9 Alive

I assume you are talking about the miners. That has nothing to do with belief. It has to do with highly-trained and deicated people working very hard.
Originally posted by Andrew111
See what man can do when he belives

So, your saying if I believe I am superman I can start flying around and have heat and x-ray vision or do I have to believe in god to be able to have super-speed? Insane people believe a lot of things, so can they do whatever they believe?
See what man can do when he belives

I agree, Man can accomplish much if he believes in himself.

So I guess those who believed and prayed while trying to escape the WTC but died were what, unworthy?

What about all the miners who have been killed in past mining accidents, are you implying that none of them believed?

What about aircarft disasters where everyone on board die, did none of them believe? I think you can be pretty sure that in a country that is predominatly xtian that many of them will be praying harder than ever before.

If we claim God is good for saving some can't we equally claim he is evil for allowing the others to die?

If saving some is a miracle what is it when he allows others to die?

If saving some is a miracle what is it when he allows others to die?
heya cris, I just created a whole thread on that entitled 'when religion pisses me off' dunno if you saw it or not. I def agree.
Originally posted by Cris
If saving some is a miracle what is it when he allows others to die?

You should know this by now.

"God works in mysterious ways." :rolleyes:


heya cris, I just created a whole thread on that entitled 'when religion pisses me off' dunno if you saw it or not. I def agree.
Saw it but hadn't read it. Sorry.

But yep, perfect, that, as you can see, pisses me off as well.

Take care

"God works in mysterious ways."
Ah yes, the incomprehensibility argument.

Strange though that when something good happens everyone seems to fully comprehend this god, but of course when things go wrong and things don't look so good for this god then somehow he suddenly becomes mysterious rather clearly and obviously evil.
