bizarre footage to some UFO “experts” that go by the YouTube name, Secureteam10.

The UFO YouTube video, posted yesterday by Secureteam10 along with some additional info is claimed to have been shot August 22 and has had almost 16,000 views.

“Additional Info: Video was recorded in a suburb of Atlanta GA at around 3pm on 8/22/2015. Parents of the child contacted local police after this footage was captured, who’ve been unable to locate anything thus far. Anyone who’s also seen this please message us here or email us at TheSecureTeam@gmail.com

In some commentary that follows the UFO footage, the UFO experts from Secureteam10 conclude that the boy’s UFO stalker is possible proof that there is some other worldly entity stalking children while managing to avoid being seen by the parents of the children, all in an effort to abduct the young earthlings.

“It was almost as if this craft made itself invisible to the parents and only visible to the child, who was needless to say very frightened by this thing. This further corroborates other stories where these UFOs follow children, presumably to abduct them. This craft was luckily caught on video by the child who had run in to get the parents phone, ran back out, started recording the craft in mid flight. You can see the craft shape shifts, it changes direction it stops before finally dematerialising into thin air.”

The commentary also reveals that a neighbor across the street from the boy allegedly caught a still shot of the UFO, the stalker UFO occupants, apparently having their defenses up against being detected by a Mom or Dad, but not some interloping neighbor."

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2368516/uf...child-and-neighbor-video/#Lk69LAwo1VRr4AvQ.99
Here's some info I found on the experts.
"The boy’s parents were startled to see the footage that seemed to prove their boy wasn’t making his UFO story up and sent the bizarre footage to some UFO “experts” that go by the YouTube name, Secureteam10.
Well you answered one question. Thanks for that, but there are others. I'm just trying to establish why you either believe in such flimsy evidence of anything remotely supernatural or paranormal, and why you apparently do not believe your beliefs/discussions, need to undergo scientific scrutiny.

My explanation: Not sure, but rpenner has given a great explanation.
But I'll settle for that it is just a UFO, and most probably due to some delusional aspect of this child.
It most certainly is not an Alien craft, as there is no reason why any Alien craft would follow and child around, and obviously being of an intelligence, far in advance of us, why they did not just announce themselves to the proper authorities, instead of an impressionable young child.
Any such intelligent species would of course have no need for any fear off us primitive society.
Anyway you still have more questions to answer.

Looks like a quad-copter to me...

and yeah, they can be huge:


and lets face it... people make strange looking drones...


But I'll settle for that it is just a UFO, and most probably due to some delusional aspect of this child.
If the video is real and was shot by that child and it isn't a hoax (unlikely considering who it was that posted the video)..

The parents should be more concerned that someone is using a drone to spy on their child.

The UFO YouTube video, posted yesterday by Secureteam10 along with some additional info is claimed to have been shot August 22 and has had almost 16,000 views.
SecureTeam10 is a known hoaxer and he does it for money. And he actually makes a hell of a lot of money doing it. A quick google search has a plethora of UFO websites, by people who believe they are aliens and UFO's warning readers to avoid his videos because he is a hoaxer.

And it would not be the first time he has lied and was caught out lying and creating a hoax. He has been caught creating other hoaxes in the past.
Good background info Bells. Thanks. But the video could still be real, no? And I'm not so sure making money on Youtube videos equates to hoaxing. There is afterall alot of science videos out there full of ads that are making money for someone.
Well here's why I don't think it's a drone. The video shows this thing turning over in midair. There's even a clear shot of it positioned sideways. Now no drone can do that without spinning out of control. Whatever it was, it could turn over and around without losing control. The "experts" speculate that it is morphing. I don't know about that. I think it is just turning over and around.

Good background info Bells. Thanks. But the video could still be real, no? And I'm not so sure making money on Youtube videos equates to hoaxing. There is afterall alot of science videos out there full of ads that are making money for someone.
If the child filmed it, it could be a real video.

It does look like it is a drone and there have been reports and stories of people using drones to do stuff like this, like follow people or invade people's privacy.

As a parent, I look at that video and I would be very worried about my kids walking home. Not because of alien abduction, but because it has every indicator that someone is spying on my kids for purposes I would rather not entertain. Especially if this has been going on for days.

As for youtube hoaxing. It isn't uncommon for vbloggers to blog about something that is completely fake.

They post sensationalist videos and people subscribe and pay to subscribe. The more recently well known one was the guy who 'surprised' his wife by telling her she was pregnant by testing her urine in the toilet, and then a week later, they tearfully said she had miscarried and claimed it was a girl, even though they never even went to the doctors, during which period he posted videos that he was quitting his job to become a vblogger because it was so profitable, and afterwards, they had to admit they lied about a lot of it.. In that couple of weeks, they got over 100k new subscribers.



This guy, secureteam10, makes thousands out of it and was caught out boasting about it. He was caught out disguising his voice and pretending to be someone else in another video that was proven to be a hoax.

When you see even UFO websites saying to avoid his videos because they are hoaxes, then it does raise a few eyebrows.

A good rule of thumb is if it is from a known organisation, like NASA or official universities, for example, then it is probably not a fake. vbloggers, on the other hand, should often be taken with a grain of salt and a good rule of thumb is to do a quick search about them. secureteam10 has pages and pages on google about being caught out as being hoaxers on multiple occasions. Pretty good sign that a red caution flag should be raised.
Well here's why I don't think it's a drone. The video shows this thing turning over in midair. There's even a clear shot of it positioned sideways. Now no drone can do that without spinning out of control. Whatever it was, it could turn over and around without losing control. The "experts" speculate that it is morphing. I don't know about that. I think it is just turning over and around.


Uhm... quadcopters can flip and spin and do loops...

Well here's why I don't think it's a drone. The video shows this thing turning over in midair. There's even a clear shot of it positioned sideways. Now no drone can do that without spinning out of control. Whatever it was, it could turn over and around without losing control. The "experts" speculate that it is morphing. I don't know about that. I think it is just turning over and around.


Drones can do all sorts of things, tip in all ways, fly horizontally or vertically. Some can even make them flip.